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Well gang, this was one of those weeks where nothing went quite right. A lot of delays and last minute hiccups on my SFW stuff and then a bunch of technical issues(never install a new drivers in the middle of a project) meant basically no progress on the comic, which is frustrating, all I managed was these de-stressing, for fun sketches. 

I did realize something that's getting me stuck about the Gibson comic so far is that while it's only in b/w, the hatching style is different than my normal process and I am hyper aware of how a little bit of uncertainty can make me freeze up. No matter how experienced I become, I still find that little uncertainties add up to procrastination or just frustration and wasted effort.

So, in order to make sure I can keep moving ahead without second guessing myself along the way I'm going to treat the pages in a two step process. 1. Line art and 2. Shading.

It will be a bit more like the way I normally work that way, with line first and color or tone second, which is comfy and familiar, AND you'll be able to see more sooner. 

It's not elegant but I'm more concerned about achieving the goal of finishing the comic in March than I am about looking clumsy along the way. There's no real way to hide the fact that I don't know what I'm doing most of the time ^^;

That's the best solution I think I can come up with to insure that you all have a bundle of pages to see before the end of the month (which is coming up fast, yikes). I want to set output goals every month that are easy for me to achieve and fun for you to watch or be involved with too.

Thank you as always for your immense patience and support of my work!

<3 Winton




Hey, who cares about elegant, finished is better than perfect! Take it easy, no rush! And wow..I like the artworks 👀


Thank you Wuff! And I have to agree. I'm always fighting with myself to make sure I really am spending my time on what actually matters most. It's a terrible dichotomy--as an artist you want to care about the details, noticing the things nobody else does and as your own project manager you just want to make sure the thing gets done! Sometimes it really feels like there are rival corporate departments at war in my head, lol. A hundred little Wintons running around in suits, each complaining that it's someone else's fault nothing's getting done.


upper right sketch is just is on another level


I am very glad you approve ❤️ I think it was the last of the three I did, and those usually end up the best :)


I would have to write a book to be able to properly explain how much I love that you draw women with cocks. (I'd need a part 2 to explain why I love your art in general tbh.) The way they are so gentle. They aren't rough or violent when cumming or having sex. It's still so beautiful and romantic, versus how a lot of porn shows such women having no control over their sex drive so they are so violent and unable to fulfill their needs. Yet you draw them so...gosh again I'd say gentle and loving to summarize it so I don't actually write that book here. Either way I wish I could put it in better words how much I truly do love your art.


😭😭😭 Melanie you are too much! ❤️ Thank you for the kind words, this makes me so happy to hear because this is the exact thing that I am always trying to figure out how to communicate. It's frustrating how slanted toward aggression a lot of porn is, sometimes I'll find an artist whose drawings have a wonderful sense of physicality that I crave but the subject or tone is not at all what I want to see. I'm glad that you're enjoying my work for these reasons, it's truly the highest compliment because no matter how much sincerity I try to put into the work there's no guarantee it will come through to the viewer, so hearing it actually does now and again is everything ❤️