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Hey everyone! I would like to apologize for being completely inactive throughout the month of May. Work has been completely killing me and sapping all of my after-hours time with a massive project that's fortunately no longer sinking but was on the verge of doing so. Honestly, even eking out the time to go to FWA was probably not the greatest idea, but I was happy to take a few days off.

Anyway, to apologize more, I am pausing my Patreon for the month of June, so you all get that month for free, since I basically did nothing in May. I will post in June on a regular schedule, to make sure y'all get your moneys' worth!

If you are an annual patron (thank you so much for that, btw!) you will just get an additional month tacked on to your year.

Now that the craziness at work is mostly behind me, I look forward to posting again soon. Maybe even this week, since I've had a project simmering that I'm gonna try to finish up over this upcoming long weekend.

Thank you all so much for your patience and sticking around. And again, apologies for not posting sooner.



Merci et j'espère que tu t'ai bien amuser au FMA


Awww you didn’t have to do that.