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Hello everyone,

The following events occur in middle of a bustling clothing store; DeeDee, the towering, statuesque black woman adorned with rippling muscles that seem to defy the limits of mere mortals is trying out a piece of custom made swimwear inside the cramped changing booth. Unwilling to spend more time in that cramped cubicle, the giant woman steps out and wearing the specially crafted bikini, meticulously designed to endure the immense pressure caused by her colossal flexing muscles. Heads turn and whispers fill the air as the onlookers catch sight of her magnificent form and otherworldly beauty. She is a young woman in her early 20s, but her face does not reflect her age, giving the impression of being no more than 18 years old, forever giving off the sense of youth and innocence, something which anyone who knows her will attest to the contrary.

With confident strides, she makes her way to the center of the store—a stage where her might will be put to the ultimate test. As she stands amid the buzzing crowd, anticipation crackles in the air. A subtle smile graces her face, knowing the spectacle about to unfold. With a deliberate motion, she begins to flex her enormous arms, thick legs and hips, her massive abs, and her gigantic chest and back; each sinew and fiber of her muscular physique tightening and pulsating with raw power. The store trembles in response, a harbinger of the forces unleashed by her extraordinary might.

At first, gentle winds swirl through the aisles, tugging at loose papers and playfully ruffling the hair of astonished shoppers. But as her flexes intensify, the ground beneath quivers, like the prelude to a symphony of cataclysmic proportions. Thunderous sounds reverberate throughout the store, as if the air surrounding her muscles is propelled with a force unmatched.

The force of her flexes reaches a crescendo, and the very fabric of the store begins to unravel. Shelves topple, sending garments cascading to the ground, and fragile trinkets shatter in her wake. The swirling winds transform into formidable cyclones, their power building with each successive flex, toppling clothing racks and stands as well as any person inside the store. Glass windows and mirrors splinter and rupture, raining shards upon the astonished spectators who try to flee, crawling towards the exit as the violent shaking does not allow them to regain their footing.

Unyielding, she pushes her powers further, invoking a thunderclap that resounds through the city streets beyond and nearly deafening anyone still inside. Many of the people pass out on the ground and are washed towards the opposite end of the store as the winds and shockwaves from DeeDee’s flexing pushes their unconscious bodies. The walls tremble under the strain, cracks webbing across their surface, while the ground beneath her feet fractures and splinters in protest. Light fixtures crash to the floor and pieces of plaster explodes from the walls, threatening to topple the entire building on top of DeeDee and anyone around her.

With a wide smile she stops, noticing her garments have survived the onslaught. She looks towards the clerk, cowering behind the shattered counter clutching his bleeding ears. She tosses him a wad of cash, walks through the wall into the changing boot to collect her street clothes, and still wearing the bikini she steps out onto the street and walks away, causing all kinds of commotions along the way.

The store owners later survey the damage, many thousands of dollars of structural damage and minor injuries to staff and customers. Fortunately, DeeDee left no fatalities, which is her usual MO, granted no one gets in her way or any law enforcement shows up, for whom she has only contempt.





Crisna Alaircon

Are you making a NSFW picture of this character?