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[EDIT: Wanted to lighten it up a tiny bit. I'll play with the colors some more once I'm actually editing and color grading the finished animation.]

HOLY SMOKES, I DID IT! It took me a bit of time to get out of this weird funk I've been in. Felt very... idk. A bit lost. Like, I haven't posted in so long, what do I even make? I didn't wanna post again before I actually had something to show. And now I do! This animation is currently rendering and should be ready to go tomorrow! Or today. It's like 2AM and I need to go to bed. But I really wanted to get this done and share it with you all!

Thank you so much to those who stuck around. Although I totally don't blame those who haven't because I've bean really bad about cranking these out. But now I'm back! I have a new boy ready for fur groom, so that's happening! And then I'm doing a Pride Month piece too!



