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I wanted to give a little lookeeloo at some sketch stuff for more than just Gold patrons sometimes so everyone can get a little sampling of the sketch content now and again! 

Plus some of the more extensive art talk, which I hope is interesting 😅

I did something a little differently with the comic planning this time, usually I have a process of finding certain scenes and compositions that I think will be really fun, dramatic or particularly sexy that I really want to see, they're kind of the visual highlights of the thing. I often think through them and try to fit them into the thumbnail process, but this time I drew them out too, in a kinda goofy cutesy style. 

If some of these moments weren't in the story, I probably wouldn't care enough to make it. One of my creative fears is that I'll end up repeating myself too much when planning out these scenes. So focusing on specific things like these that I hope will add freshness helps me feel confident that what I'm doing won't be boring to read.

I can usually find some sort of glimmer of interest that inspires me in any project, whether it's client work, commissions or drawing something I don't care about, particularly. I guess I'm an optimistic sort so I try to find something to enjoy in everything I do, else I would procrastinate on it terribly and not enjoy my work.

Gibson drawings have this wonderful quality where they are sometimes dramatic, chiaroscuro masterpieces where he creates deep, subtle tones through hatching that evoke a sense of light that is just staggering.

And other times they're these playful, graphic images where he celebrates the shapes created by the figures and their surroundings, which I have to imagine must have delighted and inspired a lot of mid century illustrators who played with graphic shapes in a similar way.

It's more than a little like this Bernie Fuchs drawing, you know?

I can't pretend to hope that my drawings will end up like these but you better believe I will try :) And I think that's part of the fun of making work in the guise of other artists, I get to plunder their best ideas (or at least my favorites) and use the techniques that their voice created to express the thing I like best about their art in my own work.

I guess some people might say that's how you find your "style."

Take all these ramblings as you will and if there's ever anything about my work either simple or complex, please feel free  to ask. It's the least I can do for you supporting me in what I do. ♥

Have a lovely weekend everyone!






Something I think about more that I care to admit to is few artists take advantage of the potential of historical split drawers, so I really appreciate that sketch in the second image ^_^;;


The fact that you know about split drawers-- you are the best, Rebecca 🙏✨❤️ my research will not go to waste because of you 😅


Take my moneeeeeey!


Split drawers 👌🏽 Reading about your process is really dope. I like these posts a lot, showing the process and method. Makes me much more in awe of where your (always) brilliantly crafted final pieces end up 💕


Aww thanks Sebbie, that means a lot! Everything has very very extremely bad and humble beginnings, especially my work. Having gone through the process a few times gives me a little more confidence it'll turn out as something worthwhile tho