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Hello everyone!

I'll take this opportunity to wish you all a very wonderful holiday season!

This image shows a typical holiday at the Anderson home, with all 11 children home to spend time together. They have a guest this year, Tammy's boyfriend who is alone this year for the holidays due to his parents having had to go on a trip out of town for work. She didn't want him to be alone for Christmas and her parents agreed to have him over.

In the foreground from left to right we have the parents Hope and Bob, then the love birds close to graduate from high school: Tammy (18) and Tim. Then the serving drinks is the oldest of the sisters Dr. Pamela (29). On the floor are then younger school girls Gina (15) who as always is glued to her phone, and Skipper (14); the youngest of the family.  Straightening the ornaments on the tree is the professional model Violet (24) and below her the only male child of the family, Ray (15). Further back there are from left to right, the only futa member of the family and 3 Michelin Star cheff Laurel (26) bringing out the turkey she has just cooked for the family, next to her is college girl Lisa (20), then sitting on the chair is radio disk jockey Brigitte (23) and next to her is Elizabeth (22), the gamer of the family and assistant to her medic sister in her clinic, and finally on the long couch is school girl Leyla (17).


Just a little behind the scenes info on this image. Rendering images of detailed characters like these girls is very demanding on computer graphics hardware. My hardware is 10 years old and can handle without much problem up to three characters at the same time but anything beyond that it crashes hard, so for highly populated scenes like this one I have to generate partial images with 2 or 3 people max and then composite the individual renders together in Photoshop. This image in particular was built from 8 separate renders and blended together.

Once one gets the hang of it, it's really fun to work on big crowds like this.





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