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CYOA:The Orc and the Tower Pt.13

  • Enter the garden 192
  • Board the ferry 82
  • Wade into the mist 182
  • 2024-06-30
  • —2024-07-15
  • 456 votes
{'title': 'CYOA:The Orc and the Tower Pt.13', 'choices': [{'text': 'Enter the garden', 'votes': 192}, {'text': 'Board the ferry', 'votes': 82}, {'text': 'Wade into the mist', 'votes': 182}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 15, 4, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 30, 0, 1, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 456}


You decide to follow Paier upstairs. 

While you and the goblin sneak collect your things, the fire demon upends the remaining chair, tears off its upholstery and begins fashioning the fabric into a sort of sleeveless tunic.

Paier quietly hisses increasingly more venomous curses at the wizard of the tower as she knots the garment in place. You gather that before her imprisonment she was used to much finer clothes.

Your footsteps echo softly as you mount the stairs, climbing further up, into the tower. You march silently through a maze of passages which Paier seems to have no difficulty in navigating.

Suddenly you emerge into a large room with three diverging chambers, each with a dimly visible door on its furthest side.

The first chamber contains a dense, lush garden from which bird and insect songs emanate.  Dappled light falls down from a high canopy of trees onto a narrow path as it winds toward the exit.

The second chamber contains a wide, quietly rippling expanse of water with a small rope ferry boat gently rocking at its moorings. A sturdy guide rope hangs above the the dark water, anchored on either side by a thick post.

The third chamber is filled with shimmering mist that alternately obscures and reveals the door at the other side. The mist floats above the floor and pours from the chamber entrance to drift about your ankles.

Paier cautiously steps into the room and turns toward you in an attitude of consideration before she speaks with a hiss.

“This is clearly a new invention of the wizard’s for I’ve never ssseen it before. Each will surely contain a unique danger, so which ssstrikes you as most promising, my dear companionsss?”

You consider the options and boldly:



Aphrodisiac mist!!!!!

D.J. Trindle

Maybe someone can, er, ring the doorbells at the top of the doors and find out who answers?


😏😏😏😏😏They would need a longer stick for that hehe. If these three showed up on your doorstep they would just look like a bunch of trick-or-treaters