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Tricia Lange was over at Summer's house again. The two became friends after seeing the giant mutated Beth and Summer courtesy of Rick's Morphizer-XE caused her to want to rekindle her relationship with her mother. Though Jerry's only daughter was still very shallow and cared very much about becoming popular. After that, she had become an informal mentor to Summer on becoming one of the cool kids.

Rick wanted her to come on an adventure with him today. But no surprise, he was actually drunk off his ass right now. He barged into Summer's room barely able to stand, and sloshed and slurring all over the place. When he heard straight from her lips on why she didn't want to go with him, he actually burped even in the sorry state he was in. “Wow, I thought you were smarter than this,” he said. “Wubba lubba dub dub.”

“Haven't heard that one in a long time,” Summer shot right back at him.

“Yeah, I guess you can kinda bring that one out of me. Morty can't, but you sure can, bitch.”

“Whatever Rick, at least I don't have to put up with your bullshit either.”

“My bullshit? You're skipping an opportunity to go explore other worlds to play around with a bimbo that stole your boyfriend. I thought you were better than this.”

“Wow, an adventure. Like I haven't seen that one before.”

“Listen Summer, and I'm only saying this because you're a little, and I stress, a little, sharper than Morty, but don't take that the wrong way, that's still a big difference, but maybe I could make a clone of your friend Tricia. She's here all the time lately, and there are strands of her hair hanging around. I mean it makes me wonder what you two do here all the time.”

“Uh, why the fuck were you in my room?”

“Looking for you, Summer. But don't flatter yourself to take that as meaning anything more than it actually does. As much as I find you more reliable than Morty and Jerry, and these days your two horny ass moms, you're still a bag of raging hormones.” Summer just rolled her eyes. But Rick went on. “I can take one of those strands of hair and make a copy of your dear friend Tricia with all her memories, personality, everythng.”

“She's not my friend...”

“That way you can hang out with her when you want to and come on this adventure with me. Like right now.”

“I never thought I'd be saying this but clearly you're drunker than usual, because that is one hell of a dumb idea.”

“Oh what the fuck ever Summer! Like I need you around!” Then he turned around and slammed the door shut. Curious, she went ahead and followed him, and he had gone into the garage. He saw her looking at him as he was poring over the work counter and glared. “Go away Summer. This is now a Rick and Morty only adventure.” Then the floor descended and he was back in his secret underground lab.

Tricia got there an hour later. Summer was lucky that she arrived just then, because that's when Rick and Morty went off on their adventure. Any earlier, and she'd have to deal with her dorky little brother trying to make the moves on another one of the hot girls since he struck out with Jessica. And it was bad enough this bitch stole her man but she wouldn't let her brother be taken away too.

Right now, the only person there right now besides the two of them was Jerry. Beth was busy at her job and Space Beth was doing some seriously badass shit. At least that was the cover story, for all Summer knew, the two of them were going at it in some secret undisclosed area. Jerry being Jerry, he was looking around in Rick's garage, probably getting himself into trouble because he was too dimwitted to tell his pee hole from his shit hole, and with all the things in Rick's garage, he would probably mess with one of Rick's more dangerous gadgets and then the big question of Jerry's life truly wouldn't be how much of a loser he is but instead be, “Which one of his holes is his pee hole and which is his shit hole?” Summer didn't even care anymore, it would all work itself out somehow, her grandfather was a mega genius. Just as long as it wasn't a Mr. Frundles type deal.

Though they were problems even Rick couldn't begin to tackle. Namely Summer becoming one of the hot girls. The whole time Tricia was advising Summer on what to wear to look just as hot as her, Jessica and Holly. She had even brought over a bit of her wardrobe on over. Short skirts and little shorts with the ass hanging out, pants tight enough to show cameltoe, and little string bikinis complete with thongs. Some of them were definitely a little too big for Summer, she had a pretty slim little ass and definitely not the rack that Tricia did.

That wasn't the most awkward thing though. When she saw all those clothes, Summer at first thought they were just gonna be talking about what styles she should wear. Maybe one of those sets really was her size after all. But she wasn't expecting Tricia to actually take her clothes off right in front of her. This pupil of one of the hot girls just stared, awestruck as she watched the small form fitting shirt leave her chest and unclasp her skirt and then throw them onto the floor.

The only thing Tricia had on now was a lacy black thong. Seeing them naked for the first time, Summer did have to admit she really did have quite the rack too. She could only feel jealous when Ethan left her to pair up with Tricia, but now seeing those naked hooters herself, she understood exactly why he did what he did. Tricia caught Summer checking her out with one hell of a blank expression and giggled a little bit to herself before moving her arms under her tits to accentuate them just a little bit.

“See something you like?” Tricia said. She smiled, but Summer couldn't be sure whether there was some kind of mockery in her eyes or this girl being the dumb bimbo she was, completely pure. Though a girl like this one was anything but innocent.

Summer turned away, blushing and said, “What? No.”

Tricia snickered again. “So did you and Ethan ever fuck?”

“What? How the hell is that any of your business?”

“We did. He touched all over these,” she said, grabbing her big tits so that the soft skin spilled through her fingers, “he sucked all over them too. I even made him cum when I wrapped them around his dick.” She closed her eyes and sighed pleasantly to herself remembering it.

Summer's face lit up with anger. “What...get the hell out!” She was already starting to regret having this girl over. With how often she hung out with her grandfather and these days took care of a lot of his personal requests he couldn't be bothered to take care of on his own, she thought she could play this girl like the vapid bitch she is. Her grandpa rubbed off on her so much that she began to think that her relationship with this girl was not unlike her own father and Rick's daily squabbles, a genius dealing with an idiot. But whether the girl was that smart deep down or just too stupid to even know what she was doing, she realized fast she might have made the wrong move.

Tricia just batted her eyes at Summer's rage. “Don't be like that. I just want to teach you how to fuck too.”

“Please, I know how to fuck. I'm not some little repressed abstinence only purity ring skank who can't shut the fuck up about God while having a personal collection of every sex toy in existence behind the scenes.”

“You know, you don't need all of these to make the guys like you,” she said, taking one of her tits into her mouth and sucked on her nipple, moaning at the sensation, before she let it drop out of her mouth. Tricia's cap was already getting hard from being in her mouth and her eyes were seductively half-lidded at Summer. “I can tell you how to make a guy beg for it.”

Summer couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. She was determined to maintain the upper hand in this little contest. “Bitch please, I've fought with alien mobsters and survived in post apocalyptic futures. You don't got nothing on me.”

Summer might as well not have said a single word with Tricia's next response. “You still don't know how to make a guy want you like he needs you.” Summer had to admit she had a point there. Maybe if she was a little more seductive, she could have bought Rick and Morty more time during that Die Hard scenario. And the only reason she left that Mad Max wasteland universe was because her one time apocalypse love Hemorrhage liked relaxing and watching TV over spending time with her. But these were thoughts that definitely weren't normal for her and the only reason her mind was a flutter was because of this naked girl being so outrageous before her.

For all the jealousy she felt over Ethan, it still didn't occur to her that she cheated on him before he left her, first with the devil and then with Hemorrhage. But hanging out around Rick tended to make personal self awareness not as important as just getting even. Right now though, she was just too distracted by Tricia's naked body. As much as she hated to admit it, Summer wished she did look that good.

Tricia turned herself around so Summer got a good look at her tush too. The more experienced girl shook her ass a little bit, it was just as mouth watering as her rack, before slapping one of the cheeks to make it jiggle. Then she turned around with that same oblivious smile on her face.

“So do you want me to teach you a trick or two?”

Summer sighed to herself loudly like she was annoyed so it wouldn't show just how flustered she was. “Fine, let's just get it over with. Tell me your secrets oh wise one.” She made air quotes with her fingers at those last two words.

Tricia beamed at that, wearing an innocent smile despite the lewd nature this conversation had gone in. She ignored Summer's deadpan tone too. “Okay, okay!” she squealed. “But if I'm gonna teach you how to fuck, I'm gonna need you to play along. I can't do it otherwise.”

“Play along.”

“Yeah, play along. You know? I'm not really good at words. Come on, it'll just be like playing Spin the Bottle.”

“Okay,” Summer said, looking away and giving her a stink eye. She never did play Spin the Bottle at all, but Tricia hanging out with the kind of crowd she did, no surprise she did. Not that Tricia noticed Summer's clear show of reluctance. She just boldly moved onto her new friend and without any warning, kissed her right on the lips.

Summer was a bit shocked but tried to play it cool. She maintained her composure and didn't break her face away from Tricia. She realized that the more adventurous girl probably did this all the time with her friends.

So she had. Unlike Summer, Tricia was moaning into it from the start. She felt an unexpected thrill of pleasure herself inside from just how deep and lewd that moan was. It wasn't helped by just how soft Tricia's lips were either, she was rubbing them right on Summer's no problem, taking no need of just how surprised the other girl was. Despite knowing what kind of girl Tricia was, Summer was still a bit taken aback from the tingling she felt on actually doing this sort of thing for real. They had only just started hanging out and now several days later they were already acting like stereotypes from some guy's fantasy.

Though Tricia came onto Summer so suddenly, she wasn't being rough and crude either at all like a guy typically would be. Instead she had gently cupped her cheek and holding her shoulder like they were actually friends and not Summer's informal entrance to the cool kids club. Though the first impression anyone would have of Tricia Lange would be just some vapid bimbo, a calculating deviousness was working in her head as she knew she was working her magic on her current partner.

Summer on the other hand was tempted to actually break away and ask when they'd get right to the important stuff. If only to get her to stop. But Tricia's was being so slow and deliberate with each kiss, and she was so into it that it would feel downright mean to stop her. Nor did she make any mocking remarks of how little Summer was contributing to this kissing session at all. The only sounds were their lips rubbing against each other as Tricia moaned to herself.

A horny curiosity was forming inside of Summer with each second that she let Tricia kiss her like that. But she did back up a bit the moment she tasted Tricia's tongue for the first time on her own lips. When she backed up, she  The other girl's eyes were half-lidded in a perverted gaze and she naughtily licked her lips. Summer wondered to herself how often those lips might have kissed Ethan. And then she wondered how many dicks this mouth must have sucked, how much semen she tasted on her tongue.

She wouldn't have much time to ponder it though. Tricia had no problems whatsoever with getting as forward the situation called for. She could tell just how nervous Summer was and grabbed her wrists. Summer gulped the instant her hands touched Tricia's breasts for the first time.

“Wow,” Summer said.

“See, they don't bite,” Tricia said.


“Touch them.”

“Well I kinda already am.”

“You know what I mean. I thought you were supposed to be smart? Jessica tells me your grandfather is some kind of smarty pants. Maybe it doesn't run in the family.”

Summer glared at her. She got enough shit from her grandfather on the regular, but now she was getting it from this airhead too? Summer just shot back, “Whatever bitch, if that's what you really want.”

Just like Tricia had taken initiative with their first kiss, Summer actively moved her hands on those big titties. Her caresses nothing quite like Tricia's skilled and experienced kisses, Summer's hands sloppily kneaded those much bigger breasts. It was a mix of her own irritation as well as just never having done this sort of thing with another girl. Sometimes when she went shopping, she would put on pushup bras all the time and fondle her artificially inflated chest as a joke. But that could never prepare her for actually touching real knockers that were just naturally big. The texture and feel was thick and soft in all the right places.

But Summer was also a bit distracted herself. That last little quip at Tricia was typical of her, she would always say that kind of thing to have the last word, whether it was with her mother, definitely her father and brother, and even Rick. Yet her typical poise didn't mean much when she was staring at those naked hooters. Even with all the interdimensional adventures she had been on, this kind of situation still took her off guard. She was looking at them so intently that she didn't even notice a growing curiosity in Tricia's otherwise vapid eyes.

Then Tricia laughed out loud from Summer's awkward touches. Summer acutely felt the scorn from that high-pitched sound. It snapped her right out of her trance and she glared at her so-called friend. The sound of that patronizing laughter was bad enough, but the popular girl was totally red faced, it was a little more than just fake bitch cackling. And to top it off, she wasn't even looking back at the scowling Summer, instead she was throwing her head back the whole time.

Still holding Tricia's tits, Summer grabbed them really hard, mashing her fingers into them as roughly as she could. Tricia looked back at her and stopped laughing. She was still grinning ear to ear, and her eyes contained a devious intelligence.

“You know, Ethan didn't touch them like that,” she purred. “He made love to them.”

“What?” Summer spat.

“You're touching them like you want to fuck them. No, no,” she said, grabbing Summer's wrists again and slowly moving them back so her hands moved slowly on her chest, “I want you to make love to them.”

“I don't care what you want.”

“Then I guess I'll just keep laughing until you get it right.”

“How's this for right?” Summer moved her fingers onto Tricia's considerably larger nipples and pinched them. Instead of wincing in pain, she squeaked loudly. Summer didn't know if she was either hurt by that or actually enjoyed it.

“Now you're getting it,” Tricia said, nodding at Summer like she was a small child despite the lewdness of the situation. “You have no idea how good that felt.”

“I think I have an idea.”

“Then again, I guess it makes sense you don't really know about this sort of thing. Clearly nobody has touched yours just right.”

Tricia moved her hands up Summer's shirt like she was some horny guy. Before Summer could say anything, those greedy hands found her much smaller bust still protected by a bra. Summer recoiled a bit from such a sudden and intimate movement, expecting to get her breasts completely wrecked in response to her trying to hurt Tricia earlier. But instead, she massaged them slowly and sensually.

For all of Summer's earlier roughness and overt hostility, she was taken off guard by how gentle those touches were. Yet at the same time there was a subtle dominance in Tricia's ministrations now, she would always use a good amount of pressure, then stop right before it became painful. Then she would resume the process over again. It was all getting her just a little wet.

At that point, Summer was looking away and had taken her hands off those ample mounds of flesh in order to save face. That didn't keep her from blushing beet red. She never expected her little hangout with Tricia today to have gone in this direction, and as much as she wished otherwise, she had given up resisting. Even if she tried pushing her away and making a scene of how she was being groped, she knew how full of it she'd look. And more than anything, she was getting wet in her panties.

Tricia leaned a little closer so her lips were right at Summer's ear. “If you want to keep getting it this good, then I need you to give it back to me like you did before,” she whispered seductively before licking right inside the rim. Summer shuddered a bit from that hushed and silky voice tempting her, and then felt those long fingers coil under the bra and find the direct flesh of her teats. Tricia sighed with delight when her digits found the hard nipples underneath. Summer's breasts being so much smaller, the span of the nipples were nowhere near as wide as her own, but she was no less susceptible, as she felt them instantly twitching on her fingers.

Then she pulled her hands back. As expected, Summer shot her a look. “Well, at least you know how to make a guy want you, right?” Tricia said. “You wouldn't think so but guys are pretty sensitive in their nipples too. When they want you enough, they'll let you do anything to them. Of course that goes for girls too.”

“You kidding me? I don't want you in that way!”

“Then maybe we can talk the cock sizes of all the other guys in the school. I've slept with so many of them, I know pretty much all of them by heart. But you wanna know a little secret? Most of them are jerks anyway. I can teach you how to make a guy think you're a goddess, but deep down they'll always worship the dirt you walk on more than you. I can make you feel real good right now.”

Summer did think of all the guys she had been with. Ethan, Hemorrhage, that weird thing she had with the literal devil, all those creeps she tried hooking up with back in Season Four. She thought about her own grandfather, her punk of a little brother, and her weasel of a dad. And then she thought about her two moms and how happy they were together.

She put her hands on the outer area of Tricia's breasts again. This time she worked on massaging the whole area of them and not just roughly grabbing them. She hoped she was touching those stripper titties just right.

Tricia hissed under her breath. “That's good. But I want you to make me feel even better. Use your mouth.” Summer was about to say something but then she put her finger right on her lips. “Not like that!”

Summer groaned. “Fine.”

“Thank you sweetie!” Tricia felt a perverted thrill watching Summer slowly move her head forward and awkwardly lick one of her teats for the first time. It wasn't as strong a lick as she would have liked, but it was a nice start anyway. To reward her for her obedience, Tricia massaged Summer's neck and shoulders, subtly encouraging her to do more.

Summer looked up at her, a little daunted at fully sucking one of those breasts. “Uh bitch, I'm loving getting to know you and all, but you must be pretty dumb to think I can eat one of those. You know what they say. More than a mouthful is a waste.”

“But you know exactly where I'm weak don't you?” she said, and flicked her nipples at her.

Weak, huh? Summer thought to herself. Looking at one of the nipples, she latched her lips around it and sucked on it roughly, taking in both the protruding cap and the surrounding areola. Tricia was quivering at that point. Summer relished in having this kind of power over someone like this but then she felt a pair of hands grab her head and push her onto the tit. Summer wasn't put off by such a wanton and crude sexuality and remembering her earlier reaction, tweaked the other with her fingers, pulling and pinching it all over.

Tricia threw her head back and moaned loudly enough that it could be heard through the whole house. Her whole body was shaking and she wigged her arms up in a fit of happiness before she threw her head back and moaned loudly enough that it could be heard through the whole house. Tricia looked back at her, her face beet red and panting heavily with an undeniably satisfied look on her face.

“Whoa...” Summer said. She wasn't reacting to Tricia's look or what just happened, but all of it at once.

“That was incredible Summer...”

“Serves you right for stealing my boyfriend, bitch.”

“If stealing your boyfriend gets me that kind of punishment, I'll fuck every guy you ever meet. Maybe even your little brother...”

“I should be angry about you saying that, but then I remember his mutated sperm merged with one of my eggs to make a giant ass deflicted incest baby, so really when I think about it, I got first dibs on him anyway.”

“Then maybe I'll pay a visit to your dad.”

“The fuck is it with you and my dad you dirty slut?”

“He's kinda cute. And you and your mom don't appreciate him enough. I want to make him feel that special one in a lifetime kind of love!”

“You say that, but I know that you're just looking for an excuse to fuck him and brag about him to all your little friends.”

“Then if you don't want me to care for him, let me make you feel real good and show you everything that Ethan got.” Before Summer could respond, Tricia pushed her so that she was down on her back on the mattress. Tricia's greedy hands quickly undid the fly of Summer's pants and then pulled them down.

Summer had a look on her face, especially when the other girl's hands quickly slipped her panties down to her knees. “What's the big...ohhh...” Tricia's tongue went right to her clit.

“What's the big clit? Is that what you meant to say?” Tricia said before she licked the hood again. Again, Summer couldn't stifle her moan. Not willing to let the moment pass, Tricia moved her fingers inside that pussy. Slowly Tricia kept fingering her while still licking the clit. It wasn't long before the nub poked right out of the hood, standing up on end. Smiling at the sight, she took the sensitive piece of flesh right in her mouth and quickly stroked it with her lips like she was sucking a piece of fruit.

At that point Summer was thrashing all over the mattress, holding the sheets in her hands and wailing in pleasure. Not once did Tricia speed up what she was doing, she kept fingering that pussy, which was now leaking on her digits, at the same pace she had when she first put them inside her. But Summer was so horny from that loving treatment on her clit that something so simple was driving her wild.

Summer screamed, “Fucking bitch!” the moment she came on Tricia's fingers. Despite such a verbal outburst, she was so stunned from her release that she could only lay back on her bed panting. That got Tricia to get herself up. Looking down at Summer so listless from that orgasm, she took advantage of how wrecked she was and lifted up her shirt and moved her bra up so her smaller tits were exposed. Then Tricia took her thong off so that she was completely naked and moved forward so their vaginas were joined. Already plenty wrecked from that impromptu climax, Summer gasped from the joining of their genitals. She knew just how sultry Tricia's tits were, but she was unprepared for how hot and swollen her naked pussy was too. Without thinking she rubbed her cunt right back up against Tricia's as the two locked in a debaucherous union of pleasure.

The two girls were moaning loudly from all this wanton sex. Summer was still feeling it worse, having just came, and Tricia made it so much worse when she knelt down and locked lips with her. Summer instantly opened her mouth and let her tongue in. As they were sucking face, Tricia's naked hooters were roughly rubbing up on Summer's much flatter chest. Summer only wrapped her legs around Tricia's shapely behind to complete their sexual fusion as the two made out and rocked hard against each other.

Summer pushed her back and yelped when she came again. Tricia snickered seeing just how horny she was and humped her harder, now ready to cum herself. Summer couldn't take it anymore and flipped herself over so that now she was on top and moved wildly in an unbridled horny aggression, not caring if Tricia came. She just needed to feel better and better.

When Tricia did cum this time, she threw her head back and almost laughed from the power of her orgasm. As she did so, she grabbed Summer's tush on top of her and even gave it a spank before she inserted her fingers inside her anus. The rosebud was wet and puckering from all that sex and easily welcomed the digit inside it. All the while the two girls still ground up hard together.

Summer couldn't take it for much longer. Tricia knew it too and said, “Are you going to cum again?”

“Yes! Yes!”

“Good girl.” She put her finger inside the sensitive asshole and Summer came again. Tricia came only seconds later, both from the force of Summer's twat spasming on her own as well as the thrill of domination.

Summer just lay her head on Tricia's ample rack and breathed roughly. Tricia gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead like a loving mother and patted her head. Just then, the door opened.

It was Jerry. But his pants were down and his dick was leaking goo right out. Even Summer in that state of exhaustion was taken aback.

“Dad, what is even...”

“Summer! This girl was hanging out in Rick's lab and...wait, there are two of you?”

“Dad, now is really not the time and uh...cover yourself up!”

“But you're the only one who knows Rick really well and I really need your help right now.”

“Your help? Dad, I don't know if I can help that you beat off to mom doing it with herself all the time.”

“No I mean...I mean her...” he said pointing to Tricia.

“I've always fantasized about fucking you Mr. Smith but we both know we still haven't done anything yet,” Tricia said.

“But your twin sister did! And it was amazing...”

“I don't have a sister. I'm an only child.”

“Baby, what's going on?” echoed the exact same bimbo voice from down the hall. Summer and Tricia looked at each other confused and then looked back at the door to see another Tricia step into view. Just as naked too. But there was definitely one key difference between this one and the one with Summer. Namely that she had a penis.

“Oh god...” Summer said, immediately realizing what happened. She remembered Rick's drunken rant about creating a fake Tricia clone. But he must have been so shitfaced that he added one key little ingredient to this cloning process. Summer didn't know if this time was worse than when he made the clone of her mother.

Though that line of thought didn't last long. Summer was a bit distracted at the other Tricia's dong, it was big and hard up, really red too, and there was still cum leaking from the opening. She just realized that there was cum dripping from Jerry's behind too.

“Dad what did you two do?”

“I couldn't say no to a pretty girl kidnapped by Rick," Jerry said. "Then she started kissing all over me and she bent me over, took my butt and put her thingy inside it. And it felt so good too...” He looked up and smiled, before he made a trailing whimper and fainted right there on the spot.

“Totally jelly,” said the real Tricia. “I wanted to fuck your dad first Summer, and then this bitch gets to him instead of me?”

“And it was so good too,” said the clone Tricia. “Mr. Smith is such a squirmer.”

“Well Summer is a real skank too. I fucked her up good.”

“I wanna fuck her up too!”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Summer said before the other Tricia ran right on over to her. She knew exactly what was going to happen if she didn't get up. But she was so distracted by the other girl, just as buxom and voluptuous as the other one and this time with an additional toy. And then before she knew it, the cock penetrate her anus.

Summer squealed instantly when she felt the penis all the way inside her butt. The other Tricia moaned deeply too, that butt was just as tight on her phallus as she wanted it. Not as tight as Jerry's, yet it still felt really good. Summer was already moving herself back and forth to accommodate the dick pumping inside her. It was getting her so wet.

The original Tricia wasn't going to be left out either. Summer's wet pussy was grinding up on hers through the fuckfest happening on top and she moved herself up against her. While Summer was moaning, Tricia grabbed her face and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She was already so lost in pleasure with the meat stabbing her anus that she could only melt into all of it.

The clone Tricia was having a good time too. As she fucked Summer's asshole, she started spanking her tushy a bit. She wasn't disappointed when Summer broke her kiss with the original to scream just a bit. The butthole tightening on her penis was appreciated too.

Summer couldn't take it for much longer. She pulled the hair of the Tricia under her in a fit of anger and lust, moving her hips faster than ever, her small tits mashing against those big knockers. Both Tricia's exchanged knowing glances at each other that she was going to cum soon. That only pushed them to move harder and faster. The Tricia behind her showed no mercy with her penis while the one under her was so horny that her clit was sticking out and rubbing all over Summer's love button. They were united in a trinity of euphoria.

The clone Tricia moaned louder than ever, shooting a burst of goo right inside Summer's rectum. That pushed Summer to cum herself as she wildly flailed all over the place. There was nothing elegant about it, she was totally lost in her orgasm. But even in those chaotic movements she was pressing her clit far more harshly on the original Tricia's own clit, driving her to cum too.

The clone Tricia pulled her penis out of Summer's ass and put it right at the other two girls' faces. Without thinking they both licked it clean, slurping and sucking all over the shaft and the cock head. The clone Tricia just sighed at such wonderful treatment.

When she was done, both Tricia's looked at Summer again. “That was great Summer,” said the original one.

“It sure was,” said the clone.

“Yeah...” Summer said, her voice trailing off. Then she looked back. “Wait, you still didn't tell me how to please a guy or make him beg for it!”

“That's what you two were going on about?” said the clone.

“She's still kinda jealous about Ethan,” said the original. “And I did teach you about that,” she said, caressing Summer's face. “Plenty. How to tease a guy and how to fuck him when he can't take it anymore.”

“But I don't really remember any of it,” said Summer.

“Because you were having too much fun?”


“Then we'll review again. We have plenty of time, don't we?” she said, caressing Summer's face lovingly.

“And I'll stick around to make sure you remember this time!” the clone said, fondling her dick.


The Smith family had been watching some interdimensional cable. As usual, they saw some wild stuff. Some of it was tame like Morty being with that Carey girl from the vat of acid thing, and he had grown up to be a buff stud, while she on the other hand was so hot that even Jessica looked like a hag by comparison. They even saw a reality where Beth and Jerry stayed divorced, but Jerry remarried, this time to Rick of all people. But none of that compared to the one where they saw Summer having a three way with two Tricia's, both with dicks and having already given it to Jerry hard, cum pouring out of his asshole and his mouth. Summer was on all fours, getting it in her pussy and then her mouth, and then after both Tricia's came inside her, she cleaned them off with her mouth.

“Damn Summer, ninety-nine problems but a dick ain't one, huh?” Rick said. “Or in this case, still kinda was. Though uh, too bad that version of you didn't have a vagina, huh Jerry?”

“It was a one time fantasy, every guy has had one!” Jerry said.

“Uh okay, wasn't asking, but thanks for clarification.”

“Yeah, TMI dad,” Morty said.

"But if you want me to, I can definitely change that," Rick said.

“Though it's not like it would be any different,” Beth said.

“Hey, what's that supposed to mean!” Jerry said.

“Just that your wife prefers her own vajayjay over your dick,” Rick said.

“Yeah she likes touching herself,” Morty snickered. “If you know what I mean!”

“Good thing this was just a one time reality though, huh Summer?”

“Yeah...” Summer said, her voice trailing off.

In her own reality, after fucking both Tricia's, she erased their memories as well as Jerry's. Then she stored away the memories in Rick's vault of mindblowers to replay whenever she was bored. She suddenly got up. “I gotta go to the bathroom!” That wasn't true at all. She was going to find the capsule where she stored those memories and hide them somewhere safe from even Rick's prying eyes.


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