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No hiding my shame, I'm a liiiiittle bit behind where I hoped I'd be at the end of June and I've been trying to get caught up. 😰 I don't normally share roughs with all patrons, just gold patrons but I feel like I gotta give you guys SOMETHING since I've been so behind.

I got really stuck on Pg 25 for a while. I initially was going to go right to what is now page 26 but it just felt somehow too abrupt and that Libby should be allowed to float in ecstasy/peril for a page longer 😈 The next bunch of pages are going to be reeaaally fun and I'm very much looking forward to drawing them this month.

Thanks for your eternal patience and I hope you enjoy this sloppy, scribbly preview. 🧡




I'm so excited for this! If they end up stripping down completely (shoes and all) in there, I'd go absolutely crazyyy


Babe is literally SCREAMING in the library omg I love them so much