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Still as yet working on getting the roughs for pages 1-2, but I do have them thumbnailed in a way that feels like it has a bit more room for dialog but is also more fun and gives me some room to homage a classic Gibson drawing by putting Eileen on a bicycle! :)

I might add one more page to the end but I feel like I have to mock up the dialog in order to see if it needs it or not, still we're inching ever closer to completion!

I had to take a breather at the early part of this week, there's a stress level that I try not to cross if I can manage because it hurts my productivity and also just is generally miserable to work through, and I let that happen back in March, unfortunately I think there's kind of a delay on the physical/emotional currency you spend to deal with that and the bill came due over this past week and I was soooooo tiiiiiiiired.

My challenge for myself this year is finding a better balance between the work I enjoy and the work I do for a paycheck and unfortunately I think a lot of the imbalance comes from me, not from external forces. I've always struggled with managing my time but it's only been in recent years that I've seen how it boils down to my ability (or lack thereof) to say "no."

I'm going to be cutting down on the amount of SFW freelance I do over the summer to help with this and I'm going to take a little vacation trip (probably hiking) next month. Ironically putting more boundaries around my time often makes me more productive because I spend less time worrying and more time enjoying my work.

That's a lot of babbling attached to a single page so I'll leave this topic for now 😂 Thanks for indulging and more importantly for supporting this work!

♥ Winton




I very much relate to you with regard saying “no” being difficult. I’ve ended up totally overloaded responsibilities at work due to the same thing, to the point that my advisor told me to knock it off! It’s totally hard - a vacation sounds great!


I hope you'll enjoy your vacation and that it helps you to get back to a more balanced and healthy stance 😊 This page is so pretty again, I'm always swooning over the realistic bodies you portray (boobies that follow the laws of gravity for example, and the darker labias here), and again I love the adoring looks the two exchange here 💕 I'm having so much fun following your Gibson Girls updates, as soon as I see the notification that you posted something new about that project, I jump to check Patreon 😅😂


1. Absolutely obsessed with this. 2. Enjoy your vacation!!! It's so vital and important to take care of yourself. Thank you for updating us!


😔 it's such a silly impulse, and most of the time it comes from a good place of just wanting to help out! I'm still struggling to train myself out of it


Ahhhh 💕💕💕 Fuya! I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying it, that's the highest praise! 🥺


Thank you Melanie!!!💕💕💕 I had a lovely time drawing this page so I'm glad you're digging it too!😭


Ahh yeah, can relate too much haha! Take it easy, life and health 1st , and I hope you'll have a great time! Hiking is clearly one of the best idea to refresh the mind!


It truly is! I don't think I've ever taken a vacation without coming back inspired by a new idea for a comic. It's the thing I resist doing the most but is always really good for me 😂

John Storm

Wow you can feel the vibration from these hot babes :)