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02/28 -- I spent some time outside, drinking beer in the sun while trying to figure out a storyline for Ivy & Pine that would be satisfying and in line with Poppy & Oak, without  making something that's too similar.

I listed Ivy as being a sort of bird watcher, but now I'm internally debating that idea because it feels a bit too similar to Dahlia the nature photographer, so I have started sketching her more with the hopes that something reveals itself :) Hope you're having a lovely weekend, everybody!

 <3 W.


02/25 -- This week I have been putting time into the physical print stuff. As per usual, things start simple and then escalate. Even if inkjet prints are my punk rock, homemade quality, I want to make them seem like a special product that you're getting, made with love from the  W.K. kitchen, if you will, so I whipped up this little belly band (yes that's the real term) to wrap around the comics I'll be mailing! Pocket because these will be small--5"x7" max and in future I plan to print them larger.

I am also experimenting with making some stickers! I can't make diecut stickers at home so I was thinking about what I could make that would be interesting even while being an easy to cut square or diamond, and postage stamps came to mind! (I was very inspired by this Betty Page postage stamp I found on the internet) 

Let me know if you have any ideas for what you might like to see on a sticker!

Finally, I have begun sketching and concepting story ideas for Ivy & Pine which I'll be able to start sharing next! Currently they're just floating around in my brain so I'll put it down on paper next to share with you all. I want to make patreon more of a kind of process blog, since I know that some of you might enjoy seeing how I work in more detail. 

Also, tell me if you have any parts of the process you're particularly interested in seeing more of. Whether that's because you're curious about how I do something or if it's just because artists usually don't share some particular part of the process.

02/19 -- Happy Friday! More painterly things, just for fun as I start drawing Asami ;)


02/17 -- I've finally gotten through the tedious work of prepping/collecting all the sketches and stuff for the Poppy & Oak PDF, this is what it looked like all stacked up, haha. It's also necessary to get  it ready for printing, so it's double useful. I also got an extra supply of paper ordered so I can hopefully start printing physical comics next week.

 So I've done a little bit of cleanup on some things  while i work on it, like this Oak paint pinup style test that I did before the cover.

02/07 --- Further progress on the poppy & oak cover. Just the ALT version! :) I'm really enjoying rendering in a way I do not usually. Partially just because I'm finding a balance between rendering and stylized flat color blobs which are very much fun. I'm trying my best to channel my inner J.C. Leyendecker. Should be finished soon! Also I've added some other little sketches.

Starting off the month with a WIP painty cover of Poppy & Oak! I'm not 100% sold on the painterly direction, so I might reintroduce some kinda hard outlines but I've been wanting to try this look for a while. :) 




I love it personnaly! So soft, very nice!!!

Metal Gear Ray

Whoa love the tone and how smooth the style looks!


Thanks Jonathan! I'm going to try to keep some of the softness going forward!


Thank you Ray! I'm really enjoying trying to figure out how to keep the marks real buttery :)


Another good update :D Love your art so much!


Lovely asami