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Hello everyone and happy March! The crocus are booming and I'm gonna try to keep it shorter this time!

Every month has challenges and February brought two entirely unexpected ones, being taken out by Covid for a week and also my FfaL misprint issue 😰Thank you for patience with all of this!

My goal list for Febraury was:
Physical Comics For Sale
Fanart/Theme Poll
⏹️✔️ LIbby & Holly Chapter 1 Cover + Gumroad Release (halfway!)
⏹️ Libby & Holly Chapter 2 Pgs. 1-4
⏹️ CYOA conclusion

Let’s get into the details!

Physical Comics For Sale

The physical comics release was a success, thank you all for your support! Once I made it through the initial shock of orders. The misprint issue I will be getting resolved over the next week and the replacements sent out. Printing and shipping really sucked up the better part of a week unexpectedly.

I think I sent out stacks like this three days in a row…all containing the misprint 🙃Oh well. This is what soft launches are for. Learning lessons.

Fanart/Theme Poll

While the store launch prep was happening I was drawing Storm and put the fanart poll up! I really love the suggestions you all put together and I’m excited to draw more of them!

It was really cozy feeling to be using the exact same halftone and color technique I’ve been using on Libby & Holly.

⏹️✔️ LIbby & Holly Chapter 1 Cover + Gumroad Release (This is half complete)

The Gumroad release I had planned for the last week of the month but then I got sick unexpectedly. The cover at happened mid-month though while I was making little adjustments and fixes to the book overall (getting those typos!)

I think I sketch more when I’m stressed…this month I sketched a lot 😅 Early on with this pencil style I was really feeling.

And  also this really soft brush style. Also a lot of fun and good for cute things.

Then it was back into my usually scratchy ink brush while I started ruminating on the poll stuff. I knew I was going to be drawing some witches but wasn’t sure exactly how to approach it differently than last time.

My fascination for the month was mostly with lines if I’m honest. I just got really excited about what lines can do just playing with variation in thickness and how suggestive they can be.

The witches started showing up in a big way around the middle of the month, just before I got sick. Once I was past my fever and could think again I was starting to want something to divert my mind from just playing a lot of Inscryption.

I started flipping through this scan of a Darkstalkers art book and I was OBSESSED with the lines and watercolor/marker techniques of the 90s art. I immediately turned it on the Libby & Holly cast and also accidentally made a really fun watercolor brush!

I really like how it works on painting hair in a stylized way, so then it was time to use it on witches and tentacles and I really liked the results.

I don’t know how much these read as being particularly different from my normal drawings but I had a lot of fun drawing them. I think part of why they came out  well is that I gave myself more time and space to work on them. Thank you all for providing me with that time and space. I’ve found the past week and a half of being sick as being very oddly rejuvenating from a creative point of view at least.💚

I’m gonna have a lot of fun things to show you this month, including resolving what I missed-- Libby & Holly Ch.2 Pages and The CYOA conclusion. Here’s what I’m planning:

🍀March Agenda🍀

⏹️ Libby Ch1 Gumroad Release
⏹️ Libby & Holly Chapter 2 Pgs. 1-6
⏹️ Poll Character Fanart
⏹️ CYOA conclusion

I think this is enough for this month’s goals. It would feel really good to be able to check all these boxes this month, and I’m hopeful! Going forward I think I’m going to temporarily open/close my physical comics store on a monthly schedule so I can be better prepared for when I’m doing orders and when I’m not. I need to find a rhythm to help it integrate with doing the creative work I want to be doing so I don’t get so overwhelmed.

Thank you all for the support this month, making all this possible and especially for encouraging me to rest.

It was so wonderful to know you had my back when I was sick. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️





Lol love the lil gal smelling the flowers!




I'm glad you appreciate her :) I've been trying to give these more interesting backgrounds:)


You said the crocus were booming, I was making a stocks>stonks joke