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Thank you all for supporting my work this past month and making these things possible! I didn't have a lot of down time this month but I did get to go to a lake a week ago and that did make a big difference in my enjoyment of the summer and give me some time to think about important things like sand and swimsuits and ice cream cones. I hope you all can find some peaceful time off this month!

Ivy & Pine made it to page 31--ish! (Still needs some work)

Did a little animation of Ivy for fun! (This probably took too much of my time, I'll have to budget better in the future if I wanna make more animations so it doesn't take time away from comics!)

Like I said, I think I need to budget my time better because there were less sketches in this month's dropbox bundle than I would have liked. A  lot more  of them ended up being rough comic pages and less idle doodles that are fun and refreshing. And help me exercise new ideas that might turn into comics.

Then of course there's Lady Dimitrescu--which simply took a long time. Just...so many lines.

I perpetually think I haven't done enough, but I'm going to do my best to just accept July for what it was.

I'd like to try to keep some regular fanart thing if I can. It's fun to draw new characters and it adds variety in the midst of making comics--and maybe will even give me some ideas for new ones...hit me with your suggestions for characters, even if it's one that's been suggested before!

This month my plan is to finish the remaining pages of Ivy & Pine and get it colored up and at least started on the cover art. I really want to be able to start something new or do some short low stakes comics for a month or two before starting on the next long form one.

I hope you enjoy what's to come this month! Thank you for helping make this possible!

<3 Winton



Metal Gear Ray

I don't know if we drop something here but what i got in mind for a suggestion is a sexy comic of Bayonetta and Lady (DMCV) Bayonetta is a school principal and Lady is the misfit student, Bayonetta calls her in here office explains about here bad behavior Lady doesn't care and so Bayonetta gives her a very seductive naughty punishment

Matt Bixler! Hello!

Just wanted to say I had to drop for a bit for money reasons, and I'm excited to be back!

Matt Bixler! Hello!

Oh and if we're suggesting people, Ulala from Space Channel 5!

Raymond Quintero

Horizon from Apex Legends would be pretty sweet.


Rampart from Apex or Symmetra from Overwatch?

Bud Chudley

Might as well go retro and suggest Marrow, an old character from X-Men (she was in one of the Capcom fighting games)


Jolyne from Jojo's bizarre adventure. I need some strong, hot woman content 😤


I'd like to see Tear Grants from Tales of the Abyss. More Princess Zelda is also always welcome, maybe with Ganondorf this time


I did suggest these before, but I'd love to see 2B from Nier Automata in your wholesome style or Nessa from Pokémon


Welcome back Matt! Good to see you again and I hope you're doing well! Ulala is an excellent suggestion. I never played it but I fawned over the art I saw in Gamepro. &lt;3


This works! Thanks for suggesting Bayonetta! Even if not a full comic, more Bayonetta art would be a good idea &lt;3


would you ever do oc crossovers? like pine in another artists style or cosplaying as someone like poison ivy or something along those lines?


Ooooh GOOD SUGGESTIONS. I love Rampart's gap tooth, so cute. Thank you for mentioning these two Laz &lt;3


Oooh interesting! I was not familiar with her but I do really like the Capcom rendition of her--that pencil/watercolor look from those games is very nostalgic to me!


I don't know anything about JBA but I believe you and I do love her look :D Thanks for the suggestion Michael!


Oh! Interesting suggestion! Totally new to me! I don't generally go in for JRPGs but I did try to play the Tales games in particular just because they have some of the best art, I do love it. Thank you for the suggestion Brovyle!


Ahhh! Thank you for the reminder! I'm so slow at games but I have been playing Nier Automata so 2B is a certain choice-- Nessa is another one that would be a lot of fun to do. Athletes are so fun to draw :)


Tbh I never even thought about it! I feel like I'm so new to having ocs, maybe that's weird to say but it's how it feels. Drawing ocs in another style would be super fun tho. Iiiiiiiii might have to try that ☺️ thanks November!!


I don't know if you've seen the Netflix Castlevania, but it's got some choice hot ladies in it. I'm also always excited to see your Zelda and Link art- they work so well in your style.


Oh interesting! I haven't watched Castlevania! Do you have any favorites from the show?


I'd like to see Red from Transistor again - I just love her design and the aesthetic of that game as a whole. Otherwise, the only other character I can really think of would be Leah from Stardew Valley.


Thanks for these suggestions Andy! Leah's another good suggestion, I always did like her the best :)


I was very happy with this month's works posted! I love seeing your OC and sketches. Fanart absolutely feels like a nice little bonus though! If I may make a suggestion, I would love to see some of the Devil May Cry ladies... Maybe Nico or Lady (or both... That's a good ship too...). Thanks for another fantastic month!


I'm particularly partial to Trevor and Sypha and their relationship, but it's hard to choose when basically everyone in the show is drop dead gorgeous! It is quite gory though, so heads up if that's not your thing.


For suggestions: how about some hikers find more mythical ladies, like harpies, centaurs or mermaids ?:D


Ah!! Good call on that one. Mermaids means they can go to the beach too! A change of environment would be pretty fun :)


Thanks Amanda!! Another game I've never played but admired the art from afar! Thanks for the suggestion!


Quorra from Tron, please! ⭕ And maybe some Sarah Connor from Terminator 2? 💪