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You attempt to wrestle the demon plant into submission to free the spriteling, lest they be torn asunder in its fury from a direct assault.

You hurl yourself upon the rooted devil, your brawny arms grabbing for the stalk of the plant that binds the sprite attempting to squeeze it into submission.

The leaves give a brittle shake around you as you squeeze the stalk ever tighter. New vines spring up about your feet causing you to lose your footing, but not your grasp on the wicked plant. The pulsing jewel begins to burn angrily brighter.

You feel the great stalk above your muscles begin to wither and bend, even as you are being lifted off the ground . You give the spriteling an encouraging grin as they strive to free themselves and cling to you, their rescuer.

The jewel’s glow becomes a furious throbbing, the light glinting off the dank dungeon walls with intensity to match your own sweating exertion as you strain against the coiled vines to defeat the devil plant.

The plant’s vines tighten around you as the jewels' light becomes a searing brightness until, with a sound like a thunderclap, it shatters.  All at once the spriteling is freed from the plant’s withering grasp. Having lost its life-sustaining captive, and exhausted the power of the jewel, the enchantment fades and the evil vine withers beneath you.

A faint light becomes apparent in the now darkened room, emanating from a staircase leading upward. Which you must yet climb to claim the tower’s riches.

The grateful spriteling, having showered you with gratitude for your heroism gives you a gift before they depart. It is:



This is the most accidentally intimate rescue quest and creatively portrayed prehensile bondage scene I've ever seen ~ (h o t)


Oh thats very good, the accidental sex rescue is incredibly hot


Thank you Pan! I didn't set out to draw this much for it but ya know, things happen ♥️

Bud Chudley

Votin' boots to better kick things. Also more wonderful art Winton!


I know that feeling ALL TOO WELL ~


Amazing scene. Changed my vote to the boots after revealed the look on twitter. Those are FIRE 🔥🔥


💖 Thanks Mick! And thanks for mentioning twitter-- they were supposed to be attached on here but it failed somehow so I just fixed that!


Dude, I need to sit down I'm not ready for this whole thing. You nailed the tone, there is an orc, it looks amazing , love the colors you're going for, there is an orc, it's a great blend of adventure and silly, there is an orc...