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Hello everyone,

Here we have Xiomara looking out after a stray dog. She saw the dog without a leash running out onto a street, in the path of a car. Xiomara positions herself between the car and the dog, and the driver managed to stop before hitting her, however, before Xiomara picked up the frightened dog, the woman in the car began honking and shouting slurs at the muscular amazon.

Without looking at the rude woman, Xiomara crouches down to pet the dog. The muscle woman's powerful ass rested on the bonnet of the pickup truck and pushed down. Xiomara's considerable muscle weight was enough to crumple the hood under her clenching ass cheeks. For greater effect, Xiomara focuses on her ability to anchor herself to the ground and use her considerable leg strength to push herself down much harder than what her weight alone could. The result, the front of the massive truck is crushed into the ground, crushing the radiator and engine under Xiomara's butt. A blanket of steam erupts from the busted radiator and the engine loudly grinds to a halt. The woman in the cab holds on for dear life as the entire truck is tilted up.

Xiomara lovingly pet the dog and took it to a nearby park where she stayed with him until the owner showed up, leaving the scene before any police showed up. Meanwhile the shocked driver of the truck was left next to her totaled vehicle, awaiting for her insurance agent. Unfortunately for her, the camera in the front of the truck only captured the tall girl's waist and legs and was later crushed as Xiomara sat on the hood. The only video of the entire event was the dash cam that recorded the interior of the cab, and the only thing it showed was the irate and nasty language the woman used against Xiomara. Fortunately for the super woman, there was no evidence that linked her to the event.






The Mighty Q


Is this “Playing on the street” thing going to be a new series?


Yeah, it was just me not coming up with a better more specific title. I think I'll use that caption for whenever I have the girls causing trouble on a street whenever I can't think of a better title.