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I was doodling women with gold jewelry, which is just plain fun, when the idea for the gnome/Liliputian drawing came along so I  kinda abandoned what i was doing here. The rough sketch kinda just took over and I quickly jumped over to a new canvas in PS to work on it more.

These feel so divergent from where I started the month, playing around with doing studies of anime models, but I still have them in the back of my mind as I'm drawing other things. I think some ideas are just kinda unfinished bridges. You don't know where they lead but later on when you're wandering across a page you'll find out that starting place lines up perfectly with another idea and then you have a brilliant new shortcut or piece of knowledge.

Right now I feel like a lot of my work is kinda running on incomplete loops, maybe the holidays are just nuts and that's why I feel off-kilter, but I think I'll be picking a small comic project to get going in January. Nothing fancy, just incrementally more complex in some ways, easier in others.

Thank you all for your generous support of my work and meandering thought process :)

♥ Winton



Joe Zuniga

These are wonderful!


Oooh that skull chandelier conjured such images in me... I'd love to see that scene elaborated on. Beautiful work on these sketches, such warmth and beauty.


Ahh I'm glad to hear that! There's something just so delightful about that kinda campy, metal fantasy genre that Conan the Barbarian lives in. Just such fun medieval like imagery!