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SORRY FOR THE DELAY, WE HAD TO SORT PANELS AND SCHEDULES BUT LET'S PARTY.  Gonna try for the same place as last year since it seemed like a good space.  Hopefully we can chill here as easily on the weekend as when it was a weekday like last time.


12:30PM - 2PM

Location: ALTA’S CAFE

74 Trinity St

Directions: Go to the intersection of Caesar Chavez and Trinity (right by the convention center), go down Trinity past the Lakeside Apartments (85 Trinity) towards the water. Past the dumpsters down the path. We’ll probably be up on the upper deck of Alta’s or down below by the kayak rentals if we get shooed away. 

All ages - you can get coffee tea or alcoholic bevvies if you’re 21+. Pets are allowed in the park if you’re so inclined.  Not much in the way of parking though so be advised!!

We’ll all be there chilling and drinking until we have to go eat and get prepped for our panel later.  Non-RTX Milk Clubbers we’ll record the party so you can share the experience with us! See you then!




Hell Yeah! We are all gonna make this one the best one!


Hella excited. I was excited to get to see you at RTX in general but a more personal meet / greet is awesome.