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Happy Friday! Y'all will indulge my experimental smut, right? 😅

I keep having this idea come back around about how you can kinda suggest a context or narrative without having to actually show an environment  by leveraging extra surface-y details. Like pretending that you drew the thing on a computer lab worksheet, haha.

I worked in a computer lab while I was in art school and the experience was most often really boring and solitary because it just didn't get used that much, but I like the idea that by including a little scrap of that environment that maybe it would put the viewer thinking dirty thoughts within that context, provided they've been in a computer lab before 😅

Anyways, the alternate title of this might be:

🚫 No drinks in the computer lab, Nicole!🚫





This is great!

Metal Gear Ray

Do I think about smut when in the middle of my final exams🤔......yeh😏 awesome draws winton😉


She has a drink and a snacc! 🤤💦💦💦💦💦💦


This is the perfect Friday pick-me-up~ Lovely as always!


honestly looks cool and im curious what else you can do with it


Thanks Mint! It feels like the seed of a good idea, kinda like drawing hikers initially, something good will come of it, I just don't know what yet!


This is cute and a fun idea.


This sounds amazing