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Hey guys, before commenting please do not comment that he looks creepy etc. Had to take the video down off twitter etc because people were leaving so many unsettling comments. I totally realise he's creepy without eyes etc but it hurts a bit to hear something you've poured your heart into called that. 


Crash assembly



This statue is absolutely jaw dropping, each time I see it I can’t believe my eyes!! Sorry to hear you had trouble on Twitter :( people need to think about artist’s feelings, before they comment once in a while..


TBH Crash's game model is a bit unsettling to me in general. But that also means in my opinion that you got him right. Down to every. Little. Hair. At that scale. And Naz, that's AMAZING.


This video is absolutely incredible! I am amazed with how well-proportioned everything is, wonderful job!


So clever you made him able to be disassembled!