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Hello everyone!

Here we have Johanna and Laurel with a lucky guy joining them for the evening. Both women became acquainted with each other when they were shopping for sexy underwear at a store that caters to large futa women. They hit it off and Laurel asked Johanna if she wanted to go to her apartment. Johanna wanted to accept but she already had a date scheduled for that very evening with a guy she has recently started dating. "What if you bring him along?" Laurel asked, much to Johanna's glee.

Later that evening Johanna arrived with her date to Laurel's apartment. After a bit of small talk and a few drinks they moved from her living room to Laurel's bedroom, where both amazing women removed their clothes, displaying their full glory to the awe struck man.

As minutes went by, it became absolutely evident to him that the main action will be between the two amazons and he was going to be no more than a sex toy or pleasure accessory during the evening. Laurel and Johanna concentrated their attention to each other, sometimes even forgetting the man caught between their large muscular bodies and enormous attributes, sometimes being squeezed nearly to the point of fearing his body would be crushed by the enormous pressure the hyper strong bodies of the two women exerted on him.

Fortunately, at the end for the man the ending was a happy one. Not only did hi survive the evening with only a few minor bruises but he had the most intense experience of his life. Even if the women only gave him a fraction of their attention, their intensity and extreme nature meant that he was constantly overwhelmed in such indescribably pleasurable ways that he lost consciousness many times during the evening.

Next morning, after Laurel prepared them the most spectacular breakfast (she is a Michelin star Chef after all), Johanna carried the young man back to his apartment cradled on her powerful arms. He had been drained of energy so much during the evening, it took a while (many hours) for him to be able to stand and walk without her help.

Johanna and Laurel will continue to see each other often; the majority of times without the young man because they had to hold back so much to keep him safe that they could not experience the evening to the fullest. Their next encounters would take place away from the city, in abandoned zones where no one would be affected by the earthquake level shaking of the ground and crumbling structures that occur when these two go all the way. They also make sure they are away from commercial airline routes since they are capable of shooting their powerful uninhibited excitement ten times higher than aircraft cruising altitude and anything impacted by their shots would suffer catastrophic damage.  Still, with all their precautions, their play sessions can be felt for miles as minor tremors, and their powerful lungs causing their pleasurable moaning and exclamations to be extremely loud moans and to propagate in all directions. People in nearby towns and cities can hear and feel them as the powerful sound waves wash over them, loud enough to be heard over heavy city traffic.





Elek Szerep

That's quite hot I am not going to lie :P