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Chapter 14: Four Girls. Three Dicks. Bang Bus.

There was a big event coming up for the three spies. It wasn't a mission from Jerry and it was small potatoes compared to the orgy they had with Kim Possible last night. But these girls knew it was a big deal.

Namely Alex had a date. It wasn't the first date she had been on and this wasn't the first date she had gone on with this particular guy either. But this was the time they were supposed to go all the way. Except there was one problem. Alex had never actually properly had sex with anyone before. Kim Possible's dick was the first time she had done anything with a real cock, and even then all she did was suck it off. Again, and again, and again.

Clover and Sam gave her all kinds of pointers. The former being that kind of girl didn't surprise Alex at all, but hearing even Sam tell her things to do definitely floored her a bit. But there was so much of it that she started to think that maybe she should take notes instead.

Frustrated, Alex screamed in anger. “I'm sorry. I just...I just don't think I can do it. He's going to break up with me and it's all because I don't know how to fuck!”

“Hey, it's okay,” Sam said. “If he breaks up with you because of that, he's a jerk anyway.”

“Oh yeah!” Clover chirped up. “And if he does dump you, you know we'll always have your back. Girlfriends for life!”

“Thanks guys,” Alex said. “But he's so handsome and smart. I think he might be the one.”

Clover actually arched her eyebrow at that one with a wicked grin. The other two spies didn't know what to make of her looking like that. She almost looked clever. “Well how about we find you a random guy to practice with? Don't worry, we won't let your beau find out a single thing about it.” She held up her hand. “Pinky promise!”

Sam smiled dryly and shook her head. “That's just Clover.”

“But that might actually be a good idea,” Alex said. She stuck out her pinky too and they did a pinky promise. “I'm down!”

Sam's eyes widened a bit and she put her hands on her hips. Her smile looked a little flabbergasted now. Clover sensed it too and looked at her. “What's that look supposed to mean? Are you too afraid to have some fun for once?” She narrowed her eyes. “And last night didn't count. Last night was just girls' night.”

“No, I think I should tag along to make sure you don't get her into any trouble. Besides,” she said, looking at Alex, “if you need help on how to properly do it, you shouldn't take advice from her.”

“Little Miss Goody Two Shoes is talking about sex?” Clover said, taking on a faux high and mighty accent. “Why I never!” she said, putting her hand over her mouth in an exaggerated parody of a noblewoman.

Sam narrowed her eyes, still wearing that smile. “Oh you'll see. Guys kinda like that about me. You treat your tushy like it's a treasure and they'll be drooling by the end of it.”

Clover frowned. “What are you trying to say? That I like to put out or something?”

Sam threw her hands up in the air. “I didn't say anything! But if you have any insecurities Clover, please don't take them out on poor little me.”

Clover was searching for a comeback. She was about to say something, but then Alex put her hands on their shoulders and pulled them in for a group hug. “Girls, girls! Let's be fighting guys, not each other!”

“Yeah,” Clover said. “Let's be fucking guys too, right?” Then she looked at Sam. “We'll see who knows a thing or two.”

The same day, the three spies were on the boardwalk by the beach. They were all dressed to impress, not even bothering to put on any clothes and were instead clad in swimwear. Despite being here for one reason only, Alex was dressed the most modestly in a black and yellow one piece. Clover and Sam by contrast were dressed far more provocatively. Clover naturally wasn't even wearing a top, her breasts were exposed to the world with only two red heart pasties over her nipples and a pink little thong covering her up down there, while Sam was dressed in a typical green bikini top and had on a pair of tiny little navy blue swimming shorts that rode up her donk.

And they got plenty of attention too. Both men and women were sizing them up, they got catcalled and whistled at plenty. Clover and Sam mostly, and the two girls were more than happy to revel in all that glory. On the sands of California, there was no shortage of ladies who either didn't know how to dress, or depending on your perspective, definitely knew how to dress, but these two were getting the most of it. It didn't help that they were well under eighteen too, and more than a few people there didn't know or care one bit.

There was also a contest brewing between the two girls on who was hottest. Sam was a little upset seeing Clover dressed so frivolously, and even though the redhead was showing plenty of skin herself, it was still nothing compared to how open her friend was being. Alex was starting to feel a little left out.

“I guess you gotta dress like that because you apparently can't tie your own shoes,” Sam said, looking at her velcro shoes.

That ticked a nerve. “And maybe you're dressed so basic because people might figure out you have the herp,” Clover shot back. Sam was already preparing another one.

“Uh hey, hey, let's cool it down alright?” Alex said with a light smile on her face. The three spies would sometimes fight, but whenever Clover and Sam would get into it, they'd always use her as a bargaining chip, and it was always uncomfortable. Especially with how she was supposed to be the one getting all the attention. But this time they were actually clawing at each other’s throats.

“Fine!” both girls said, turning away from each other.

Just then a familiar bitchy voice shot right at them. “It's a little early for Christmas, isn't it?” It was Mandy. The three spies looked in her direction, and saw it wasn't just her. It was Caitlin and Dominique too. They were dressed for the hot Cali weather, looking hot as they always did, though nowhere near as skanky as Clover and Sam were looking.

“What?” Clover said.

“Yeah, that's just another of Mandy's dumb remarks,” Sam said.

“Dumb,” Mandy said. She looked between Caitlin and Dominique who were smiling too. “Then let me explain it for you, okay bitches? Right now, you three are reminding me of Santa's elves. Ho-ho-ho!”

The three of them started laughing and some of the crowd started chuckling too at that remark.

“Yeah, Santa is all about the spirit of giving,” Dominique said.

“But I'm sure you two skanks like to take it on the regular, huh?” said Caitlin.

“Don't give them too much credit,” said Mandy. “They only dress like because they're not even hoes yet. They're just wannabe hoes.” She folded her arms and smirked. “And if that isn't the saddest thing I've heard, I don't know what is.”

Clover and Sam were putting aside their little feud to look back at their old rivals. They were fuming.

“Isn't that cute, the two hoes are getting all hot and bothered?” said Mandy.

“You know Alex, you're the only one who isn't dressed like a skank,” Caitlin said. “So I guess that puts you a step above them. We might even let you join our little group.”

“What?” Alex said. She hated the idea of any of these three trying to befriend her.

“But then again, I remembered, you have to be hot. And you are U-G-LY girl. You ain't got no fuckin' alibi!” The three of them started laughing, and the three spies were forgetting all finding Alex some action, instead they were getting ready for a throwdown, Alex included. But before it escalated to that, the three bitches walked away, holding each other's backs.

“That fucking bitch!” Clover said.

“Which one?” Sam said.

“All of them.”

Alex sighed. It's gonna be one of those days isn't it? she thought to herself. Then she got a call on her phone. “Oh it's Kim Possible!” she said.

“Hey, where you at?” Kim said.

“Uh we're on the boardwalk! Is something wrong?”

“No, no, I was just coming to get you!” Before Alex could ask what she meant by that, the line shut off.

Just then, a white van zoomed out of nowhere from a blue flash and stopped nearby. Alex crinkled her face in alarm, but her two friends were already getting interested, forgetting about their little feud. She looked at the two of them in confusion, not understanding why they'd be so excited, when the window rolled down.

“Well helloooo Larry!” said the familiar voice of the driver.

A giddy smile lit up Clover's face. “That's me. No matter the name, I'm still hot and everyone here knows it.”

“What?” Alex said, thinking he was talking to her on account of her short hairstyle. It had been so long since that incident with Mandy on the beach that she had forgotten that it was that nemesis who had coined that dumb nickname for Clover in the first place.

“And I see my little ginger friend is still looking fine as ever,” said the man's voice.

“Oh yeah, and I don't have to show off to do it either,” Sam said, putting her hands on her hips and looking right at Clover.

“You two know these guys?” Alex said.

“Yeah!” both girls said.

“You thinking what I'm thinking?” Sam said to Clover.

“Yeah, we should have Alex practice with them!” Clover said. “And you can take cues from us while we fool around too. Right Sam?” she said, winking at her. “You're not too good to get down and dirty are you?”

“Oh no, not me,” she said. “You should pay attention Clover. You might learn a thing or two.”

This time though, the two of them were laughing. After that earlier square off with the three bitches, any interaction between them was only in good humor. Alex smiled, glad that things were improving. “Alright, alright, let's get on in.”

“The more the merrier!” said the driver. The back door opened up. Alex's friends instantly made a beeline to get in, they were both fighting and pushing back against each other. They were both squirming and trying to squeeze in there, and then they suddenly stopped.

“We should let the guest of honor get in first,” said Sam.

“Likewise!” Clover said. “Only the best for our favorite girl!”

“Okay,” Alex said, a bit tired of it now. She got in and looked around. She didn't know who the two guys were. But she definitely recognized Kim Possible.

And her attention was immediately drawn to a certain something pointing up from the other girl’s skirt. Not because that she had a penis in the first place. But that it seemed to have actually gotten bigger even after everything from last night.

“Um, wow...” Alex said. She was frozen, just staring at it. Kim actually got a little embarrassed just then.

Not too soon because the other two spies got in, pushing her forward. It was such a rough movement that Alex fell right on her stomach, with her face landing right on top of Kim's penis bulge. She quickly got up.

“Um...” both of the girls said.

“Isn't this something,” the driver said. “My favorite little blonde darlin' from back in the day. How's your other friend, uh, Mandy doing?”

“Oh, her?” Clover said.

“Yeah, her!” Sam said.

“We see each other at school and she's still a bitch.”

“Wait, you did it with Mandy?” Sam said.

“Fucked her up good too,” Clover said, nodding with a proud smile.

“And did you two lovelies have fun while we were away?” the man said to Sam.

“We sure did!” Sam said, looking right at Kim.

“Yeah, we sure did...” Kim said, her voice trailing off. She didn't regret last night at all, but with her current predicament, she was worried these girls would spread rumors that her penis was permanent. If Bonnie got word, that would be just the worst.

Alex just got herself up. She was still staring at the erection her face had just crashed into. She wouldn’t mind practicing for her boyfriend but had no idea it would be with this girl again.

“Don't stare at it...” Kim said.

“Okay...” Alex said, feeling a bit nervous herself. That didn't keep her from continuing to stare at it. It was hard to tell with her dark skin, but she was blushing pretty bad. She wasn't entirely down with the idea of fucking other guys for practice, but Kim Possible saved their bacon last night and she was already plenty familiar with this penis!

And it was still pretty hard too.

“So, what brings the fine and esteemed Larry back to our little traveling road show?” said the driver.

Sam tried to hold in her laughter at Clover being referred to by that name. She just remembered that dumb name Mandy came up with on the beach so long ago. Clover was trying to say something, but everytime she did, Sam's laughter got louder. She didn't mean to laugh either, especially knowing that joke came from Mandy, but the more she tried to hold it in, the worse it got.

Finally she stopped. “Larry here has brought our little friend Alex for some practice with a dick,” Sam said, patting Alex on her shoulder.

“Yeah, got a big date tonight,” Alex said. Even after last night, she was keenly aware of all the sexual energy here and had to wave her face to cool down from how flustered she was getting.

“And she wants to know how to mess him up just right, don't you Alex?” Clover said.

“Well maybe just a little...”

“Nice,” said the driver. “Hey bro, you wanna play Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who gets first dibs on fucking this lovely lady?”

“Oh hell yeah I do!” said the man. They started going at it.

“Actually um...” Alex said, looking at Kim. “I wouldn't mind doing other things with this one.” Kim actually had a bashful smile on her face.

“We're gonna get some more lesbo dick action?” said the driver.

“And one of them is a virgin?” said the man.

“Nice!” they both said and high fived each other.

“Of course we wouldn't want you two to feel left out either,” said the driver, looking right at Sam. Even after getting dominated by Shego, he was still sore about not getting into that threeway the last time Kim was here, and he was looking to get in on the action this time. Clover still scared him even with her tits hanging out.

“And this time, my dick is ready and waiting,” said the man, pulling his pants down and looking right at Clover. She was looking foxy as ever and he was ready to fuck every single one of her slutty little holes.

“Wow...” Alex said. That orgy with Kim was just to celebrate getting out of a sticky situation, but she had no idea her friends were like this behind the scenes. Clover maybe, but never Sam. She got close to Kim. “So I never learned this, but why do you have a dick again?” she whispered.

“Oh these jerks gave it to me while we were on the run from Drakken's robots,” Kim said back just as quietly. “And the only way to make it go away is by making it cum over and over again!”

“They uh...they gave it to you?”

“Don't say it like that! It's embarrassing!”

“How did they give it to you again, exactly?”

Kim rolled her eyes. “Cock seeds from the future.”

“Really...” Sam said. She looked at Clover with a smile. “You thinking what I'm thinking?”

“I don't know. What are you thinking?”

The two got really close and started whispering to each other. The other four of them looked at the two, trying to hear a word of what was being said but didn't hear any of it. They all looked at each other and shrugged before looking back at the two of them. Then Clover and Sam looked at them.

“You got any of those cock seeds left?” Sam said.

“Yeah, I have a genius idea,” Clover said. Sam snickered. It was her idea, but she'd let her have that win.

“Oh yes I do!” the man said. He reached into the glove box and pulled out two of them. He looked at Kim. “I put one of these in you when I was eating out that delicious pussy. And now you've grown so much.” He started laughing hard.

Kim pouted. “Jerk.”

He was going to play with her tits again, maybe bend her over and give her a spanking, but then Clover and Sam snatched them out of his hand and reaching down, put them in their panties.

“You sure you want that?” Kim said.

“Oh we've got two special ladies we want to use these on,” said Sam.

“One of them is my bestest friend in the world!” said Clover.

“I hope you two know what you're getting into,” Kim said.

“Don't be like that,” the man said. “Giving it to you felt really good. But we wouldn't want you two to feel left out either,” he said, looking at the both of them.

“Yeah, we don't want you to just watch it go down and imagine what you'll be getting,” the driver grumbled. “There's a toll here, but then again, you both know that right?”

“How about you give it the best you got?” Clover said, looking at the man. “You wanted some but by that time I was all tuckered out.” She slapped one of her bare tits.” Here's your chance.”

“And you were left out last time,” said Sam, looking at the driver. “Let's see how big that thing can get.”

Alex was still trying to parse the situation when she saw the two guys were scurrying to her friends. To the left of her Sam was making out with the driver while he was feeling her legs and ass, while Clover was down on her back with the man with him practically eating her tits, the little heart pasties tossed aside.

Alex was still mesmerized by the sight of it. But as Kim watched, her pecker was getting hard all over again. Seeing the other spy gazing at her surroundings, she cupped her chin to look right at her. “So you wanna get started?” Kim said with a naughty smile. “Just remember, my eyes are up here.”


The driver came onto Sam really hard. He had been left out of that threeway and after getting dominated by Shego so bad, was now looking to have some real fun. He whipped his tongue inside her with no mercy and felt all over her body. Just like Clover and Shego, she was muscular and toned all over. But she was nowhere near as feisty as they were.

Despite being more of a prim and proper lady than her two friends, Sam was still kissing him back. He was more wiry than his friend but had plenty of strength to spare, and his greedy little hands had grabbed her crotch. In only those swimming shorts, her pussy was no match for him feeling her there. His fingers found her aroused box and moved in between her pussy lips.

She turned her face away from him to breathe, he was really aggressive in spite of being so wiry compared to his companion. That was fine for him, he started slobbering all over her neck while still grabbing her crotch. The shorts she was wearing were tight enough on their own, but as he was massaging the outlines of her twat, he was surprised to find her clitoral nub sticking up.

“Damn you really are horny,” he said, whispering into her ear and licking inside of it. He ever so slightly brushed his fingers up on the clit. A nervous shudder ran through her body. Pleased with that response, he moved his fingers on top of it in circular motions. She started shaking all over.

Enjoying his hold over her, he yanked down her bikini top to reveal her succulent breasts. He was no stranger to them as her catsuit had perfectly conformed to their full shape even before she stripped naked, but that was mostly when she was fooling around with Kim and on top of his buddy. He intended to do far more with them.

He started sucking on her tits. Just like he predicted, she was no match for him. Her nipples were hard in his mouth and he was more than ready to focus entirely on those sensitive little caps just like he was messing up her sweet spot below. Still playing with her clit, she eventually collapsed right on top of him from all that teasing.

His greedy hands reached into the hem of her swimming shorts and pulled them down. Touching her pussy was one thing but he was not at all expected for just how wet she was down there. The shape of her aroused vulva was perfect. He had maintained a hold over her before and stepped things up a bit, moving his digits in between her plump pussy lips.

“You know, I expected this kind of thing from your little friend over there,” he said, licking her ear. “But this refined little lady is so much worse than her!”

“Sh-shut up…” she said.

“That’s good advice,” he said. “There is something else I’ve been meaning to put in my mouth than words. Maybe we can eat together.”

She didn’t have time to inquire what that meant when he switched positions from under her. No sooner had his face gotten at her crotch than his dick popped up right in her face. She was hit with his masculine scent of lust, he clearly had really been meaning to get in on this one, when she felt his tongue stirring into her cunt.

Her face fell right onto his boner from his cunnilingus. He was being relentless, not really caring whether he was getting her off or not, just all too eager to punish this pampered ginger pussy. Her taste and smell were intoxicating.

He had been sloppy with her at first. But when she didn’t give it back to his dick as much as she wanted to, he became far more slow and direct with his clamdiving. Every dart with his tongue was more focused and felt even better than before, but at the same time, she felt totally paralyzed from what he was doing to her.

He knew it too. Still irritated by her lack of activity, he jammed his tongue in as far as it would go and then did nothing else. She gave off a strong shudder of pleasure at first, her fluids leaked down his face. But she craved more. Sam’s intelligence wasn’t just restricted to the books and knew exactly what she’d have to do to get it right back.

She gave a strong lick right from the base of his shaft all the way up to his head. He was resolute on having an upper hand on her, but the moment she did that, he couldn’t hold in that shiver she gave him. She was still nowhere near as composed as she wanted to be. But she was feeling far more confident than earlier. Smiling to herself in spite of her current situation, she licked right down back to the base of his dick.

The driver was holding onto her hips in an attempt to hold her. But she was playing with his member so good that his control over her was loosening. He had to take his tongue out of her twat to breathe, and she made sure to make sure and capitalize on that situation by taking his whole cock right inside of her mouth. Just like he had with her, she moved her mouth down as far as it would go.

And I thought that other chick could be deadly… he thought to himself. He was practically gasping for air. Not intent on letting her get the better of him, he started eating her out again. Sam to her credit started moving her head up and down on his dick. She was still ready to outdo Clover.


As soon as the man had gotten Clover down on the car seat, he was practically eating those big titties of hers. That cat fight with Mandy was a bit scary, but he knew when she was alone with a guy, that she was harmless. And he was aching to finally get a piece of her himself.

From how hard her nipples were on his tongue, she apparently wanted it just as bad as he did. Those legs of hers were wrapped right around his back. Her high class little friend had put on a strong front from the beginning, but she ended up putting out just fine. This one on the other hand had no such illusions, and was moaning, holding him close and clearly wanting more.

If she wanted more, he was more than happy to give it right to her. He stopped eating her chest and looked right at her. She looked at him, more than a little annoyed that he had stopped.

“You look cute when you’re angry,” he said.

“Yeah?” she said, arching an eyebrow at him and giving him a look.

“Yeah,” he said, and pinched her nipples. Her poise was forgotten as she threw her head back to yelp. He was not inclined to show her any mercy either, and twisted and played with them as he liked. Her whole body was twisting under him.

He was going to make it a whole lot worse too. As he would yank on her nipples for his own amusement, sometimes he would stop to start eating her chest again. The feeling of his hot tongue licking all over her sensitive flesh after that rough treatment was so soothing, it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She looked down at him and ran her fingers through his hair like she was in love.

Only for him to step things up a notch by twisting her nipples again. Far from being unpleasant, the pain was like a jolt of lightning that went straight to her pussy. She would hold dig her fingers into his muscular back from the pressure of his fingers. Just as it felt like it was going to become too much, he would resume eating her breasts.

“Please...please I…”

He looked up at her just as he was still sucking her breasts. “Please? I like to hear that. You can be a proper little lady when you want to be, huh?”

“Please...don’t tease me so hard…” Some chapters ago, Mandy had messed up her nipples real bad. That had turned her on a bit more than expected, but the way he was treating her little caps was so much worse than that.

“Then how about you make me feel good too. Eh?” He got and took his penis out. She leaned over to suck it but he had a far worse idea in mind. He jammed it in between her tits.

She gasped from how hot his meat was in between her hooters. He pulled and pushed his cock in there to his liking too, showing her no mercy. All the while his big hands kept on mauling her rack.

“You can touch yourself if you like,” he said. “Play with that fucking pussy.”

“Um...okay…” She did exactly as she was told, moving her fingers to her sensitive twat. The rough treatment her chest was getting was unreal, but she still made sure to gently toy with her vagina. The combination of getting it rough and gentle at the same time was so good, and relaxed herself into that euphoria.


Alex was a bit shocked about what was going on around her. She was hardly an innocent little flower after last night, but something like that was just a victory high. Maybe she could believe Clover would be this easy, but it still surprised her to see Sam getting in on it too. Then she felt Kim cup her chin so they were looking right at each other.

“You know, you were in my dream last night,” Kim said.

“Really?” Alex said. Her dark skin made it harder to see the blush on her face but Kim knew it was there.

“Yeah. And now it’s gonna come true.”

Before Alex could respond, Kim kissed her. Kim’s tongue slipped into her mouth without warning but Alex was so touched that she just let it happen, and happily closed her eyes feeling it. She clasped Kim’s hand in one of those instant and all too rare moments of trust and affection. It touched something inside of Kim too. After dealing with these two guys and Bonnie from earlier, she needed this kind of treatment. Even with everything that was going on around them, they were totally lost in each other’s world.

Feeling a lot more confident now, Kim hiked up the front flap of her long skirt so that her penis was exposed. It bumped onto one of Alex’s bare thighs while the two girls were making out. She didn’t have to look at it to know what it was. Not breaking the kiss, she grabbed Kim’s dick.

The other girl turned her face away and moaned. Alex grinned, not just at how sensitive Kim was, but also from feeling that big and hot thing on her palms. She had played with this dick plenty of times before, but she didn’t consider herself a virtuoso just yet. Seeing Kim like that made her feel more proud of herself.

“Did your dream have you like this?” Alex said, stroking her.

“Yes...yes…” Kim whimpered. That wasn’t true, but with her weak spot totally in Alex’s control, her mind was melting and she couldn’t find the words. All she could say was, “Please, be gentle with it.”

“Okay...” She sped up her handjob a bit. It wasn’t very eloquent, Kim’s pleased reaction had surprised her and still not having much technique on her side, she just did it as best she could.

“This part…” Kim said. Alex looked up at her. “This part is the most sensitive,” she said, fondling her cock head.

Alex grabbed it and Kim jumped up. Smiling to herself, she mashed her palm right up on the tip. Kim grabbed her shoulders and started moving her hips back and forth. As much as she was annoyed that this thing had stayed with her to the current day, she still loved how sensitive it was. Kim was totally at her mercy.

“I think...I’m think I’m going to…” Alex let her go. The second time she had been denied an orgasm and Kim was feeling it so much worse. “Please! I really need to cum!”

“Then how about you cum right here.” Alex was still saving up her virginity for tonight. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t have her fun. She turned around and shoved herself on Kim, wiggling her butt on Kim’s face. This little futa was ready to tear up that pussy, but when Alex spread open her ass cheeks, Kim’s jaw almost dropped. That rosebud tempted her so bad. She had gotten herself plenty of pussy already, but this was turning out to be way better than her dream.


Sam and the driver were still eating each other pretty hard when he couldn’t take it anymore. He bust his nut right inside of her mouth. His dick bursting all that hot cum into her mouth made her freeze, she couldn’t move anymore. Capitalizing on her being so stunned, he thrust his dick right up into her mouth while upping the ante with his cunnilingus. He made sure to lick up and down inside her twat so that he would flick her clit with his tongue every time.

He had been holding onto her that entire time, his hands digging those tushy cheeks like he owned it. She could only twitch involuntarily from the force of his clamdiving and him exerting such a strong hold upon her. He knew she was weak too and stopped eating her, focusing mainly on stimulating her clit. He was sucking on it with her lips.

He was eating her so good that she couldn’t even get his cock out of her mouth. All she could do was swallow his cum as best she could while she made muffled little moans. His jizz was leaking out of her mouth and down his shaft. The whole time she was forced to inadvertently suck him off again, that’s how good it was.

She gave off a muffled shriek when she came, her clitoris tensing up and blasting a hot spray of girl cum all over his face. Her aroused pussy lips were shaking and wet, and he happily licked her fluids off his face. And he had gotten hard again too.

He got up so that she fell forward. Liking that position, he arranged her to be on all fours, her ass right in front of his face. He probed her pussy with his fingers, she didn’t whimper any louder than she already was, but she was definitely moist all over.

“You're so fucking wet,” he said. “Bet the whole time we were on that chase, you only wish you could be getting it from me.”

“How about you prove it Don Quixote?” she said, wiggling his ass in front of her face. “Or is your dick as lame as your ride?”

“Damn. I thought your little friend over there was kinky, but you're wanting it real bad aren't you?”

“Guess it's the red in me. You gonna talk all day or give me what I want?” She was looking back at him. There was still some of his jizz leaking out of her lips, but she just licked it off her face and grinned at him.

“Oh fuck yeah!” He grabbed her hips and slammed his dick inside of her. A smile spread across her face as he filled her up. He wasn't at full arousal just yet, he had just come inside of her mouth. But she had still been blowing him even as he shot his cum down her throat, and now on him bareback, she was so incredibly tight.

He was pounding inside her cunt hard and fast. But he didn't expect her to be giving it right back to him. She was looking back at him with a vicious smile. He stared into her eyes for a few seconds, really turned on by how feral she looked despite being so beautiful and well bred before she hit her ass up against his hips really hard.

He almost fell down on his back from the force of her buttocks on him. Taking advantage of that opportunity, she got up and sat down on top of him, his dick still inside of her. “Aww, you okay? I hope I didn't hurt you. I guess my ass really is high class.”

“Out of this fucking world,” said the driver. He rose up so that she was sitting upright on his lap. Grabbing her tits, the two of them leaned their faces together and stuck out their tongues, mashing them together. After being left out of this one, he was really aggressive with her tits, fondling them hard. While she was riding him, she hadn't relented in the one she was using her butt, slamming it down on his lap good.

Eventually it got so bad that he fell onto the back rest of the seat behind him. He was still in a comfortable position but she was really giving it to him, and soon all he could do was sit there while he fucked him up. He threw his head back on the head rest and cried out deeply. Sam giggled seeing him like that, and to make it easier for him, slowed things down a bit and rotated her hips, moving her vagina around skillfully like she was giving him a lap dance.

That broke it out of him. He was nearing his limit. With her bare back before him, he started licking all over her perfect skin, and moved his mouth past her mane of dark red hair to her neck. He devoured her flesh hungrily while renewing his tempo, taking his clit in his fingers. Once so dominant, now Sam was losing it herself, feeling him getting so big and hot inside of her. She wrapped her arm back on his head behind her, losing it herself.

He came inside of her so hard that she almost fell forward off of him onto the floor of the car seat. Denied her heavenly embrace yesterday, he was more than eager to make up for lost time and kept on pumping deep inside that pussy, showing her no mercy. Her once proud posture slumped and became weak, as she reached her arms forward onto the back of the front seat to keep her steady.


Just before Sam and the driver had started to go at it, Clover was touching herself bad while the man pumped his dick back and forth between her tits. He was pinching her nipples hard, and the only time she only dipped her fingers into her twat more and more. He saw that she was playing with her clit, bringing the nub out of the hood.

“You like this?” She didn't say anything, just nodded her head and murmured. “Want me to blow a load all over your face and these tits?” She nodded again, looking just as innocent and demure as before. Definitely the total opposite of how she was last time she was here in the Bang Bus. When she wasn't squabbling with other girls, she could be a real little angel.

Wanting to satisfy that urge of hers, he sped up the way he was fucking her tits. He stopped pinching her nipples too, they were plenty hard at that point and he couldn't believe they were actually shaking from his treatment. Getting a little more inventive, he pushed them deep down into their areolas with his big fingers while he plowed her tits a little slower this time. It felt so good for the both of them, they wanted to just sit back and savor this one.

In the midst of her enjoying herself, Clover wrapped her legs around his waist. Taking that as an invitation, the man resumed fucking her tits roughly while pushing those nipples down with as much strength as he could. He liked it when she threw her head back. After how freaky she was on here last time, apparently she could take it as much as she could give it.

He was ready to blow. Letting go of one of her tits, he grabbed the back of her head and moved it forward. Without even being told to, she opened her mouth right up and he came, blowing several hot loads of cum right on her tongue and on her face. He still thrust in between her tits as he did so, and as he was finishing up, he pulled out, leaving a lot strand of cum on on her collarbone, in between her breasts, and on her flat stomach.

He looked down at her vagina. She was still touching herself, and at that instant a stream of fluid sprayed right from her clit all over his face. He had to blink he was so surprised, and then she shot another one.

He wiped her fluid off his face and then took it into his mouth. He smiled, she tasted hot, but tangy. He looked down and she was still looking back up at him.

“You liked it that much, huh?”

“Uh, um...” She was nervous but there was still hints of that valley girl tone in her voice, and covered in his cum, she just looked so cute. “I don't know...”

“You don't know, huh? How about this guy and I help you out? Give you a good helping of knowledge!” He started stroking his meat. He put it near her pussy. He had just blown some of his load all over her, but the heat of her vagina was so bad that he was getting harder again already. “Oh man. When you said you were feeling out of it back then, I should have known that deep down, you were more ready than ever! Fuck I can't wait to see how good you feel on my meat!”

She was ready to say something but then he slowly edged his dick inside of her. His cock head was getting larger the more he put it inside of that juicy twat and before he knew it, he was fully hard again. Wasting no more time, he shoved himself inside of her all the way.

Clover shrieked from feeling him inside of her. Just like when he was fucking her tits, he was relentless with her from the start. She had to grab onto his shoulders and wrap her legs around his back to keep up with his raw momentum.

The sight of her covered in his jizz and taking it, it was all so perfect. And she was so tight and wet too. He looked back to see his partner getting his freak on with Sam, she was riding him like a champ and he could only love it. Looking back down at Clover who looked like a total angel despite her personality being anything but, he kept on fucking her. She was giving it to him right back, he couldn't be happier and he smeared his cum all in her skin. Behind him, he could hear Kim Possible and that Alex girl going at it too.

He couldn't believe how sensitive he had gotten. He had gotten rock hard nearing this girl in a matter of seconds, and now he was already ready to cum again. He pinched her nipples again, showing her no mercy, and her pussy was clenching down on his penis with each forceful caress from him. But then she started playing with her clit again.

He grunted, blowing his second load inside of her. Already throwing her head back, Clover screamed loud, more like a ghost than an angel, and it just turned him on even more as he released more of his nut deep inside her. He kept on pumping inside of her, he wanted to get as much of it in that pussy as he could.


“Holy cow...” Kim said.

“You like it?” Alex said. She turned back around so she was looking down at Kim. Then sitting over her, she spread her ass cheeks wide open and slowly lowered herself down on top of her. Kim moaned deeply, last night had only seemed like forever ago, but she couldn't believe how good this butthole felt on her penis. She closed her eyes and made a series of goofy faces from it, and then she was in at the root of Alex's anus.

“Don't make a face like that!” Alex said. “It's my first time too...”

“It feels so good too,” Kim said. “A nice...” She stopped before she blurted out 'Virgin asshole,' she suddenly realized she was thinking like a typical guy. This dick was changing everything about her.

No wonder so many men are such pervs.

Kim looked down. Alex's big sexy brown ass was right in front of her eyes, and each time she rode the thick penis lodged inside her butthole, those cheeks jiggled. Last night was great, and she loved being tied up. But now that she was free she intended to fully indulge herself.

Just as Alex moved herself down on Kim, the cheerleader reached forward and slapped that ass. She nodded her head in satisfaction at the sheer impact and reverberation it left on the brown girl's behind, it was like watching water ripple. Alex looked back and meant to say something, but couldn't, not with how smug Kim was being.

And not with that pecker plowing her there. That dick was perfectly curved to fuck her ass just right. At first it hadn't been pleasure quite yet, she had to adjust to the feeling of having that thick thing lodged inside her behind. But she was surprised at how easily it fit inside of her, and her whole body was lit up with perverted sensations.

Kim gasped the moment her phallus was all the way inside Alex's tight ass. After all the teasing today along with that wet dream, she needed real stimulation so badly. Memories of last night, all the fucking going on around them, Ron kissing Bonnie, she was so horny and needy.

Before she knew it, her blood was pumping with that hot lust. She couldn't contain herself anymore, she was pumping back inside of Alex just as much as the other girl was riding her pecker. She couldn't believe her hips were going crazy as much as they were especially after last night. Every second, Alex was shrieking like banshee, and thumped her big cheeks down on Kim's hips.

It was driving Kim crazy. She rose up and licked all over Alex's bare shoulders, eating all over her. Her mouth found Alex's neck and sucked on it deeply. Her hands fell all over the brown girl, Alex was already feverishly touching herself, and for several seconds there was an informal competition between them on who was going to be touching where, their hands were chaotic. Alex got her hands in her vagina and was gently stimulating herself while riding that futa dick. Kim on the other hand was ruthless and pinching Alex's dark nipples roughly.

“Please!” Alex cried out. “Don't be so rough...”

“You mean like this?” Kim said and found her clit. Alex winced back and Kim knew she had found her weak spot. The sensitive piece of flesh was already sticking out, and she took it between her fingers. Alex bit her lip and grunted loud, and Kim didn't let up one bit. She was pinching and stroking the clit, showing her no mercy.

Alex hissed when she climaxed. The orgasm in her nether regions was so intense that her pussy felt like it was going to melt, she came through her cunt and her clit at the same time. Her body was so rattled with euphoric sensations that she didn't even feel it when Kim moved her forward so that she was sitting up on all fours. She just did as the other girl wanted.

Still high off that double climax, she acutely felt the pounding in her asshole all over again. It was so powerful that her torso collapsed on the seat of the car while she took it. Kim leaned closer and grabbed her tits, slapping them around, groping them, while still plowing that tush.

Then she slapped her ass and actually laughed when she blew her nut inside of Alex's ass. The brown girl was already wrapped up in ecstasy and so high on life, she felt that load flooding inside her anus that much more. It felt like there was a delicious explosion in her anus and already crumpled up, her backside fell onto the seat too. She was just lying there on her stomach, totally lost in it.

Kim loved it too. It was such a strong orgasm that she actually stood up on her knees, her dick still standing up and raised up her arms and shouted, “Oh yeah!”

There were other reasons to celebrate too. Clover and Sam were writhing around. The man and the driver high-fived, they knew what was going to happen. Kim knew it too and looked at them. Just like with her, two big dicks erupted straight from their nether regions.

“You jealous there, hero?” the man said to Kim.

That actually got Kim to look down at her penis. The veins in it were twitching and it felt weird. “I don't know. Something's happening!”

He whistled. “Damn, I think that's a sign. It's probably going to fall off!”

“Fall off?”

“Yeah it is! And then we can have our fun all over again baby.”

“You wish! Actually...” Her lips curled up into an evil grin. “How about you drop me off at a select place?”


The Bang Bus dropped off the new lady friends. The three spies bid farewell to Kim Possible, and they went their separate ways. The three WOOHP girls had cleaned themselves off and were walking side by side with Alex, escorting her to where her date was. Along the way on the sidewalk, they ran into Caitlin, Dominique, and Mandy.

“Oh look, it's the Three Hoes,” said Mandy. The other two started chortling, “Ho-ho-ho!” over and over again. They were so into insulting the spies that they didn't notice that two of them were packing some serious heat in their short shorts.

Clover and Sam looked at each other and smiled. They instantly dropped their pants, revealing their dicks. The three bitches' jaws dropped. All the more when Caitlin and Dominique were suddenly at the receiving end of dick, over and over again.

Mandy just watched it go down. While she watched her friends getting fucked up, Clover and Sam looked right at her.

“Um...can I have some dick too?” Mandy asked innocently.

They both laughed.

And Kim had some final errands to take care of too. She was walking on the beach when she found Ron rushing at her.

“Oh thank everything KP! I was looking everywhere for you!”

She almost forget about her evil idea when she saw Bonnie not far behind. Still in that little two piece swimsuit. Kim actually got a little hard at the sight of her.

“Yoo-hoo boyfriend! It's not nice to run from your baby girl!”

“She won't stop stalking me!”

Kim just smiled as sweetly as could be. “Ron, can you leave me and Bon Bon alone? We have some things to talk about.”

He looked between them and saw they were looking past him and at each other. “Okay...” He quickly scurried.

“What's this about?” Bonnie said, folding her arms. “You gonna suck him off slut? Like what you did with my other two boyfriends? Because guess what, I already did.”

Kim just rolled her eyes. Then she lifted up the skirt of her dress, revealing her dick. Bonnie's eyes widened, she was totally frozen.

Then Kim grabbed the scruff of her neck and moved her head down. Kim started rubbing her dick all over her rival's face, and with Bonnie in that position, she took advantage of the opportunity to spank her ass spilling out of that thong too. Bonnie was squirming in her grasp but Kim just didn't let go.

Then Kim suddenly screamed when she came for the final time with her new appendage. It was easily one of the most intense orgasms she had in her life. She wasn't even paying attention to Bonnie's face and inadvertently let go of her head. If she had been, she would have seen that the penis actually exploded, erupting in a mix of the man's jizz and Kim's own pussy juice all over Bonnie's face. Kim's pussy on the other hand was totally clean.

Bonnie got away from her. “Eww, gross!” Kim looked at her face, her hair and face covered in sticky white goo.

“Wow, would you look at the time?” Kim said. “I think me and Ron have a date!”

Bonnie was just squirming, clearly uncomfortable with what happened. Kim walked away from her like it was nothing at all. When she found Ron, he noticed she was alone.

“Uh Kim what exactly happened...?”

“We worked things out, don't worry about it!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He was stunned at how quick this was going down, and then he quickly melted into her embrace, holding her right back. He felt like he was in heaven. If he had any idea of all she just did behind his back, maybe not. Ignorance really is bliss. 

She pulled away from him and cupped his face. “Let's just enjoy our date together, boyfriend."


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