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Here we are gang! I didn't draw Lady Dimitrescu in CSP so I don't have a timelapse of her 😢 I'll try to work on fanart projects in CSP more this month so there can be a bit more of the process.

While I've got your ear--I don't often take suggestions on gold tier content, sketches, etc. But beyond what characters you might have already suggested, is there anything else that would be fun to see more of? Process wise, art thoughts, tutorials etc.? 

I'm going to be mostly focused on the comic but if I have time I'd love to be a bit more deliberate in how I spend my sketchy time. :)


Enjoy and thank you for supporting my work!

<3 Winton




I think I'm always interested in process and art thoughts, especially as I finally get closer to delving into the craft of drawing nsfw contents. nerding out about line quality, shape design, composition, color choice, etc. but also how you choose your personal project narratives, how to approach certain topics in erotica in a respectful way (which i feel you handle very very well)


Thanks for these thoughts, buddy. I do end up thinking about these things a lot so I should probably make some effort to vocalize them. It might stimulate some interesting conversation too! Thanks for the kind words! ♥️