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After catching their breath, the spriteling works their magic upon the shriveled vines, fastening them into a fine loincloth to replace yours that was torn from your body in the fight. You thank the spriteling for the gift and bid them a friendly farewell as he departs.

You slip the loincloth on and feel a warm tingle as it touches your skin, the woven vines seem to pleasantly hug at your hips rather than biting in like your old garb. You feel somehow protected and rejuvenated.

Ascending the dim stairs you find a room with two doors, both seem to lead upwards but where one is rather warm to the touch, the other seems to have tendrils of cold air seeping around the cracks in the door. 

Each door bears an inviting gold ring handle, you reach out and grasp...



Hotted boobs!

Bowie Twombly

Okay, the voluptuous breast-doors is an inspired addition. I absolutely adore this adventure 😄


Ohhh, her back.. 😍 I love this whole project so much!! And the doors hahaha, beautiful!!

Bud Chudley

Warm ring = heat = fire. Cool = cold = either ice or water. Orcs can swim, pretty sure they're not fireproof. Voting for cold ring.