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Thank you all immensely for your support over the past month. Working on this hiker comic has been a continuous light at the end of the tunnel situation as I get through with other freelance tedium and I think you're going to like the result!

In other news, I got an iPad pro as an early Christmas present. I know it'll make creating timelapses of my work a whoooole lot easier and more fun to watch and while I know i'll still make most of my stuff in photoshop, it's really just nice to be drawing digitally, but not at a desk all the time.

I'll be sending out the dropbox link shortly! Hope you all had a relaxing holiday!




Grace Kieser

Gets iPad. Immediately draws boobs while relaxing on couch. Yup, that tracks! (;


It's true! Literally the first thing that I drew was that Poppy pinup. It's just what comes out when I start making lines 😂