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Hello everyone,

In the pulsing heart of a buzzing gym, Cassandra O'Callaghan commands the scene. Her presence, like an electric charge, pulls everyone's attention towards her. This is no ordinary gym-goer. She is a spectacle to behold, an epitome of raw power wrapped in gentleness, a woman with strength nearing the realm of the infinite. Her reputation precedes her, and gym patrons deliberately time their workouts to coincide with hers, their eager anticipation tangible in the air.

The scene captures Cassandra in action. With a fully-loaded barbell, immense in size and weight, lying at her feet, she demonstrates an extraordinary and almost surreal display of power. In a moment that defies belief, her pretty delicate toes grip the harsh cold metal. With a casual, effortless movement, the impossible happens. The barbell, forged to withstand tons of pressure, yields to her. Her toes flex and crush the stubborn metal, bending it with an absurd ease that belies the immense force required. It's an astonishing spectacle, her strength and dexterity creating a visual dichotomy that mesmerizes her audience.

The crowd, gathered around her, watches in wide-eyed awe. A silence falls over them, broken only by the soft groans of the yielding metal and the thumping beats of the gym music. It's a scene they've witnessed numerous times, yet the marvel never fades. The powerful display of strength, the captivating beauty of the woman who commands such power, it's a spectacle that never gets old. Once she is done, most of the spectators must return to the locker room and change their underwear since for many of the men and women present, its hard to contain their excitement watching Cassandra do the impossible.

The gym owner was once asked if he was OK with her casual crushing of the equipment, to which he answered that while its true that it can get expensive sometimes, the massive increase in gym subscriptions ever since Cassandra began going and doing her shows has massively offset any equipment damage. Also, he has stated that Cassandra often does promotional photo shoots for the Gym and for the equipment brands, in exchange the suppliers offer replacements for anything Cassandra damages at cost or even free of charge. This way, the gym and equipment brands get a lot more business, and Cassandra gets to do what she likes most, play around and show off.


This is a revival of an old image I did back in 2018. It was one of my first attempts to take a scene from DazStudio to Blender for rendering and the results were less than perfect. I wanted to see what AI could do with it, fearing the face would look weird due to the original not looking great; Imagine my surprise when that pretty face showed up. I'm still in shock at how good she looks and that smile. 


I'm including the new and the original in part to leave a record that while there is AI processing done, the character, the design, the pose, the composition, the clothing, the crushed weight, etc., were all done in a traditional form, and just used the AI as a post-processing filter.





Crisna Alaircon

Kurt I have an a request. I leave to you if you do it. You always make this elaborate backdrop on your images. However, they are stuck on Patreon meaning that as a user , if I look at a downloaded image, all that I see is the image without the story behind it. It kinda sucks that we have to go back to Patreon to see what the image is about. With the massive backlog of images, it get out of hand. Is there something that could be done?


I've added the text of this particular post as an attachment so it can be downloaded. Not sure if having a separate file with the description helps but its what I can do. I usually write the scene descriptions just as I'm doing the posting, as a little added flair. I wouldn't want to put the text in the image itself because I believe it would be constricted by the available space, and to be honest, I think it would look ugly. Hope this helps.


I remembered this drawing, it's iconic. Pretty face indeed. 👍