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Now alcohol, that really helps to calm down a belly doesn't it


Twelve Days of Kipmas Day 9

Day 9



*SHING* Sparkle Sparkle, *Belly groans intensify*

Jetro barns

Sydney is going to have a nasty case of indigestion after this lol

Fat Enjoyer

It took me way too long to notice Tina

Steve Pig

The wild Tina, while on the prowl, uses it's star-eyes to lock on and paralyze it's clueless prey


How about 10 Julebryg jugs for tomorrow? At least what would i suggest before dessert. Would also help that belly to rise and get rid of that dress :3


The rules. Also I am very excited for the new FNN page today!


I’m always surprised how much stretch these characters have hehe she was so thin 9 days ago hehe she just can’t help herself and I’m sure the wine isn’t going to help her stop ;3


Tipsy Sydney may be more open to requesting tum rubbage

Viro Veteruscy

*uses the forbidden phrase* All according to keikaku... >w>🍷


Hmm. The font color against the 'nog makes the text *really* hard to read.


Yeah the placement was bad but I didn't have time to fix the font color and just rolled with it. I made it a bit better on following days.