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Hey you... thanks for your support! It means a lot. I'll do my best to create some awesome stuff for you to enjoy!

Also, I've compiled all of my Pre-Patreon era renders into a nice  HD-resolution Zip for you!

Added: 2024-01
Hey you... thanks for becoming a producer! I really, really... really, really, really appreciate your extra support! I'll do my best to create some awesome stuff for you to enjoy!

If you use Discord, I also run a Patrons-only sever!
If you don’t have your Discord info in your Patreon profile, you can add it by going to My Profile settings > App. Once you do that, you will automatically get added to my server!

Note: This setting is only available in the browser (mobile or desktop), not in the app.

Other note: If you prefer not to add your Discord info to Patreon, send me a DM and I'll add you manually. I just prefer the automatic way because this way Patreon keeps track of memberships and such.

As a Producer, you also get access to the private  Producer channel, where I'll be taking extra suggestions as I work. Stuff like custom colors for a character's outfit, eye color, hairstyles, etc.

I'll also be using Discord to post more granular updates and to chat with folks about all sorts of stuff - whether it's art related or otherwise.

Lastly, I've compiled all of my Pre-Patreon era renders into a nice  HD-resolution Zip for you!

Added: 2024-01
Hey you... thanks for your support! It means a lot. I'll do my best to create some awesome stuff for you to enjoy!

Also, I've compiled all of my Pre-Patreon era renders into a nice HD-resolution Zip for you!

Added: 2023-01