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Happy April, everyone!💖

Thank you all for your support this month, I couldn’t have done this without you!!
Please take a seat and allow me to guide you through the March Report!

March Goals:

Libby & Holly Ch3:11-14

CYOA Pt 11 

Art Archives on Gumroad/ itch.io

My goals for March were pretty pared down and to be honest I’m glad, it just means I was able to hit most of them! I started the month with sketching and working on ✅ Libby & Holly Ch3:11-14!

I got the thumbnails figured out really early and jumped into roughs. I liked having the thumbs done right at the beginning of the month. It was a huge relief, I'm sticking to that again this month!

Meanwhile, on the sketchbook side of things I stayed very cartoony and light :)

Libby made some appearances in bunny ears, for fun 👯‍♀️ and I started drawing light on dark backgrounds. It's really weird.

Plus some general Libby and more importantly Holly-- I'm starting to figure out how to draw her how I envisioned her now.

I put a little bit more care into my color for the comic updates this month, they could still use some work but I added color because I felt it would help with clarity, since these pages have some more silly, overlapping panel work (I’m being experimental 👨‍🔬).

I was chugging along, working on the pages and the Art Archives from gumroad when…whammo!

Art Archives on Gumroad/ itch.io

I checked my email three days later than I should have and learned that Gumroad was no longer supporting NSFW product sales because of their payment processor Stripe. 😩 It kinda crumpled my gumroad plans for the month.

Instead, I shifted focus to reformatting things for itchio instead. I’m taking the step of making the presentation of all the comics (especially the old ones) more uniform to be a nicer package overall

This means: New thumbnail images, better archive formats, pdfs, etc. These new downloads will better reflect the print version of the comics, with bonus content, end sheets and such.

With luck I’ll have those up on itchio this weekend! 🤞The gumroad mess has also pressured me into sharing more regularly on twitter and bsky again by scheduling posts to make it easier to stay consistent.

CYOA Pt 11  

I'm really pleased with how this came out, although I started having some issues with my webhost right as I was about to post so I don’t currently have Pt 11 on my website. 😢 I usually like to have those updated at the same time.

I gave it a little bit more love since I only had 4 Libby & Holly pages to worry about.  🙏

All in all it was an okay month, in spite of the Gumroad fiasco. I sat down today and worked up another 5 thumbnails for Libby & Holly to set myself up for this month’s output. Which brings me to…

☔April Goals:

⏹️ Libby & Holly Ch3:15-19 Last month I did 4 pages so I think I’ll be able to manage 5 this month, just to gradually turn up the pace

⏹️CYOA Pt 12:I want to hold onto doing CYOA updates every month if I can!

⏹️ itch.io store update: This entails adding the comics and the new art archives! If I can figure out a way to make physical comics available on itchio I will, but that might have to wait. If nothing else I’ll get it set up for the release of  Libby & Holly Ch3 when it’s finished.

I’m looking forward to this set of goals because it feels manageable, especially in light of last month’s chaos. I’m reeeeaaally excited about the next few Libby & Holly pages too. I promise that as soon as I'm not so swamped in general, I'll bring back the fanart polls! 🙏

Thank you all for your support and I hope you enjoy seeing what I have in store this April!





Whiskey, bread and carrot, the 3 food groups


I really liked the experimental, overlapping panel work.


LOL thank you for zooming in on that. I meant to draw more than one carrot but I forgot. :p