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I wish I could come up with names for these things before they were done so I didn't have to retro-actively change all the tags :) Here's a little sketch I did over the weekend while I was revising my thumbnails for the comic 😔

 I was hoping to have roughs done today but it looks like it's going to take another day before I can have the first batch. There's a nebulous period before I get to draw a page where I don't know how long the thing will take to complete, but after I've got a couple under my belt I'll be able to estimate pretty well when I'll be done. 

Currently I've got a 16 page story, which would mean wrapping it up in March, judging from how my previous comics go. I'm excited to get down to drawing it though, which means I'll be starting off the month with roughs and finalizing some character designs!

Hope you're having a delightful start to your week!





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