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Happy Saturday, everyone!

I did not have very much time to work on the comic this week, I'm sorry to say. Other freelance demands overwhelmed me and they'll probably continue until about midway through this week. I made about halfway through the first page but it's not quite looking how I hoped it would just yet. Here's a little preview:

I think with this comic I might have to draw a few pages before I find my groove, which means I'll probably do what I always do, post stuff and then "fix it in post." Making a lot of changes later on, once I have a better handle on the style and am a few pages in.

So please, bear with me as I make some awkward pages for the sake of progress, and in the meantime, enjoy this fantasy doodle. I've been listening to Conan the Barbarian stories on audiobook all week and by Crom, I just had to draw something involving a skull.

I hope you're having a great weekend and thank you for your support and patience as I learn new things.





Dude. Great are makes it self wait. You are awesome and your art too. Looking forward to whatever you post.


Thanks for the support Beren😭❤️ I know it will come, just maybe at it's own pace, not mine haha


When you're horn-y and see opportunity. 😏


Goshhhh ~ Your fabric rendering is already showing off exquisitely~!


The Victorian times moved at a slower pace; it only makes sense to represent it artistically would take longer. But really, I just wanted to say that your barbarian babe there is a fantastic piece!


I suppose you may be right about that, Donnovan, much as I don't want to accept it 😂 Glad you liked the barbarian!


taking "skull-fucking" to a whole new level. Man i loved reading lots of R.E. Howard Conan stories back in high school. Really hits the vibes.


😂 exactly. I'm glad to hear you're a fan. I've been listening to them in audiobook form and they're fantastic. I just love the pulpy simplicity of the stories and short serial format


Smutty uses aside, that skull looks really dope 😆


Hahaha, you know, as much as like drawing the naked people, honestly, the props are pretty fun too 💛