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Hey all,

So last minute change of plans, today Alta (the cafe from last year) let me know that they DON’T want a horde of 100 barbarians descending on their stupid coffee shop on a Saturday this year so we’re gonna have to improvise. While I am extremely bummed to lose the ability to get you mimosas, we will adapt like the roving warband we are. Rather than meeting at Alta’s itself, let’s plan to gather in the small park area BELOW IT, in the shady area with picnic tables. It’s near the kayak rental place, it’s right by the river AND it’s in the shade. Dunno how crowded it gets on the weekend but I’m hoping as long as we can snag a picnic table or two we’ll be fine. I’m gonna try to hit up a Target for snacks or something before my morning panel but the real sustenance is fellowship with us and your fellow Milk Clubbers, right? No? You wanted mimosas? Fuck.

Scuffed Patreon Meetup is on brand at least, let’s gather beside the river and roam the countryside like bandits. Sorry for the bummer but still excited to chill with you guys tomorrow.



Man Mountain

Damn y'all so close to dude soup :,(


I missed it :/ hope it ‘twas fun