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Hello everyone,

A little over a year ago during a summer pool party at the house of one of their friends from school, Tammy was in her tiny bikini, as usual oblivious to the effect her incredible anatomy had on the boys and girls around her. During a moment of levity, Tammy bent down and gave her then best friend Tim a very tight hug. Their great size difference meant that his face was buried in her deep cleavage, which was a great shock to all who saw it. The greater shock, even for Tammy, was when she disengaged the hug and straightened her body up, she brought Tim up with her. His head had gotten stuck with the strap of her bikini. Her bathing suits are usually very resistant, made strong enough to keep from ripping to shreds if she did any motion that caused her incredibly powerful muscles to flex. Tim was unable to move back and when Tammy’s body straightened up, her boobs held onto his face tightly and squeezing him with enough force to hold him up.

The moment was embarrassing at first, very much for Tim but much more for Tammy, because every boy in the party rushed to them and begged to be “next”. Tammy left the party, jumping away over the house and tree line.

It took days for Tammy and Tim to talk about the incident, and even longer for him to acknowledge that he loved it. Tammy, in her “innocence” does not understand why he would like to spend time between her boobs. She is a very sexual being but is not conscious of how “hot” she is to other people. She sees herself like any other girl, only bigger and with some special lagomorph traits, and is completely confused when boys like Tim drool over her and incessantly simp for her.

Today, a year later, as a young romantic couple, when they are together in private its not unusual for him to ask her to do “the thing” to him. Tim is pretty much the same size as last year but Tammy continues to grow, being a couple of inches taller and with a bust size a couple of inches larger as well, she can nearly engulf half his head between her boobs, and while he is enjoying this “treat” from his girlfriend more with every time she does it, he has noticed her grip on him is increasingly harder. He fears there might be a day when she has grown so much that it might be too dangerous for them to do this anymore.

Time will only tell.





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