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Hello everyone,

Picture if you will that you are an unsuspecting wanderer on the cobbled streets of Paris, caught in a quiet afternoon, minding your own business as you are lost in your thoughts. The typical Parisian tableau unfolds around you; the quaint cafes, the nostalgic melodies of a nearby accordion, the laughter of lovers sipping wine at a table. And then, imperceptibly at first, the earth beneath you begins to vibrate. The tremors are subtle, a gentle pitter-patter that rises and falls rhythmically, like the whispering heartbeat of the city itself. Curiosity prickles at the back of your mind. You are so distracted you fail to notice a sudden increase in sounds coming from behind you, some car horns, whistling, and screeching tires have suddenly become more prominent than before.

As she nears, the gentle thrumming grows stronger, as if the heart of the city is pulsating with more intensity. The world around you seems to get louder, slowly bringing you out from your trance. You turn just as a scent drift towards you, so delightfully feminine that it feels like the air has been kissed by a thousand blooming flowers. It is intoxicating, inexplicably arousing, and it is purely her - Rose, the gentle titaness.

The sight that greets you is like a mirage borne from an artist's wildest dreams. Rose, a towering amazon woman, dressed in a hypnotic green ensemble, strides closer. Her dress shimmers, casting a myriad of shades under the dimming Parisian sun, the design as elegant and sophisticated as the woman herself, leaving very little of her incredible anatomy to the viewer’s imagination. Her dark skin glows with a natural sheen, setting off the impressive play of muscles under the elegant garb. Her very presence radiates an inescapable gravity, drawing in every iota of your attention. Her powerful muscular legs propel her forward with the grace of a dancer yet every time she takes a step, you are given a glimpse of the true extent of her vast strength as she causes the heavy cobblestone sidewalk to shake under her large, beautiful, feminine feet.

Her body is nothing short of miraculous, towering, rippling with thick feminine muscle, a beautiful young face with bright green eyes. You notice as she comes closer that your head reaches barely up to her shoulders and that you are eye level with her incredible chest. Her muscles are amazing, but your gaze is immediately taken over by her incredible bosom, which is very large and seems to defy gravity. Her wide prominent cleavage in her dress lets you appreciate the true marvel of Rose’s front. To say you have no words to describe how they look and more importantly how they bounce and wobble with each step, threatening to escape the lose confinement of her dress.

The world seems to take a pause, a moment stretched into a lifetime, as her eyes lock onto yours. Within that infinitesimal moment, it feels as though time has been hoodwinked, with every movement around you rendered into a slow ballet, every sound into a dull hum. Yet within you, a fierce drum beats rapidly, a mad symphony that mimics your escalating heartbeat. Everything about her overwhelms every single one of your senses; you can see extreme otherworldly beauty which is forever tattooed into your memory, you can smell and taste her amazing scent, you can feel her magnificent strides throughout your body as you can feel her steps down deep into your bone marrow, and you briefly heard a subtle giggle as she looked at you, seeing your blank dumbfounded expression.

A slow smile blooms on her face, warm as a summer's day, and for a moment, your heart stops in its tracks, held captive by the magnanimity of her charm. Her gaze breaks, a momentary connection shattered, but leaving behind a lifetime of memories. She continues her path, the green of her dress swirling around her, melting into the urban tapestry of Paris. Your world resumes its usual rhythm, heart still pounding fiercely, echoing the memory of the tremors left by her stride. Her tall muscular silhouette long disappeared around the corner, and much to your heart’s pain, the most incredible woman you’ve ever seen is gone.

You stand there, in place, sweating and short of breath. Slowly the world around you begins to come back into focus and you begin to register the sounds of the city around you. You look around and see many people just like you, standing, looking longingly down the street at the corner where Rose had turned.





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