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05/27 Happy Thursday! I have been really craving some comfort drawing time so I drew Princess Daisy and some other nonsense. My friend @EvieTears and I were talking about anime and he challenged me to try to draw something in an anime style. 

I of course was kinda brought up on anime, watching pokemon, dragonball, yugioh and card captors(akura). The anime influence is still very much in my work but I think it's been a little masked by naturalism over the years, through art school and such.

I really love the flat color quality of cel animation and I was shocked by how difficult it was to try to translate what I enjoy in my work into something with super sharp, mono-width lines without it turning into looking like an ugly coloring book! Turns out I'm very picky about line quality, who knew???


This month really got away from me, but I wanted to share some sketches from the horde.

I'm really taking the sketches stuff as an opportunity to to experiment with different color palettes and pen textures. The comics are great because they keep me on one focused trajectory for a while, which I need-- structure and goals are really important for me, but having an escape is terrific.

I think this green tone is really challenging because on the one hand it's extremely not flesh toned like my typical background color, but it can feel kinda like a luminous shadow if the complementary light color is warm enough, like on the butt piece.

It's kinda fun to see what other colors and tones can change your perception of a color and exploiting color relativity is one of my favorite past times :)

<3 Winton




cute stuff