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It's finally, finally done! I think!

Y'all know I cannot help myself, there are 3 new major additions to this post:

1. I added one more page at the last second because I felt like the ending was too abrupt, so now it's 18 pages! I thought that alternatively the last page could be a standalone print titled "Riding Lessons, Fitting for a Lady" 🏇🏻💞🏇🏻 A friend of mine mentioned that it kinda diverges from Gibson to pursue some Bernie Wrightson vibes, which I'm fine with because I'm also a fan.

2. There's a purely decorative page featuring a full pattern of smooching Eileens and Prudences which I'll upload separately in wallpaper format, but I mostly made to use as an endsheet on the backside of the cover on the physical comic!

3. The last page is an alternate pinup version of the cover, sans measuring tape, and with an alternate color treatment that I briefly entertained for the cover.

Thank you for supporting the creation of this comic, and I hope you it's completed form!

As a final note, if you're a Gold patron and downloaded this month's dropbox downloads, I've updated the dropbox folder with these new pages and when I've finished the PDF I will also add that to the archive retroactively.





Yeeeessss!! 🔥 Congrats my boy!! Can't wait to read this. Will you be selling the physical editions?


Physical editions are in the works! I am working on rebuilding my physical store so I can have physical editions of all my comics, printed on the new, big printer! 😤


Amazing work with this one.


This is perfect and sooooooo worth the wait. I love the use of the font/ typeface. The graphic design side of me is pleased. WELL DONE!!!


I am honored whenever I can please a graphic designer with my efforts! 😂 I get a little sweaty whenever I have to do any typography work haha


Love it, dude. You’re an inspiration for 1910s era erotica. Gibson girls man, you just don’t find women like that anymore.


It's just such a unique (and perhaps impractical) style! Glad you dig the work, Aalon!


Great story


Fantastic work




This is the hottest thing I've ever seen.


That extra page is perfect....good choice. The right choice. I will be purchasing a hard copy when it's avail. I sure hope it will be.


Thank you so much for the eye candy 🥰