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Hello everyone,

Here we have a new teenage character coming to our sandbox to play. Her name is Makayla Lewis, originally from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. She is a young powerhouse with a very unique characteristic. She is very nimble and dynamic, however she can only move on her own. Her body is somehow anchored to the world, remaining absolutely stationary in relation to the ground. She can walk, crawl, jump, run, etc as easily as any other person, but no outside force can move her, not only in relation to the ground but also any part of her body. To everyone else she is as solid as an almost indestructible solid statue. Only her hair can be affected by outside forces, so it can be blown by the wind and brushed by someone else's hand.

This ability or trait has its drawbacks. She can't ride inside any form of vehicle, (with the exception of things like skates, roller blades, skies, etc.) since her power would act as an anchor inside the vehicle, either causing its engine to stall or rip the cabin off as the engine and wheels detach from where she is sitting. She can't use aircraft nor boats. To her this is a minor inconvenience, since aside from being extremely strong she is also quite fast, and can run to any destination and arrive much faster than if flown by aircraft. In fact, when her family moved to Key Lake City from the USA, her parents flew by plane while Makayla ran to the coast and leapt across the ocean, island hopping until she made it to Key Lake island, she then ran to the airport with plenty of time to be at the gate long before her parents' plane landed.

Makayla is an Alpha Meta Human, with most of her childhood and teenage years been spent like regular girl. Her father was involved with a shady organization and when things were getting too dangerous for his family, he decided to go to the FBI and gave them evidence against the organization in exchange for their help relocating them somewhere they can be safe. The leaders of the criminal organization found out and hired assassins to eliminate him. That same evening, a lone gunman took a few shots at Makayla's father, lightly injuring him and unintentionally severely wounding Makayla who was next to her father.

Makayla would have died there if she was like any other girl, but hidden in her genes was the dorman Meta Human genetic sequences, that fueled when by her extreme fear and extreme levels of adrenaline coursing through her veins, they became active and within minutes her wounds healed and her body began to transform into the tall muscular figure she is now.

Once the FBI got all they needed, they held up their part of their deal and set out to relocate the family and give them new identities. Given their daughter was now a Meta Human, the family now going by the surname Lewis, asked for help to migrate to Key Lake City due to Key Lake's policies that are more welcoming to Meta Humans. If their daughter was going to have a chance at a better life in her new condition, Key Lake was the best place for her. In less than 24 hours, the Lewis family had a resident visa for Key Lake and were on their way to start a new life.

Mr. Lewis (haven't thought of a name for her parents yet), had lots of money saved up and was also able to land a good job in their new city. Soon, they enrolled Makayla in a private school in the more affluent part of the city, the same school attended by Tammy and her younger sisters, where she will become friends with Tammy, Ray, Skipper, Gina, and Leyla. Megan brown, who is the same age as Makayla goes to a different school, a public school at a different part of the city, thus they haven't met yet.


I hope my friends you like this new character. I think it will be fun playing with her power set and the limitations they impose on her. Sorry if this description was a little long, I wanted to lay down all that was going through my head about her as I was designing her to lay down a foundation for Makayla.

Needless to say, Makayla is 16 years old, and similarly as with Megan, Skipper, Gina, Leyla, and all other girls under 18, we will not be seeing her in sexual situations. No underage hanky panky here. Still, there is room for lots of fun with them without having to go there.






This is your super power Kurt - creating Dream Girls 💪🏿🥰 I'm in love. . .AGAIN

John Alamo

Do you have some sort of equation for your strength index or are the numbers arbitrary? Like is 3.670 equal to 187 000 Tons because of some calculation ?


yeah, its an equation. I have an excel spreadsheet with all my characters and it does have a few formulas, among them is one to get the theoretical max lift of a character based on the index. roughly speaking, Max_Lift = 10 x 10 to the power of (0.54 times Strength_Index squared). The idea of the scale is that an index of 1 would be a regular fit person capable of lifting 100 kg, and 10 would be infinity.