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Edit 11/25/20:
Looks like the first comic is going to be Poppy and Oak!!
I've got a loose outline I'm going to start turning into pages so you can expect those next! I may ahead and do a pinup page just to further nail down the look and palette.

I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and healthy Thanksgiving and I'll be back with new art in a couple days! 🙏

GOOF NOTICE: I accidentally switched the names on Holly and Dahlia! I'll probably switch them back in comic form but I am not gonna change it now because that will just be confusing! Sorry bout that!

Alright gang, here we are. Hikers and Dryads of the Upper Midwest, which is my favorite hiking region, or at least the that which I've spent the most time in :)
Now I will happily shirk the responsibility of picking our first hiker/dryad pairing onto your capable shoulders! The winners from each category I'll start making pages for next week!

<3 Winton


Nick I.

aster's overalls are too cute i cant not pick her


Let's Go Poppy×Birch


dahlia though 💕