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  • 230226-ddraw.mp4



A few previously unposted drawings that were kinda preliminaries to the tentacle drawings a bit.  and other doodles of maybe Malon? Maybe also the Bombchu Bowling girl? She's so cool. 🤩 I had completely forgotten about her but she came up in the fanart voting comments and I adore her college student with a boring part time job vibe. Very relatable.

I've attached a timelapse of the first page of drawings here because I have it.  I had higher hopes for the little drawing in the corner but I very much lost steam and decided a big cauldron would be a better backdrop than piece of furniture. Maybe I'll give it another try in the future!




Oh wooow!! I love these, so cute! Lovely figure! That cat lady? <3


I keep drawing these cat characters. Eventually they will probably have to be in a story or something but for now they're just fun :)