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Chapter 10: Kim Totally Gets Dicked on the Bang Bus!

Kim Possible was currently vacationing in Beverly Hills, California. She was currently on a mission to scout out a lead that Dr. Drakken was planning something. She didn't know what that something was just yet. Wade had gotten word of suspicious activity in the area and Shego was reported to have been spotted there. Wherever she was, her master was never far behind. And even if the two were experiencing another rift in criminal relations, Shego was still a threat. There was always trouble to be had.

But we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Saving the word was still her business. She kicked ass doing it as she always did. At the same time, there was so much that was different right now.

Ron didn't know why Kim was missing her panties when she arrived on scene to foil Drakken's latest scheme. Though he didn't mind the sight of her bare ass one bit. He could only watch spellbound when she launched herself into action at the cackling Shego. Of all the gear she usually packed on missions, a spare pair of panties wasn't on the list. So he kept on getting a good view of that sweet tushy of hers bouncing all over the place as she kicked the robotic minions to pieces and jumped at Shego.

He was so mesmerized by her fine butt bouncing alongside the ever distracting sight of her beautiful legs that he was constantly on the lookout for a flash of her naked pussy. But he was so focused on her that he was blindsided by a robot coming at him and was only saved by Rufus pointing out how much danger he was in. Then during her spat with Shego, Kim backflipped away from her due to just how vulnerable she was with her nether regions still exposed to everyone and kicked in the console which would have given Dr. Drakken a transformer army. All his plans of turning Wisconsin into the state of Drakkensin just went up in flames.

Things didn't exactly go back to normal though. Ever since getting her cherry popped in the Bang Bus, Kim had changed. She never dressed conservatively to start with, and being a cheerleader meant that someone was always getting a good look at her. But people definitely noticed her new attitude. In her uniform, she made sure to flaunt every gorgeous shot of her skin that she could. Once while doing a cheer routine she even flipped up her skirt and gave her behind a little behind before she mockingly put her hand over her open mouth like she couldn't believe she was so shameless. That got quite a bit of applause from everyone on the bleachers that day.

There were other things that changed about her too. She started putting on a lot more lip gloss and makeup that accentuated and highlighted every feature of her natural beauty. She also wore form fitting shirts which clung to her torso, revealing at least either her midriff or her shoulders and usually more, and short shorts that stopped just short of having her ass cheeks hanging out. When she put on skirts, she made sure to wear a bikini thong underneath with the strings showing up through the hem of her skirt, clinging to her hips. On that latter note, more than a few times as she was sitting down in class, as she crossed her legs, her crotch now only protected by a swimsuit, was so very visible to anyone lucky enough to catch a sneak peek. And those garments tended to be so tight that her pussy lips were usually outlined in a cameltoe.

Bonnie didn't appreciate that at all. Once while they were changing in the locker room, she said to Kim, “You know, people are talking about you?”

“Yeah?” Kim said.

“Oh yeah. They all like the way you look. But nobody wants to touch you.”

Kim furrowed her brow. “What?”

“Yeah they think you're pretty easy and probably have all kinds of diseases. Even Josh Mankey doesn't like you anymore.”

That got under her skin. “Josh Mankey is a dreamboat and he'd never say something like that!”

“Then I guess all those rumors have to be true if even he's thinking you're a skank.”

That remark got Kim hellbent on proving Bonnie wrong. The next time she saw Josh Mankey while in the hallways, he gave her a smile. “Oh hey Kim,” he said. That killed all the doubts in her heart. She knew Bonnie couldn't ever be trusted. But she wasn't just satisfied with that.

“Hey Josh. You still...like me, don't you?”

“Oh um, yeah. It didn't quite work out, but I still like you as a friend.”

“Just as a friend, huh?”

She suddenly grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him. Even a guy as mellow as him was a bit shocked. He only kissed her the one time before, but that time was nothing compared to what she was doing to him right now. She shoved her tongue right inside of his mouth and he couldn't even react at first. But she didn't relent one bit.

She started rubbing her thigh up against his crotch. His hesitation died down and he started returning her kiss, reaching his hands around her hips. Their breakup had been amicable and the two were willing to move past it, but her coming onto him so suddenly, he never wanted her more. For several minutes, the two of them made out in the hallway, oblivious to where they were.

She was still rubbing her thigh up on him. Nobody could remain flaccid around a beauty like Kim coming onto them so strongly, and he was no exception, quickly getting hard as soon as he first got a taste of her tongue. But she wanted to break him. She reached one of her hands down to his crotch and, unzipping his fly, grabbed onto the stiffy he had there.

He broke the kiss to breathe hard. He was a chick magnet, not the rowdy crazy type either, but all the ladies still had eyes for him. But this was the first time he had ever dealt with such overt sexuality in public before.

Kim was still holding him. She had reached her hand so that it was inside his pants and clutched his erection, only protected by the cloth barrier of his boxer shorts. He was standing, moaning loudly and slammed one of his hands on the locker wall to keep himself steady. At that point, Kim she slowed down the way she was holding him, gently brushing her fingers on his bulge to tease him and break him. She had an evil smile on her face. Not only was she doing something like this, but she was succeeding.

Josh was squirming all over. But he was making no move to get away. All the while Kim kept on feeling him up in his most precious spot. Then, she slipped one of her fingers past the folds of his underwear and directly onto the sensitive skin of his penis.

Unable to hold back anymore, he looked at her with a crazed expression on his face. It was the most intense she had ever seen him before. She knew she was driving him crazy too, the skin of his penis was hot on her fingers. She licked her lips naughtily at him before she suddenly reached her whole hand inside and directly jacked off his organ.

Josh threw his head up and hollered loudly, totally at Kim's mercy. She only laughed as she kept on jerking him off. That time she directly fondled his bare dick must have been for barely half a minute. Yet for him it felt way longer than that. He felt like he was going to cum at any moment, and the moment he finally did edge on over to his climax, it all felt so right and natural. Kim knew it too, she could feel his dick tensing up in her hands.

She got down on her knees and pulled out his wang. Still jerking him off, she opened her mouth wide as she finally broke him, when his cock spewed several blasts of hot cum right on her tongue. She didn't let up either, she kept on jerking him off as he came, holding his straight, as all of his jizz shot right in her mouth. She relished in the consistency and taste of his cum before swallowing every last drop.

Josh collapsed to his knees. His dick was still hanging out and he breathed roughly from the force of that climax. As Kim swallowed the last bits of his spunk, she got down with him and took her time to tuck him back in and pull his pants up. Then she pinched his cheek and walked away. All he could do was stare at her fine behind until she was out of sight.

She saw Bonnie as she was stepping out. Both girls smiled at each other for totally different reasons. Bonnie was being her usual bitchy self but Kim was feeling extra confident after driving Josh crazy. She had a similar idea in mind.

Bonnie just smiled at her. “Slut.”

“Josh Mankey seems to like me just fine,” Kim said.

“Please. He knows well enough to stay away from a dirty skank like you.”

“How about a taste then? Or are you afraid of finding out?” Kim had said that purely in jest and Bonnie actually laughed. Just then behind them, Josh Mankey walked past them. Even Bonnie could tell he was a little messed up. “Hey Josh,” she said, without batting an eye.

“Hey Kim...” he said listlessly, with a big smile on his face.

Bonnie just folded her arms in a huff and walked away. Kim smiled, knowing she won that round. But she wasn't quite satisfied yet.

After their cheer rehearsal, she found Brick Flagg walking out. He and Bonnie were currently going through a mini breakup. Normally the two would have walked past each other no problem. But this time, she had different ideas. “Hi Brick.”

He looked at her. “Oh uh, hey Kim.”

“Say, I think we should talk about something.”

“Talk about something?” He didn't know if he should have been happy or nervous. “Um, what about?”

“Just come here, okay?” He was actually surprised when she took his hand. She led him under the bleachers.

“So, what's this about?” he said, getting a bit of a smile on his face. Even with Ron's meddling, he and her didn't actually amount to anything. But after dealing with Bonnie and still in a bit of a slump, Kim personally inviting him here was making him feel better already.

“Close your eyes,” she said playfully.

“Okay...” he said, smiling. He didn't know what was going to happen, but he was liking the direction already. He puckered up his lips a bit. But nothing could have prepared him for her actually grabbing his crotch.

He opened his eyes to look at her from the total shock of it all. She was looking up at him, smiling innocently. He tried to find the words, but she just kept on feeling him up. She never once looked away from his gaze.

“Kim, uh...”

“You are H.O.T. hot, Brick. And I want to show you how much I appreciate that.”

“Oh hell yes!” He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her to the ground so that she was right under him. The two of them started making out immediately. In his lust and longing for any kind of female companionship, all his old feelings for her were reignited. So he was a bit sloppier than expected, grinding up on her hard. Kim was a little taken aback with a big guy like him on top of her, he was shoving his tongue in her mouth and grinding his boner right up against her. But she kept her cool, and even started massaging his crotch again.

Kim decided to step things up a notch. She unzipped his fly and grabbed his boner still enclosed in his boxer shorts. He broke the kiss to gasp out loud from her getting this intimate with him so soon. He was breathing hard from how much contact she was initiating and was losing it. Her fingers were brushing right up on his naked dick inside his underwear.

It was getting her off a little more than she expected. Despite their size differential she was still totally in control. Then she pulled the penis loose of it's confines and out to freedom.

The feeling of her hand on his bare dick was something else entirely. He was grunting and moaning, losing it. It wasn't just that this kind of thing was happening, he never thought he'd be getting it after breaking up with Bonnie so soon and certainly not with Kim. Brick had been weirded out by what he saw as her desperation some time ago, but now he only wanted her.

She knew it too. Still holding his penis, she pushed him over so that he was down on the ground lying on his back. She was easily strong enough that she could do that. She was staring down at him with a naughty smile, still holding his penis, before she reached under her cheer skirt. He felt her guiding his dick to her damp and hot vagina, and then he was inside of her.

He let out a loud gasp. He had done it with Bonnie before and he knew how good pussy could feel, but Kim was something else altogether. It wasn't just her vagina, it was the way she was riding him. Bonnie was sometimes wild and crazy and sometimes she barely showed any emotion, just wanting it to be over. But Kim was giving it to him just right.

It was driving him crazy. He pumped inside of her with a sudden intensity, now needing it with Kim. She smiled to herself. Just like the rest of him, his cock was huge. That alone made up for how sloppy his technique was.

He was hitting to the end of her twat with every thrust. She wasn't put off one bit and just kept on riding him. But more than his size, it was the thrill of actually doing this kind of thing with no worry in the back of her mind. She had done it purely to get back at Bonnie, but now she was enjoying it herself.

He was twitching inside of her. They both knew he was nearing his peak. She suddenly lifted herself up off him and grabbed his dick, wet with her pussy juice. She kept on jacking him off until she felt him tensing up, cumming all over her ass and on her hands.

He lay there, breathing hard as he took it all in. His vision was blurry, as he took it all in. That didn't prepare him for Kim's pussy suddenly landing right on his face.

Brick was still a bit out of it. But even then he knew what he had to do. Grabbing her hips, he licked right inside of that pussy. Being such a big guy, Brick's tongue was easily large enough to lick all the way inside of her. Kim reached under her uniform and grabbed one of her breasts as he ate her out.

Her twat spasmed on his tongue when she came. She purred seductively as she took in the orgasm, reveling in not only having been so bold twice now, but this time in public. She moved back and looked down at him. He had a big dumb smile on his face.

She picked herself back up. “Come on Brick. No time for napping. It's a busy day!”

“Okay...” he said listlessly. He stood up. Never the brightest bulb, his member was still hanging out. So she tucked his penis back inside his shorts and zipped up his pants.

They both walked out from behind the bleachers. Bonnie saw the two of them together. Kim smiled at Bonnie and said to Brick, “It was nice hanging out with you!” He was so happy to hear her say that to him that he just walked away without a care in the world. She went over to Bonnie who was glaring at her.

“What was that about?” Bonnie said, a vein forming in her head.

“Oh Brick and I just had some fun. Not that you'd know anything about fun, right?”

Kim folded her arms and arched an eyebrow, knowing she just won that round. Bonnie wasn't laughing then. Kim could see something snap inside of Bonnie even as the other girl did her best to maintain a poker face. Kim was ready to laugh this time.

Bonnie was desperate to get the upper hand. She grabbed Kim by the shoulders and planted a kiss right on her lips. Even as smug as Kim was feeling, she was a little shocked by that. But after coming onto Josh and Brick like she had, she was feeling far more sexually adventurous than usual, and she felt a strange giddiness in her body. Even after Bonnie shoved her tongue in her mouth. She closed her eyes and just let the euphoric sensations wash over her. After that little thing with Josh and that exchange with Bonnie, she was feeling more open minded than ever.

That didn't go unnoticed by Bonnie either. Noticing that Kim wasn't putting up a fight at all, she quickly pushed her back and saw the dumb dreamy look on her rival's face. “You can't be serious. Are you actually enjoying this?”

Kim blushed and looked away. She couldn't find the words to respond. All she could do was feel as gooey as possible.

That went double for Bonnie. Desperate to save face she just said “Whatever!” and walked away. But the instant that happened, Kim definitely smiled to herself, feeling a little smug. She realized just how much she had changed.

It carried on over to her missions too. Wade was never too nervous around Kim's beauty before, he always viewed their relationship as a strictly professional one. But even talking to her remotely, he could sense a change in her demeanor. The first time he briefed her for a mission after she trashed Dr. Drakken's dreams of controlling Wisconsin, she greeted him by giggling and batted her eyes beffore saying, “Hi Wade. How's the sitch?”

Wade actually nervously looked away from her, she was still just smiling at him making no remarks at his obvious embarrassment, before he looked back at her and said, “Oh, hey Kim.” He actually had to clear his throat before he could give her the mission for the day. And even then, his voice cracked several times and he had to clarify.

Ron was pretty messed up around her too. He always had a crush on Kim, but never thought to act on it since they were good friends and crimefighting partners. But now that she had become so much more extravagant in showing herself off, he was left speechless more than a few times. When she smiled at him these days, he actually blushed.

Kim knew why he was so giddy around her, but she kept it to herself. She wanted to lord it over him, knowing that she was sexy and cute and everything a guy could want or need. She already knew how Wade was around her now, and wanted to see how Ron would react.

He hadn't gotten any stronger at resisting her new charms. So he was still a little nervous around her. But he wanted to try and play it smooth. He tried to look cool as he could and said, “Sup. Hey KP.”

She actually laughed. It wasn't mean spirited or anything like the kind of laugh Bonnie would do. It was just a small giggle. But he knew he just struck out.

“Hi Ron,” she said, still smiling at him. Her cute composure with her long hair pulled back in a ponytail, didn't break for an instant, and between the tone of her voice and her smile, he knew he had it bad for her. Her current outfit, a leather jacket open wide, revealing that she was only wearing a sports bra several sizes too small underneath giving him a clear view of her cleavage, along with short jean shorts clinging to her delicious booty and high heeled thigh high boots, wasn't helping things either. He had to fight himself from getting too hard right in front of her.

Though it wouldn't be easy. In class just a few minutes earlier, she was sitting right in front of him with that same getup and had crossed her legs more than once. He was distracted the whole time. It got so bad that Barkin was pitching a tent for her, and feeling a bit flustered for this little girl who was way too young for him. Before anyone noticed the lump in his pants, that same teacher saved face by looking at Ron no doubt feeling the exact thing he was, staring out in la-la land and called him out in front of the whole class, asking him a math question. Ron was already embarrassed, but looking like that when he was so gooey for Kim had to be one of the worst experiences of his life.

So now, he was ready to save face and try and get with the girl of his dreams. He was about to try and find some pickup line when suddenly her communicator went off. She picked it up and said, “Hi Wade. How's the sitch?”

Just like Ron, Wade was still a little nervous around the new Kim. Ron immediately thought Getting me hard in my pants, at that remark of hers, but definitely wouldn't voice it out loud. After Wade briefed her, she smiled and said, “Good. See you later boys,” before blowing them both kisses. Wade's jaw actually dropped even after Kim shut off her connection and he was just staring at a blank screen alone in his room, while Ron was so distracted by her fine self walking away with that poise and confidence, he actually forgot he was supposed to be going on a mission until Rufus poked him really hard. Still, he couldn't look away from that tight little ass moving with every step she took and those thick mouthwatering thighs of hers. When he saw her again later that day wearing her standard mission outfit, he felt his heart drop a little.

Kim loved all of it. She felt no shame in showing so much of herself off, knowing how much people wanted her and envied her at once. In class and everywhere else she went, she would actually get hot and bothered just from the amount of attention and jealousy shot her way. Bonnie only wished she could look this good. Her Shaolin monk grandmother would have a heart attack seeing her like this. The way she was dressed these days, she might as well have just been wearing underwear to school. It was only because of her academic excellence and fierce reputation as a superhero that kept her from actually getting a dress code violation.

Though what she really wanted was for Ron to make a move already. More than a few times in class when they were sitting together, whether it was from the side or behind her, she would give him a sneaky glance and smile suggestively before running a hand up and down her leg. He would look at her admiringly, then turn away blushing. It wasn't just that Kim was so blatantly into him, it was that she was acting like Bonnie. He couldn't begin to think of a pickup line, he figured she might be pranking him. And despite embracing this new side of herself, she also still felt a little insecure about how Ron wasn't taking her like she wanted him to. It felt lonely at the top.

In the present, things weren't any different. Ron was here on a mission with her this time too, he was her ever present sidekick. She was only wearing a tight little white form fitting tank top that rode up her midriff and revealed her cleavage, and a pair of tight jean shorts that rode up her ass so much that a little bit of her cheeks was sticking out. That attire let everyone present see that she wasn't wearing a bra or a bikini top. The shirt was so tight that all her admirers could also clearly see her nipples protruding through, standing up on end. But when she invited him to the beach in that little get up, he saw a whole lot of other people looking her up and down too. He wasn't sure if he could compete. Then he actually said, “Uh sure KP. Let me just go to the bathroom, okay? I think I ate something and I got the runs!” Then he scurred off.

Go to the bathroom, huh? she thought to herself. She sighed. She knew exactly what he was really going to do. As much as she was flattered knowing how much she was getting to him, she was bothered that he was still such a little boy. Even Rufus just shook his head. It was bad when a mole rat was more in tune with how to approach a girl than an actual guy.

On the west coast, hot and filled with people who were eager to show off just as much as she was, she felt right at home. She got eyes from more than a few men and even some women too. Even though she was on a mission to fight Drakken, she had no problem basking in all the attention.

Some of them did stop and proposition her. If she wasn't busy, she would have taken some of them. She knew some of them might ask her age, and she would just lie about it. She was surprised how open-minded she had become and realized she didn't care one bit. Between all the attention she was getting and the warm weather, she really hated Drakken for ruining a perfectly good thing.

Not that she would have to sulk about it for much longer. There was the sudden sound of an explosion in the distance. Kim's bimbo train of thought went up in flames in an instant. Her instincts went up on end and looked straight ahead in the direction from where it came from. It was at the beach.

Right in the direction she turned her head, she saw a crest of surf blowing up right in the middle of the ocean. The people were already scurrying away and getting out of the water, and then she saw the head of a great creature emerge from the depths. It must have been at least two stories tall, green and scaly all over, and it's great tentacles broke the surface and then thrashed down back in the blue oceanic depths. The force of the impact generated several waves that crashed onto the shore, sending people hurtling.

She heard a familiar man's laughter. “Bow down before your new king, people of Beverly Hills! I am Dr. Drakken, and this is my pet, the Kraken!”

She saw Dr. Drakken climb out of the creature's mouth and stand on top of it's head. With his hands on his hips, he threw his head back and laughed.

“This is easily the most advanced creature you've ever made,” Shego said, accompanying him. She sounded annoyed. “Why not just change your name to Dr. Kraken?”

“Shego please! Don't challenge me in my moment of victory! A good ruler must appear strong and unopposed!”

“I'm your most trusted ally,” she said, shaking her head at his obstinance. “It's my duty to assist you in all things. Including things as basic as name branding for your evil plans!”

Kim took advantage of their bickering to take cover. She knew she had to fight that thing. But she didn't know at all how she'd even begin to do it. She tried turning on her communicator to contact Wade. But all she got was static. Ron didn't even pick up. She knew what he was still doing.

“You need to get to get out of here and get to safety!” Kim looked up. A redheaded girl about her own age was talking to her. But more than anything, Kim was surprised by just how beautiful she was. She figured she could easily get lost in those green eyes forever. That wasn't all though. Unlike Kim who came dressed for the weather and to get some, this girl was wearing a skintight catsuit, outlining every one of her beautiful curves and her irresistibly sexy body. She got a little jealous too, this girl had way better breasts than she did.

But then she heard Dr. Drakken cackling wildly and remembered why she was here. “No I'm here to fight it!” Kim said. “I got word that Dr. Drakken was going to be here. That's why I've come to stop him!”

The redheaded girl suddenly blinked. “Wait, you're Kim Possible? I'm Sam Simpson from WOOHP.”

Kim smiled. It was good to have backup. “Good! Then we need to find a way to fight this thing together.”

“Easier said than done. My two partners are busy holding off Drakken's goons. And I still don't know how we're going to fight this thing.”

“That makes two of us,” Kim said.

“Attention people of Beverly Hills!” said Dr. Drakken speaking through a mega phone. “I will give you advance time to stop and consider if you will surrender and make me your king. But as a just ruler, I will still consider all the local laws in effect. That means that all loitering will be strictly punished! From my Kraken I control my AI control network Seaweb, and it has created a new army of super robots, the exterminators! They will patrol the streets, looking for any lawbreakers! Return to your homes and your cars for the time being! There is now a strict daytime curfew in effect! Anyone suspicious will be apprehended by my minions until further notice! It is only at nightfall that you may walk freely and do as you please.”

From the watery depths came a bunch of naked men. They all walked in perfect unison like any of Drakken's perfectly programmed robots, but they didn't look mechanical at all, instead they looked organic. Kim and Sam blushed, it wasn't everyday they saw tons of actual naked guys in the flesh, and these dudes were really buff and perfectly hung too. But their glazed eyes gave the two girls a suspicious eye of what they were really about.

“And,” Drakken continued. “don't even think about fighting back! I already have two upstarts who learned that the hard way!” Two of the same creatures marched coming from opposite ends of the streets bordering the beach, holding Alex and Clover hostage up by their wrists. The two girls were struggling, kicking back against their captors but it was clear that they were doing it in vain. Every kick they landed just seemed to slide right off their skin. It wasn't long before they tried the obvious trick, kicking these so-called men right in their balls. But then the creatures did something else, and they seemed to turn to an almost metallic liquid shape before the hits landed right off. The girls didn't stop fighting back but when two of the men got in front of the girls and turned their fleshy human hands into liquid, reforming them into a long and sharp blades, then they stopped.

“Those are my friends!” Sam said. She was about to rush forward but Kim stopped her.

“This isn't good,” Kim muttered under her breath. She had never seen these kinds of creations from Dr. Drakken. They looked like the kind of things you'd see in movies.

“Sir, I really think we should just call them terminators,” Shego said, shaking her head. “We never figure out how we would make eight hundred indestructible steel robots, but then we came up with these liquid men, and they're so much easier to make. One thousand of these? Nobody can stand a chance.”

“No Shego, exterminators! The X makes them sound really cool.”

“And that is just as dumb a reason,” Shego said, gritting her teeth in frustration.

“You have any ideas?” Sam said. It wasn't usual that she felt herself losing her composure, but now with both of her friends captured by these mechanical monstrosities, she was suddenly at a loss.

“Drakken knows my face,” Kim said. “If he finds I'm here, we lose the element of surprise.”

“And if he sees me, I'll probably get captured too.” She sighed, hating the idea that was forming in her head. “Let's get away while they're busy arguing over nothing. Then we can make our counterattack.”

“That's a good idea. Dr. Drakken always does have a habit of getting way too cocky at the last minute. And I have no idea what he and Shego are going on about this time...”

Sam followed Sam. Kim was plenty annoyed at having to hide and retreat right now, especially when fighting against Dr. Drakken. But on a more minor note, she hated that she had to pass up this glorious and beautiful day. She was in the mind to thwart the nefarious doctor's latest scheme and then see where things might head. Instead all that was going straight to hell.

The two girls saw more of the same naked men in the nearby block they were just about to loop around. Frustrated, Sam recommended they find another way. Kim nodded, only for them to spot more of the naked men. They quickly hid behind a car.

“I don't know of any other routes,” Sam said. “We might be trapped.”

Kim sighed. “I just wish these were real guys. It's a-raining men, huh...”

Then she heard a familiar voice say, “Hey KP.” Kim instantly looked up. It was Ron. But he was actually wearing clothes. Still, she didn't care.

“Ron? What are you doing here?” Last time she tried contacting him he was off doing things to himself. And now he was here out of nowhere.

“Oh you know. Just checking out my favorite girl.” The line came off as corny for so many reasons, but Kim didn't care. She needed someone safe and reliable right now.

She went right up to him. It was good for things to be normal for once. And Ron being dumb was as boring and predictable as they came. “Come on Ron, we gotta get you outta here. It's dangerous.”

“Okay...” Sam said, her voice trailing off, just watching this situation play out. She could tell something was off about this whole situation. If Kim was thinking more clearly, she would have noticed something was off too. Like how Ron had a robotic monotone edge to his voice or how even Rufus wasn't on his shoulder.

The instant Kim touched grabbed his hand, she jumped back. His skin was cold. But he still had that smile on his face. She felt something about his hand change and then she looked down to see that his flesh had turned into a liquid metal shape that was twisting around her wrist.

“Ron?” Kim said. She was too paralyzed with fear to respond. Then all of a sudden, Sam jump kicked his head. It was such a strong strike that it knocked him head back as if he broke his neck and he released his grip on Kim's wrist. But now his expression went blank. That wasn't the most alarming thing. His whole body suddenly shifted to that same liquid metal and then he was whole again. There was a cold deadness in his eyes.

“You're not Ron!” Kim said.

“Posing as a girl's best friend and grabbing her out of nowhere?” Sam said. “Total creep.”

“You got that right. What a loser.”

Even some weird liquid metal robot had feelings. More of his naked buddies came out of the woodwork, surrounding them.

“We will take you to Dr. Drakken,” said the one that was posing as Ron.

Kim just flicked her hair. “Whatever.”

“Yeah, we're gonna kick your butts and save my friends!” Sam said. But as more of them arrived, behind them, they realized they were in trouble.

But then, there was suddenly a blue flash out of nowhere. A big white van came right out of it, running over several of Drakken's exterminators in the process. Then it suddenly swerved around in a drift, running over even more of them. Then all of a sudden, it stopped right in front of them.

The two girls put up their dukes, ready for a fight. It wasn't everyday someone saw something like that. But Kim's pussy was getting wet. It was the thrill of the fight. And despite the danger of her current situation, she immediately let her guard down without thinking. All she could think about was the time she lost her virginity much like this one. Taking out several of Drakken's goons didn't hurt either.

The exterminators were quickly getting up and regenerating. They all had tire mark patterns over their liquid bodies. But very soon they were healing themselves, reforming, and then they were whole again, taking on their human disguises again as if nothing had happened.

The instant the door slid open, swallowed a lump in her throat. For all of her newfound open mindedness and sexual confidence, she suddenly felt at a loss on what to do next. It couldn't be real. It couldn't be the same vehicle. She hoped it was who she thought it was. And then she got weak in the knees when she heard a familiar man's voice say, “Come with me if you want to live!”

Sam looked over at Kim, not understanding a whit of what was going on. She had encountered all sorts of strange men as she went on her way in life, and being catcalled was something she encountered at least once per week. So she couldn't begin to understand for the life of her why her companion was just staring at this van like she was looking at a fine limousine.

“We should get inside!” Kim said, turning to Sam before looking right back at the van. The other girl looked at her in confusion. Before Sam could answer, Kim got in.

“Kim?” Sam said again. No response. She knew they needed to find cover, but going inside a random vehicle that just zapped in out of nowhere didn't seem like a good idea. But in their current situation, she jumped in with her anyway.

Though she wasn't at all prepared for the sight before her. She was sitting right beside an older man, who was sprawled back with a confident look on his face. Sam had a bad feeling about this whole thing already, he looked like a thug what with his tattoos and muscular all over. But more than that, Kim clearly looked nervous, her face was flushed beet red and she was looking around nervously between the guy in the back seat and a lankier bald man up front. He didn't look as tough as the other one, but Sam still had a feeling he was tough and meant business. She couldn't begin to understand why the famous Kim Possible would get into a vehicle like this one or be looking so gaga right now.

“Long time no see,” said the driver up front trying to look as suave as possible. Even after having been to different realms of existence and scoring with not just a lesbian but her alien girlfriend too, he was still sore about not getting to get his fuck on with this girl.

“Um...um, yeah,” Kim said, looking down in embarrassment. But even as she was being so bashful, Sam could see a small smile forming on her lips.

The man next to her saw it too and he grinned. “It has been too long,” he said, casually moving his hand up one of her thighs. The instant he did that, she got goosebumps and couldn't help but giggle. “And you're hotter now than ever. I didn't think that was possible. But then again, with your name, I should have known better,” he said, licking his lips.

“Right, right!” Kim said. “But um, we should probably get out of here. There's exterminators outside and they're coming after us!”

“Uh-huh,” the driver said dully. Last time they had the honor of hosting Kim Possible, they were on a hurry to get somewhere, leaving him feeling left out. Hearing her say that, he groaned a bit inside at having to hightail it again, knowing it meant he probably would be missing out a second time. But as he did look outside, he saw them for the first time. Even after having partied in the worlds of Pokemon and Mass Effect, he didn't like the look of those things at all.

He mentally kicked himself at having lost the chance to fuck her before he said, “Yeah she's right. Shit!” That expletive was more from his frustration at knowing he'd be busy taking the wheel while his buddy would be getting all the action a second time than the actual liquid robots surrounding them. This time, there were two babes together. If there weren't so many of those things, he'd get outside right now and beat every single one of them to a pulp, both for interfering with his incoming fuckfest and just to try and impress these lovely ladies.

But the van still got a move on, driving fast and away from Drakken's exterminators. They were moving a lot faster than expected. After fucking Commander Shepard and Liara, the two guys visited some mechanics and had their ride outfitted with all kinds of new stuff. Including a super nitro booster and implementing the inter-fiction travel device into the mainframe so that they could travel at will to whatever reality they wanted to. The exterminators weren't far behind. Even with all that acceleration and speed from the future, those liquid robots were running right at them and they weren't far behind. He couldn't believe they could go so fast and they weren't losing stamina one bit.

At first, Kim and Sam breathed a sigh of relief. But then they looked behind them to see the exterminators were still close on their tail. Their bodies were swept in a rush of so many emotions.

On the contrary, the man beside Kim, still feeling her up, wasn't concerned with them at all. Despite all the crazy adventures he'd been on, he still relished in having been the one to have popped this girl's cherry. His recent adventures were so crazy that fucking virgin jailbait seemed so innocent by comparison. But right now, her sweet little ass was exactly what he needed.

Nor did he mind her little friend. Sam Simpson had a certain elegance to her, and he loved that green catsuit she was sporting, clinging to her fine form like she was naked. He always had a ginger fetish, and he knew he'd be having fun with her. Kim herself wasn't quite a redhead, but she was close enough. Together, these two were double trouble.

Still, he was looking to reacquaint himself with someone else first. He suddenly squeezed Kim's bare leg a little harder than before. She looked up at him, knowing exactly what he was getting at. His touch was warm, nothing like those weird robots. This high speed chase was already dangerous, but the thrill of it was getting her excited in another way too. The look in her eyes was so innocent and needy, and he pinched her cheek liked she was his little sister. That did make her look away awkwardly, blushing a bit. Her mind was running wild with all sorts of naughty thoughts. Before she could say anything, he grabbed one of her other arms and roughly pulled her forward so that she was sitting right next to him. He looked right into her eyes and bared his teeth in a predatory grin.

Kim felt a lewd heat rush through her entire body being with him again. Ever since her first time with him, none of her sexual encounters could compare to this one, and now it was going to happen with this same man again. She didn't know if it was because he was her first time or he was just that good. She looked away nervously. But despite him being so overt in what he wanted from her when they first met, he still played it cool. This time though he was being blatant with his intentions. She was already getting flashbacks to him fucking her as she looked into his dark eyes. He could sense it too, and grabbing the collar of her shirt, pulled her forward into a kiss.

Sam was shocked watching this scene go down. She was about to say something to this thug, he was eagerly rubbing his lips up on Kim's, groaning into it, and she didn't even want to know how much older than her he was. With Kim right next to her and the back of her head facing her, she thought Kim was being taken advantage of. But she looked up at the rear view mirror and saw just how into it her new companion was, her eyes closed and kissing him right back. There wasn't any alarm in her expression whatsoever, just rubbing their lips all over each other. But she wasn't doing anything to fight back.

She opened her mouth first and stuck her tongue out. He opened his mouth and they were hungrily mashing them right up against each other. As he held her by the shirt, he pulled the fabric into a ball in his grip, and her breasts were suddenly far more exposed, her breasts were almost hanging out at that point. She showed no alarm whatsoever, and moved her hands up, holding onto his shoulders. Still kissing her, he pulled her shirt more roughly, and it rode up her torso, exposing so much of her midriff. He felt up her lovely backside with his other hand, along her butt and thighs, and she felt every single one of his touches on her skin and through her shirt. Then he reached his greedy hands to her tits and pinched down hard on her nipples. She broke the kiss to squeak but made no move to move away from him.

Sam was shocked. She couldn't believe this kind of thing was happening right in front of her eyes. She could see Mandy and maybe Clover doing this sort of thing, but not Kim Possible.

“Uh, hey Kim,” Sam said, trying to defuse her out of the situation and lightly toussled her shoulder. Kim ignored her, and cupped his face before she started kissing him again. Then he suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her onto his lap.

Sam couldn't believe what she was seeing. Kim Possible was sitting on an older man's lap, passionately making out with him. She was holding onto his face like they were soul mates. He wasn't able to keep his hands to himself either, feeling all over Kim's naked thighs, touching her gams like she was a piece of meat. Sam expected to see this sort of thing from maybe her friend Clover and definitely Mandy, but she never knew Kim Possible could be like this.

Kim didn't seem to mind that treatment at all. She became so excited that Sam could see just how jittery her body was even as she held onto the man. She moaned deeply, and moved her hands from cupping his face to feeling over his muscular biceps and snaked them under his shirt, feeling up his brawny physique. He chuckled through their kiss, enjoying her wanton touches. It was every guy's dream to have a minx like this one coming onto him so bad.

The driver didn't think he'd see her again either. In all his journeys since he last saw Kim, the Bang Bus had been to so many weird places and fucked so many different women. He never in a million years thought he would fuck an alien woman and her lesbian girlfriend and turn her straight for dick. But life just worked that way sometimes. Kim Possible on the other hand was a special case. She was a hot little virgin and he missed out on fucking her just right. Even with all the stuff he did since then, he still hated that he was left out. He hoped they would find a spot to stop at soon. If not to fuck her, then to have his fun with that hot ginger she brought along.

The man was happier than ever too. After all kinds of weird and kinky sex as well as returning to his home timeline, fucking this little piece of jailbait again was just what he needed. He reached up under her shorts and pulled them up so he was feeling her bare tight little butt cheeks. And he was getting turned on from this chase too, those robots looked like business and if this was his time to go, he was gonna wreck these girls before he was through.

Sam didn't know how to respond. She looked up front at the driver, who was just looking through the rear view mirror at the two of them going at it. He didn't say anything, but she could tell he was fuming deep down.

All the while, Kim and this man were still sucking face. Her butt was right on top of the tent he was pitching in his pants and she was grinding herself right on top of it. When they broke the kiss, there was a line of spit in between their tongues. They didn't look away from each other's eyes once, they could feel each the hot breaths on their faces. Kim's face was flushed and she giggled a bit. “I um...” she said.

He hadn't stopped caressing her tits once and pinched onto her nipples for an instant. She couldn't hold in a squeak of pleasure. “I missed you baby,” said the man. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of her cherry lip gloss in his mouth. It had a definite erotic flavor, nothing quite like the peach lip balm she was wearing when he first took her. “How long has it been?” That wasn't a rhetorical question, between dimension hopping and fucking other bitches on the regular, he really had lost track of time.

“Oh about a year I guess...”

“A year? So you've gone ahead and gotten a little older all this time.” He felt all over her with no hesitation whatsoever, and she even giggled as he did so. It got even worse when his greedy paws had reached right up on her shirt. He could already tell she wasn't wearing a bra from feeling her chest earlier, he saw her nipples poking it, and he kneaded her smaller breasts with his big hands again, teasing her tits through the fabric. She whimpered through their kiss from the way he was touching her, knowing exactly what to do to make her feel just right. He loved how she wasn't wearing a bra, and pulling down the collar of her skimpy little shirt, immediately got a handful of her bare titties. The skin was so soft and pliant and the size of her chest was perfect. “And I think you've had some growth spurts in all the right places.” He grabbed her tits and kneaded into them. “All natural, just the way I like it.” He couldn't wait to feel that pussy on his dick again. “What you been up to all that while?” he said, making sure to massage her breasts so that his palms massaged her nipples as he said it. She knew exactly what he was getting at.

“Oh uh, nothing much...”

“You're telling me nobody else has gotten their hands on you since?” He pinched her nipples to tease her.

“I don't know...” she said, and then she burst out into a bit of laughter.

This time he knew that was a definite no. He moved his hands from her chest down her sides to her rump and squeezed it. Her little shorts were riding up, letting him feel the first curve of her ass cheeks oozing out into his palms. He already had the mind to fuck her pussy. But he was already planning on messing up this girl in so many more ways by the time he was finished with her. They started making out again.

The driver lit up at Kim's admission too. Even as he was trying to find a safe space away from monsters, he was getting all kinds of ideas. He wouldn't mind being her second. He looked up at the rear view mirror for an instant, and the sight of her on top of his bro was getting him so hard. Sam in her green catsuit was a feast for the eyes too. If he wasn't behind the wheel, he definitely would have hopped back there.

But being on the road like this now on a high speed chase away from sci-fi monsters, he couldn't just go ahead and do that. He sighed to himself. He missed out on getting a piece of her and it looked like it was going to go that way again. It was worse this time, there were two hot chicks instead of just the one. He remembered the time he wrecked Clover and Mandy, but those two were all kinds of crazy. These ladies on the other hand were just right.

Sam still couldn't believe it. As she watched the two lovers go at it, she was getting a little turned on before she even realized it. Then Kim and the man broke another kiss. They didn't even have any sexy talk this time and intead both of them looked right at her.

“Your new friend looks like she's watching a movie,” said the man. “You need to tell her this isn't a free ride.” Kim looked at Sam with a dreamy smile, her mind was being filled with all sorts of naughty possibilities.

“What are you saying?” Sam said. But she knew exactly what he was getting at. Her body was already in a rush from the adrenaline of the situation and she had gotten turned on watching the two of them go at it with each other more than she realized. Seeing them both stare at her, she was filled with both dread and anticipation.

Then Kim turned back to him. “Let's show her how it's done,” she said. He chuckled and threw her onto the seat of the floor so she landed on her back. She laughed as she fell on the soft car seat, her head plopping right near Sam's side. She was looking right up at her with a big grin on her face.

The man grabbed her shorts and easily pulled them down from her waist down her shapely legs until they were off her. He hadn't failed to notice Sam's surprise either and threw the pair of them right in the girl's face. Sam almost jumped when that happened and quickly got them off her face. The instant she got them off, she saw the man had his face right at Kim's crotch and was holding her hips. He slid off her pink silky thong down her lovely legs and then they were off too. He took in a whiff of her hot pussy, she was so wet, and he loved her taste, it was all coming back to him like it had with her.

The first time he licked her twat, her whole body trembled. Pleased with that reaction, he decided to step things up immediately. So he licked inside of her pussy as violently as he could. He had taken his time with her when he first took her, he wanted to wind her up and have her begging for more before she could even realize that a switch had been flipped. But now she was in the mood for it from the beginning, and he was ready to satisfy her many times over. He tasted her juices intensely on his tongue, and the tightness of her pussy was incredible. That just made him eat her out harder, sparing no thought to just how viciously he was moving his tongue inside of her.

Kim had to grab hard onto the edge of the seat to keep herself still while she covered her mouth with her other hand. His cunnilingus was so intense, but she wouldn't have expected otherwise. Even as she was so surprised when she saw the Bang Bus pop out of nowhere, her pussy had gotten moist at the prospect of finally getting some action. That earlier makeout session had gotten her revved up no problem, and now he was eating her out with such passion that she couldn't believe it could feel so good.

The first time she came, he felt her juices leaking flood from her vagina and over his face. He saw her inner thighs shaking and moist with sweat, and he heard her helplessly whimpering as she took in her climax. One of her legs was hanging over the edge of the car seat, and lying there she looked like any other skank he was very familiar with. He also saw the hood of her clitoris twitching a bit. With his face this close to her twat, he could smell her arousal from the beginning he started going down on her, but the instant he came, he smelled the heat coming from her clitoris. The sight of the nub squirming under the hood got his interest piqued, he couldn't wait to mess her up even better.

He prodded the sensitive hood of her clitoris. Already so sensitive after she just came, her whole body shook just a bit and she let out a helpless moan. Sam couldn't believe what was happening.

“Goddamn but do I love eating pussy,” said the man.

“You having fun with her?” said the driver.

“I think she's even more needy than last time.” He looked up at her face, she was whining loudly from it all. “You must have really been wanting this, huh? I wonder how many times she must have touched herself while thinking about me. Or fantasized about me when you were off doing whatever else you were doing.” Despite someone like him looking like so tough, he knew he had to be gentle with her sensitive vagina. He carefully prodded the wet hood and brought out the nub, already so thick and red with arousal.

“Fucking lucky,” the driver muttered under his breath.

The man licked at her luscious thighs stained with her pussy juice. All the while he kept on poking the clit. While he was doing so, Sam she saw him reach in his pockets for something and then put something from in between his fingers inside her pussy. She figured it was probably a remote controlled vibrator. But when he continued teasing her sweet spot and kissing her luscious legs, she figured it was just her imagination.

Kim felt it too. She was about to ask him what that was before he took the nub right into his mouth. He sucked on it fast with his lips, driving her crazy, and all those thought went blank. She quickly came again, the nub squirting right in his mouth as she moaned in sweet release.

He was ready to give Kim something a little bigger than that though. He took her clit out of his mouth and pulled down his pants, revealing his big dick, swollen with arousal. Sam gasped at the sight of it watching through the rear view mirror and he also looked up at it and winked at her, prompting her to turn away bashfully. That was fine. He had someone else he wanted to give it to anyway.

“Wake up hero,” he said, turning back to Kim. “I've got something else for you.”

Kim felt a naughty smile forming on her lips. Even after he ate her out to her satisfaction, she was so excited to feel him inside her again. She got herself right up, wanting to feel the dick that made her a woman all over again. She was sitting up on her knees, and then she suddenly yanked her forward so that she was sitting on his lap again.

She had wanted this for so long and she was sitting on him so that her naked bum was right on top of his dick. They could feel their sexual heat on each other's genitals so bad that neither of them could tell which one wanted it more. Her moist box was lubricating the top of his shaft and even with all his conquests, it had been a long time since he was this hard and horny.

They both leaned forward, their mouths mating with each other in another steamy kiss. There was nothing resembling affection about it like last time, they were mashing their tongues up against each other and he was cupping her bubble butt like he owned it. He remembered that just like her muscular legs, she had a pretty developed backside too and as he was fondling her donk, he gave it a light smack.

She stopped kissing him to giggle. Her lip gloss was a little smeared around her mouth, and he never wanted her more than he did then. He moved his hands to her hips and moved her up. As he did so, his penis stood pointed right up without her sitting on it, that's how much he needed her. But more than the physical pleasure of fucking Kim Possible again, it was the psychological thrill. It wasn't every day he got to deflower a hot virgin like she had been, and now he got to fuck her again after she had become a little more open minded. It was every guy's dream to have a dick that could take an over achieving high class girl and turn her into such a slut.

Then he suddenly slammed her snatch right on top of his prick so that he was all the way inside of her. Her shriek at their union was so loud and high-pitched that she gripped onto his shoulders just a little tighter and clung to him even closer. But it wasn't uncomfortable for her, she was just taken aback at just how good she felt. She felt great on top of him too, she was warm and wet on his naked penis and despite her flinching the moment he plowed inside of her pussy, she hit him back at a regular pace.

He roughly pulled down the front of her shirt exposing her bare tits before him. This time he took one of her breasts into his mouth, practically devouring it. The suction of his mouth was so strong on her sensitive chest that coupled with his penis fucking deep inside of her, she had to grab onto the back of his neck to keep herself steady. Though she wasn't still at all, she was moving right back up against him, both to accommodate his incredible cock and because she just contain herself from how good it felt.

With her holding onto him like that, he could let her go and please her to his heart's content. Still sucking her tit, he grabbed hold of the other breast. It was easy for him to squish it under his fingers, and he mauled it with that perfect pressure, not too hard and not too easy, just right. Her pussy was still wet and tight on his dick, and he kept ramming himself back and forth deep inside of her. She had to slow down the rate of her humps, that's how much he was driving her crazy.

He already knew how hard her nipples were. He was hungrily licking at the one in his mouth using his tongue, and it was thick and hard, a clear indicator of how much she was getting off on it. But he knew as much as she liked having him knead her other breast that the nipple there was aching for his touch. Now that he knew she was his, he could take his time with her.

He suddenly slowed down the rate of his thrusting inside her. The ecstasy of fucking this pussy he alone had the good fortune to deflower and now have all to himself a second time was incredible, and he wanted to savor it as much as possible. The two of them were going slowly at it and they were in no hurry to cum, they just wanted to relish in the pleasure as much as possible.

But it was this sexual serenity that set him off. Last time, he had been in a hurry to fuck this girl up since they had a destination in mind. Now they were on a high speed chase with monsters behind them. He intended to do lots more this time. He suddenly increased the rate of his pumping inside of her.

Kim was shrieking helplessly from the increase in his tempo. Even as wanton as she had become, she could feel his naked penis plumping up inside of her. She knew what was going to happen if he didn't pull out.

“D-don't!” she said. “I might get pregnant!”

That answer surprised him. She still had traces of her snobby and classy self. But he was about to erase that too. “Behave yourself, Miss Possible. You're shaking that sexy little ass of yours all over me and you're trying to say you don't want this?”

That dirty talk erased a bit of her willpower and made her hornier at the same time. Unable to take it anymore, she started humping him faster too. Her legs were wound around his back and she grabbed his back, digging her nails into his skin. She threw her head back, screaming loudly, and even he grunted from how intense this lovemaking sensation had become. He couldn't toss her off him if he wanted to.

He knew this fuck was going to be a good one. The only reason he didn't nut inside of her when they first met was because he knew as she had a sweet ass, he also knew she could kick ass and didn't know how she would respond to him cumming inside of her. But the kind of girl she was now, he had no more reservations. This time he was gonna show her no mercy.

He was a lucky man. Not every guy had the opportunity to not only have the joy of deflowering sweet jailbait pussy but also turn her into a bit of a slut, and then have her again as such a skank.

At his limit, he pushed himself in all the way to the end of her vagina and roared, “Time for some super sweet sixteen!” before his dick burst open with cum, shooting his seed deep inside of her fertile pussy. Kim's voice suddenly erupted from her throat in a series of uneven and loud screams even to the point that she became hoarse. That didn't stop her from hollering so fervently as she did. It sent a thrill through him and he grinned as he felt her vagina cumming on his bare dick.

As he nutted, he kept pumping inside of her, wanting to get as much of his cum inside of her as he could. His ears rung a little from her mouth being so close to him. But more than that her whines of ecstasy fueled his animalistic side and he maintained the pace of his stamina even in that state of orgasm. She was trembling helpessly. All the while he shamelessly fondled all over her body, knowing she was his now.

Whatever minor reservations Kim had were gone. Her mind blazed over from the sheer force of that incredible orgasm, it felt like she was glowing and not even a physical person anymore as she melted into pure erotic bliss. She could only rest her head against him as he kept cumming, intending to drain his cock inside of her pussy.

Sam had been watching the whole thing go down without making a sound. Things had been so chaotic today, from her friends getting captured, to running into Kim Possible, and now she was in a van that popped in out of nowhere and Kim Possible was getting intimate with a stranger she just met. She didn't know how to process any of it.

That didn't keep her from looking at the scene. She was oddly fascinated, and as she kept watching, she was getting horny underneath her suit. She kind of understood why it was happening, they were on a high speed chase from metal monsters and she started to wish herself that she could be so carefree, knowing that anything could happen. Still, didn't know how to respond to any of what was going down before her, but she couldn't just tear her suit off and get naked like they were. It was all so improper.

Kim finally looked at him dreamily. That flushed face, those lost eyes and lips puffy with arousal, she was his all over again and he knew it. Cupping her chin, they embraced in a delicate and wet kiss, melting into each other's arms. The man wasn't finished with her yet either. He didn't just want to know the pleasure of cumming inside Kim. He had another thing planned for her down the road. Until that time came, he intended on breaking her thoroughly. When the time came, he couldn't wait to see her snap out of her stupor of ecstasy with alarm.

When their lips parted, he affectionately cupped her cheek. She had already started humping the dick inside of her again, biting her lip in that rare mix of love and lust. After that orgasm which rocked her so hard, she loosened her grip on him, unwinding her legs from around his waists. He also fucked inside of her at a slower pace. The tightness of her pussy still conforming to his dick, their mutual love juices squishing around on his junk, it was so good.

Just then, the driver made a hard turn. Drakken's exterminators were gaining on them and he had to make a sudden detour to lose their tail. The man was suddenly thrown back a bit and Kim herself fell off him too, going in the opposite direction. As they separated, there was a long slimy trail of cum between their genitals. She landed right on her stomach.

He picked himself up and looked at her. Kim looked so helpless, still moaning from that climax. There was so much of his cum inside her, pouring out of her gaping vagina. She looked back at him and spread open her pussy lips with her hand. Clearly she needed more and he was more than happy to defile her completely.

He grabbed her hips and picked her up so that her ass was sticking up in the air right in front of his face. Her donk was shining with sweat and she was only holding herself up on her shaky knees. So wet on her own and with plenty of his cum inside her, his dick went in a little slower this time. The mix of their cum in her pussy made a squishing sound on his dick as he entered into her again. She made a long and weak moan when his penis slid inside of her a second time, she was still reeling from the effects of that mutual orgasm, and he was still hard and horny the way she liked it. Though this kind of nonstop wild sex was a bit new to her, there was no discomfort on her end. More than her body, it was her state of mind that made it so easy to adjust to doing this kind of thing with him again in such quick succession.

It didn't take her long to recover either. His penis pumping inside of her was ruthless, and she loved it. More than the joy of reuniting with this man, it was the depraved side surfacing in her that had take Brick Flagg and Josh Mankey out of nowhere that was fueling her libido. She picked herself up so that she was on all fours and gave it right back to him.

He reached over to her shoulders to keep her steady if another sudden turn knocked them both out. That close, the both of them turned their faces towards each other and stuck their tongues out. In their precarious situation, they were more into it than ever, rocking back and forth together and hungry for another orgasm. Being chased by liquid metal monsters with the real chance of dying meant that they were ready to live like there was no tomorrow.

Kim snapped her head up. Already in a state of potent heat, she was losing herself and wailed helplessly. He knew what that sound meant and he felt her pussy tightening on his dick. Eager to reward her for being such a good girl, he rammed her with an alarming speed. His cock was so big and he was so fast then that it should have been almost painful. But she wanted it so bad that she kept herself up. She finally found someone who could give her exactly the kind of fucking she had wanted for so long.

When he came again, Kim just let out a happy little whimper. He simply let his dick sit inside of her as he emptied another load inside of her delicious little teenage twat. Her horny vagina constricted on his penis in her own orgasm as they relished in this second lovely mutual climax. Like before, he didn't stop and kept on pumping inside of her, eager to get as much of his jizz inside of her as he could. He gave out a long breathy sigh of victory before he pulled out of her again. Kim simply rolled on her side and naughtily fondled her tingling pussy as her mind was blazed over by two strong orgasms in a row. Even as he had taken efforts to fuck her silly, he filled her up with so much cum that it was oozing out of her gaping hole and getting on her fingers. She took several of her cum stained digits to her mouth and licked them hungrily before she returned to touching herself.

The man finally looked back at Sam. “See you been watching us. You can feel free to join in whenever you want!”

“But...this is kinda weird you know? I don't even know your name!”

“Just call me Don Quixote. And you can think of that guy up there is my partner in crime Sancho Panza.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “Wouldn't it be the other way around? He's the driver so technically he's in charge. You're just around for the ride.”

“Yeah, that's right,” the driver sighed. “I'm in charge and he's having all the fun right now.”

“And I think you meant to say Don Juan, not Don Quixote.”

“He is playing that role too,” the driver sighed. He had been watching him and Kim going at it and was getting hard the whole time. And he wasn't getting any action.

The man waved his hand. “Whatever, it doesn't matter. I just think it's rude to sit there watching while we're helping you run away from a bunch of killer robots.”

“And I think it's rude to be so frivolous with someone else in front of a total stranger. What kind of girl do you think I am?”

“She liked it plenty. Didn't you?” he said to Kim. She just moaned something that sounded like “Uh-huh,” in response. He looked back at Sam. “See, she knows what's up. Or you telling me you're not up for this? In that case, guess you'll just have to watch a little more. I wouldn't want to include someone who is a little frigid.”

Despite Sam's normally high-handed bearing, she got a little upset hearing that. “What's that supposed to mean?”

“Well me and the little miss have already gotten acquainted once before so I know exactly how to press her buttons and I know she'll love every bit of it. No use in wasting my time with someone who I know will just disappoint me.”

That set her off. “Listen you, I'm not some stuck up prude. I know how to have fun!” It wasn't just talk from her either. She had kissed a few guys here and there, and even gave up her innocence to some charming well bred boy who said he loved her and then he broke her heart anyway. She had gotten over that loss by listening to stories from Clover. Who knows if they were true, but they were fun to listen to anyway.

“Alright.” He inched on a little closer to her. It was a surprise for her seeing him sitting right next to her now. “Then prove it.”

“Please,” she said, folding her arms and turning away from him. “I'm also high maintenance and proud of it. First after this chase is over, you have to wine and dine me for the first date. Then I'll think about it.”

“Oh snap!” said the driver.

“I also expect a nice quiet walk on the beach under the moon.” She sighed dreamily to herself. “That's the kind of guy I like.”

“Miss, in case you didn't notice, but you were in danger of being hunted by robot men and we offered you a ride. I think that counts for something.”

“And he's doing that,” she said, looking at the driver. “So I should really be thanking him.”

The driver smirked to himself. Maybe he'd be getting some action after all. The man was at a loss for words right then. He had to find a way to regain the upper hand and fast.

“Oh no! There's one of those things on the window behind you!”

“What!” the driver and Sam said both at once. Even Kim got up hearing that. Sam looked behind her. But there was nothing there. That was exactly his intention.

The man grabbed her shoulders and pulling her face towards him, kissed her right on the lips. She was so shocked that she was simply frozen for a few seconds. It didn't take long for her to regain her composure either. She was about to push him back when he suddenly parted his lips from her before she had the chance to do so.

“Not bad,” he said. “But I've had better.”

“Oh whatever,” Sam said. But a deep blush was forming on her face.

He ignored her little remark. Her face was almost as red as her hair. “Tell you what. If I decide I like you better than her, we can do this on our own. And we can do whatever you want.”

“You mean you'll forget all about that depraved little slut?” Sam suddenly said.

“Hey!” Kim said. “This guy came onto me and now he's fooling around with another girl and I'm the slut?”

“But of course,” said the man. “Cross my heart.”

“And hope to die?” said Sam.

“You got it,” he said.

“Good,” Sam said, with a wicked smile on her face. She took his affirmation to both agree with her about Kim and as a sign she'd be getting some attention herself now. She didn't have anything against the other girl personally, but his taunting was getting to her, and still on a chase and watching him fuck another girl royally, now she'd do anything to make sure she wouldn't be left out. Despite her many differences from Alex and Clover, she was still best friends with them. “But let's take it slow. I am a proper lady and I expect to be treated like one.”

“Oh I know how to treat a lady alright.” After getting a mouthful of Kim Possible's pussy and then nutting inside her twice, he was in the mood to see just how fun this new girl would be. “I'll go nice and slow for you my beauty. I like girls who aren't so eager from the beginning like a certain someone else here.”

“You listen here buddy!” said Kim. “Both times you came onto me!” The voice of Bonnie Rockwaller suddenly echoed in her mind and said, Except for when you sucked off Josh Mankey and fucked my boyfriend just to get back at me, right you slut?Then she calmed down a bit.

“Did you hear something?” said Sam.

“Not at all,” said the man. They both smiled at each other. Kim just pouted and looked away.

Sam looked up at him and puckered up, making a sweet little kissy sound at him. Refined with just the right amount of wrong. He liked that. The more he thought about it, these two girls were a lot alike.

The man leaned forward and kissed her again. That surprise kiss earlier had just been there to take her off guard, but now he was content to take his time with her. Sam tasted fresh and sweet in his mouth while he tasted a little rougher. That didn't surprise her, he had just eaten out pussy and made out with someone else at the same time, but she was also surprised to find out just how much she liked it. He was rubbing her lips up against hers from the beginning. But she wasn't shy either, and kissed him back with a competition in it, she was definitely trying to prove herself to him. He moved his hand to her shoulder and felt all over her body. She was nowhere near as exposed as Kim was right now, but her suit was so tight that he could intimately feel her shape under it. She felt it too.

Her nipples were poking out and her pussy was getting wet inside her catsuit. That costume as an agent of WOOHP was designed to endure any amount of hardship making wear and tear virtually nonexistent, but it was thin enough so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable. Yet despite feeling his hands moving on her, she craved it on her skin. He knew it too, he felt her nipples poking out underneath the tight latex of the suit and dipped his fingers into the box of her twat, now fully aroused underneath.

He was getting more aggressive and opened his mouth. Sam opened her mouth too, it wasn't just to appeal to him, it was also because she was getting hornier herself. She surprised him when her tongue darted in all the way, almost taking him off guard. But he didn't mind at all and chuckled to himself. After having had his fun with Kim, he was ready for a little something new and this girl didn't disappoint. She tasted elegant and sweet in a way that matched her almost regal bearing, and he wanted more.

He broke the kiss. “You're a better kisser than she was,” he said, nodding back at Kim.

She just blushed. At first, she had a hard time believing Kim Possible could be so easy with a guy like this, but now she understood it very easily. Then he took her hand encased in the velvet suit as much as any other part of her and moved it to his cock.

She looked at it. Even with her suit on, she could feel the size and heat from his penis in her grasp. The cum coated phallus wasn't as thick as it would have been normally after two strong nuts. But her gloves felt so good on his hands, the slickness and texture was perfect enough to get any guy off, and he felt himself hardening up in her grasp. Ironically enough after all that crazy sex, her relative modesty was turning him on even more too.

Sam stared at the dick like she was in a trance. She had admired what was going down from a distance, and now here she was holding his member. But his size was still pretty big and she couldn't believe how quickly he was stiffening up in her hands. The cummy smell wafting up from it was something else too. Whatever little doubts she had on getting involved were going up in flames as she realized quick that she was now part of it. Her head was flooded with thoughts of getting it.

“You like it?” he said.

“It's uh, something...” she said. That wasn't intended as an insult, but she was so horny and lost in the sight of his cock couldn't find the right words for a compliment either.

“It's something? What kind of response is that?”

“Maybe she needs a real dick,” said the driver, trying to get himself in edgewise. “This one's still fresh. As soon as we find a safe spot, I'll be more than happy to satisfy you.”

Sam blushed. Boys had shown her attention before but now these two guys were overtly competing for her. She looked in his direction.

“Um...” Kim said, ready to say something to appeal to his horniness.

“Damn, but I don't know when we'll stop,” the driver said in frustration. “These things are everywhere! I swear, my balls have been blue for way too long.”

“You know I can help with that...” Kim started, trying to regain any edge she could in the conversation.

“Hey, you shouldn't listen to my bald friend,” said the man. “He's acting all sweet with you but he just wants to fuck you like crazy and he won't care if you cum or not. I've been gentle with you so far, haven't I?”

“Yeah, I guess you have...” she said, looking away from the two guys. Despite what he said, there was no question as to what these two were really about. But she was getting really turned on.

The man looked at the driver and flashed a vicious grin at him. Then turning back to Sam, he pushed aside her hair and whispered into her ear, “Ignore him. I'm up for whatever you are. Just give me the word and I'll make you feel even better than her,” he said, making a slight nod at Kim who was fuming at that point. Then he blew on the sensitive skin of her earlobe while he gently brushed her hair with his fingers.

He brought his head back and looked right into her eyes. That little bit of charm worked wonders on her. “Fine,” she said. “But it's very rude to bring such a nasty and dirty thing to a lady,” she said, looking down at his penis.

“You got that right,” said the driver.

“So be a good girl and clean it off. Then we can have our fun.”

“That's all I have to do?”

“It will be as you wish my lady,” he said, taking her hand and kissing it.

She got down on all fours and took his penis in her mouth. Both dudes were so shocked. This upper class lady so hesitant earlier was now getting straight to the good stuff. He didn't need to beat around the bush at all like he had with Kim.

He slapped his forehead from how good it was. He wasn't close to cumming yet, but it still felt so damn good. He barely noticed her fellatio technique and he didn't have to. His dick was already tingling from two strong orgasms with Kim and smeared with love juices. Now he had a totally different girl's mouth sucking him off. He was already hard up for doing this kind of thing with her, but his penis was very quickly being brought back to life like he was a little boy.

He loved the look of her too. Any girl as hot and tight as this one on all fours with his cock so in her mouth was a beautiful sight in itself, but what made it even better was that suit of hers. She was blowing him so good that her whole mane of red hair was completely sprawled over her head. Coupled with her lithe form outlined in that green latex suit, for several seconds he almost thought he was looking at some shiny sexy monster not unlike the liquid robots chasing them who was sucking him off right then.

He couldn't believe it when his member was fully engorged again thanks to her treatment. He took the dick out of her mouth and sighed. The sound alone sent a jolt of joy right up to his heart.

But then Kim suddenly joined in. Before he could say anything, she just down on her knees too and took his balls into his mouth. He was actually getting really happy with just Sam, he thought to say something, and then he realized how dumb he would be to object to two hot girls sucking his genitals at the same time.

“That's it ladies, don't stop,” he said. They both moaned an “Mm-hmm,” in response to him saying that. He looked up at the driver through the rear view mirror and mouthed Jealous?His motor inclined friend just shook his head in response. He already knew that simple assent was definitely a 'Yes' and reveled in his situation, running his hands through both girls' hair both as a sign of dominance as well as encouraging them to keep sucking him off. This was heaven.

He had already gotten hard from Sam's fellatio. But Kim suddenly joining in was awakening another side of him well past his normal physical limits and his balls were getting swollen in her mouth. He just sat back and relaxed.

Both girls were firmly aware of each other's presence now. But they wouldn't look at each other in this raunchy little contest. Instead they were bent on winning this game and focused on the task at hand. Actually competing with another for a guy like this one would be the kind of thing that other girls they knew would do. Not them.

He let out a sudden grunt and his cock tensed, releasing a strong nut right in Sam's mouth. He was going to push her head down further on the shaft but to his surprise she was already bobbing her head up and down on his penis, pleasing him even while he was jizzing. Kim's mouth felt good too, together with Sam already blowing his dick, it felt like she was draining his sack in real time.

When he was done, both girls stopped and looked up at him. “So um...?” Kim said, her voice trailing off.

“Yeah, which one of us do you like more?” Sam said.

“Kiss each other. That's how I'll decide.”

“Kiss her?” Sam said in disbelief. She couldn't believe she was falling for this guy moments earlier. “That is just...”

Then Kim grabbed her and planted one right on her lips. Her tongue slid right into the other girl's mouth and moaned deeply. She could taste the cummy mix from his shaft in her mouth. Sam meant to get away at first but when she realized that if she stopped she'd lose, she just kept on doing it.

The man set his arms back on the seat behind him. This was one hell of a show. Two hot girls going at it, doing something more than a little out of the ordinary on their part, and it was all for him. He really did score the jackpot this time.

When they stopped kissing, they looked up at him. During that makeout session, they started inadvertently holding hands. They quickly realized it and then snapped their hands apart and looked away from each other.

“I think I like...both of you,” he said. He looked over at Sam and grabbed the outline of her vagina bulging on it. “But I've been meaning to feel this suit on my boy. It won't be too rough on you, will it?”

“Oh no, of course not!” she said. “It's designed to protect me perfectly. But it also feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!”

“Now that's what I like to hear!”

Before he even made a move, she pushed him down so that his back was on the car seat. Then she sat on top of him. He groaned as her clothed snatch slid right onto his naked penis. The feeling was unreal. There was nothing quite like naked pussy on him bareback, but her tight box in that smooth latex conforming to his dick was a totally surreal feeling. Even with all his experience, this was a new one.

Then she started riding him. Sam looked down at him with a wicked smile, biting her lip from the impact of his dick inside her. Even though it hitting right up against her spongy vaginal walls, she still felt the impact of his cock rocking the shape of her pussy, and she moaned happily. After all that watching, she was finally getting some of the real good action.

Kim was getting jealous too. She folded her arms and pouted. The words Nothing at all!kept ringing through her head. “Stupid sexy Simpson!”

Sam started gyrating her hips around. With that look on her face, she was fucking him like a streetwalker, and coupled with the feeling of her suit on his dick, he loved every bit of it. She moaned deeply and slowly, she could have been a porn star. And then she stuck a finger inside her mouth and moaned deeply.

That did it. The novelty of this fuck, her act, and everything that came before it, he lost himself. He grabbed her hips and plowed into her harder than ever, unable to take it.

His dick rocking her insides made her lose control. She moaned suddenly, losing all of that confident act and her voice degenerated to a series of whimpers. If he wasn't holding her hips, she would have fallen right off him.

Then he pulled her down all the way and came inside of her. Even with her suit still on, she felt the searing hot cum blowing inside her, and she screamed, climaxing on top of his penis. He moved her by the hips to the sides, wanting to make this orgasm especially deadly for her.

When it was finished, she weakly crawled off him. Kim helped her up. “Looks like I'm not the only slut here anymore, huh?”

The man looked behind him. “And your little friends are still hot on our tail. You two up for more?”

“I sure am!” Kim said.

“Yeah, I think I can handle some more...” Sam said, desperate to regain the advantage over Kim.

“Then be a dear and help her out of her suit,” the man said to Kim.

“Okay!” Kim said. She knew exactly what he was getting at. But at that point she was also ready to comply with anything he said too. Sam for her part wasn't put off at all and turning her back, pushed aside her mane of hair to reveal the zipper on the back of her suit.

“Don't be shy,” Sam said looking back at her. “I don't bite.”

“We'll see.”

The man watched them. The driver was still keeping his eyes on the road too as the town was crawling with robots, but the sound of Kim peeling off that tight form fitting suit had him looking in the rear view mirror more than a few times. With Sam's long red hair out of the way he watched every little bit of her being slowly exposed by the second. He couldn't wait to see her fully au naturel.

He wouldn't have to wait much longer. Kim had reached down as far as the zipper would go. She was aware of everyone there gawking at her. She smiled to herself at all of this attention and threw her hair back in a deliberately flashy motion. That toss of her beautiful locks even hit Kim in her face and she smiled at the scent of her shampoo.

Even after that orgasm, Sam took her time in taking the suit off her shoulders. Her long red hair falling down her back as she slowly exposed her naked shoulders made her look like a supermodel. She was aware of how good she looked too and slowly got her arms out of the sleeves. Both guys had their attention zeroed in on her, and the driver was so distracted had to make a couple quick swerves more than a few times. The guy in the back was admiring her so much that he didn't even bother saying anything. Sam looked like the kind of high class girl that every guy wanted to get with, but he wondered how many times she had done this sort of thing before.

When she had her arms out, the only thing keeping the front of her suit up over her body was her hands. She looked at the driver through the rear view mirror and at the man in front of her with a confident and practiced smile. She looked like a maiden in her bedroom chambers hiding under her bedroom sheets, and she knew exactly what she was doing. Then she slowly let it down, exposing her bare breasts. Despite having the exact same profession as Kim, he was surprised to see just how much bigger her tits were than the girl he just fucked.

Sam raised herself up and took off the pants of her suit, revealing her big bubbly ass. It was right in Kim's face and she was almost drooling as soon as it came into view. Down it went from her curvaceous thighs to past her knees and her sculpted calves, and then she tossed it aside.

“Good girls,” the man said.

“Wow,” Kim said. “You have a...a really nice butt...”

“Oh why thank you!” Sam said, turning around and giving her an innocent smile. “You got a nice tush as well my dear.”

“You think so?” Kim said and turned around herself, standing up on her knees. “If it was that great you think somebody would have fooled around with it by now.”

“Hold on, you're telling me a guy still hasn't fucked that ass yet?” said the man.

“Goddammit,” said the driver. He was already getting excited about the prospect of popping Kim's anal cherry as soon as she said that and now his mate was going to take that joy away from him as well. “I'm still driving with both hands and I've been getting hard the whole time! Come on buddy, have some decency!”

“We've been going a while and we're still being pursued. Might be awhile until you have your chance. So lovely, how do you want it? Do you want to wait until we've finally lost our tail and have a little something else? Or are you itching to feel it right now? I know this is your favorite dick in the world,” he said, stroking his member.

Kim stared at his dick like she was in a trance. She wasn't sure on how to respond. But then Sam looked at her tight little ass. “No, I think we should do it right now,” she said.

“Hey I can make my own decisions!” Kim said, putting her hands on her hips.

Sam hushed her by putting a finger on her lips. “Don't be like that. We'll both be gentle with you.” She grabbed Kim's butt cheeks and spread them apart. The other girl licked her lips at the sight of seeing Kim's anus for the first time.

The driver agreed with her assessment. “Damn that is one hell of a badonkadonk.”

“I'm gonna get me a taste!” said the man. “Keep your eyes on the road and both hands on wheel.”

“I'll try...” the driver groaned.

“Hold on...” Kim started but then he buried his face inside of her booty. He took a deep whiff and sighed, even after all that wanton sex beforehand, her virgin rosebud still smelled great. She probably used some sweet really nice body wash in a shower before she got here. With Kim being held by the both of them, she had no choice but to take it. She looked over at Sam who was looking at her as cutely as possible. So many meanings in that smile. And she thought Shego could be a handful.

“You know, if we weren't in a rush during our first time when you were in your cheerleader outfit, I definitely would have done this sort of thing before I let you off,” he said. He thrust his licker inside as deep as it could go. She shook a bit in alarm. At that point she was no stranger to a guy's parts inside of her, a tongue seemed decent by comparison, but she was still unused to the feeling of it inside her butt. It didn't feel amazing but it didn't feel horrible either. It felt strange and exciting and she didn't know if she wanted it to stop or continue. With Sam still holding her she could only sit there and let him do it.

Sam seemed to read her mind. “Is it really that weird?” she said.

“I've never...” She had to suddenly moan several times and if the two of them weren't holding her she would be positively wobbly at that point. “I've never done this sort of thing before, okay!”

He heard that. He sped up the way he was using his tongue. The curious sensations of having her ass eaten out were changing to genuine pleasure. But it was so weird feeling this way in her butthole, she was still a virgin there. She started moving her butt right back up on his face, she couldn't contain herself anymore.

Her whole body was suddenly racked with erotic shivers. It was her first anal orgasm and it just hit her out of nowhere. She instinctively reached out to the closest person for support. That meant Sam.

The other girl gently patted her shoulder. “This is all so sweet. You know, we've had a lot of bonding time, and I'm so happy to be here with you in this intimate moment.”

Kim couldn't contain that smile. She couldn't be sure if that comment was sincere, but right now it meant so much. “Wow, you know that really means a lot coming from you.”

The man raised his head up from Kim's derriere and stood over them. “Aww, isn't this the sweetest thing? We're all getting to know each other so well. But this time ladies, I'll make the two of you feel good as opposed to my little boy having all the fun.” He lay down and grabbed his dick and licked his lips. “I'm going to make a certain thing possible in that sweet ass I just tasted. Or,” he said, looking at Sam, “do you want some dick in your pussy for real?”

“I kinda do,” Sam said. But then she reached further into Kim's butt and spread open her anus. “But I think you haven't properly trained her yet. And I know your little boy as you put it is just itching for some of her sweet cooties.”

“I think I can get behind that. I remember when I used to hate cooties. Now I can't get enough of them.”

“You two are ridiculous right now,” Kim said. She still hadn't made any move to get Sam's hands off her backside.

“Is that a no then?”

Kim rolled her eyes. Her back was facing him but now she turned around so that she was looking right at him. “Now I didn't say that...” she said, looking upset.

“That's my girl!” Sam said. Kim had turned herself around to look him right in the eyes. At the same time, it had the unexpected benefit of putting her in a much better position for an ass ramming. Still holding her butt, she helped Kim fit her anus over the head of the penis and then she slowly lowered herself down onto the dick on her own. Kim took in several deep breaths until the dick was firmly fitted inside of anus.

Just like his tongue, the penis felt weird inside of her ass at first. After so many nuts so fast in quick succession, he wasn't as hard as he was before. But the unique feeling of Kim's untouched asshole was nice and tight on his phallus, and she felt his meat plumping up inside of her. She moved herself up on it slowly, it was still taking her time to get used to it.

He was obviously enjoying this one on the physical level. But it also touched something in his horny heart to know he was this girl's first in so many things. And now he was taking another cherry from her. He simply watched her slowly ride him and he also moved himself inside of her with a tested patience to make it comfortable for her.

Sam knew Kim could be riding that dick better too. But the redhead was satisfied, knowing she didn't need her help anymore. However, the spy was also itching for some satisfaction herself. She moved back and lowered her just as naked derriere onto his face.

She was riding his face from the beginning. Even just getting into the motions of finding the perfect pace to fucking Kim's asshole, he was eager to please. That wet hairy ginger bush right on top of his mouth was just doing it for him and the instant his tongue licked inside of her, she tasted just right. After eating out Kim Possible's muff, eating out a new pussy was just what he needed.

Kim had also got a little more energetic with the way she was riding him. Just as she was getting turned from all the ways she was having her butt played with, so too did her fresh ass liven up his cock in ways he couldn't imagine. He couldn't believe he was getting hard up again so fast, this was definitely one of the best fucks of his life. With the increased pace she was moving on top of him, he also started pumping inside her of at a steadily increasing rate.

Still, as much as Sam was enjoying getting her twat eaten out, she wanted more. The sight of Kim right in front of her taking it up the ass and lost in her own little world was making her hungry for dick. She needed more stimulation.

She grabbed Kim's breasts and gently played with her nipples. The other girl looked at her, and saw the look in Sam's eyes, coaxing her for more. Kim returned her touch and caressed the redhead's chest, surprised by just how hard her nipples were. She hadn't done nearly as much as Kim had and she was still already so horny.

Both girls were holding each other's tits at this point. Kim was simply admiring the size of Sam's bust more than she was actually stimulating it. She was still a little new to doing this sort of thing with other girls and only lightly caressed the other girl's chest. Sam got a little greedy herself and tweaked Kim's nipples to get her to be a little more active in it. As predicted, Kim squeaked from how unexpectedly good that felt.

“Wow, you're more of a slut than you let on, huh?” Sam said. Kim looked awkwardly at her, feeling a bit ashamed at being called that. But then Sam let go of her chest. “If you want me to do it again, you give it to me right back.”

“But I've never...”

Sam got a naughty grin on her face. “Then play with yourself like I played with you just now.”

Just as expected, Kim complied. Sam licked her lips seeing Kim going at it. Riding that dick and playing with herself, she didn't at all look like a hero anymore. Her face had none of it's former strength, she needed sex.

Sam was good to her word. She reached forward and roughly grabbed Kim's chest, pinching down hard on her nipples, way rougher than what Kim had been doing to herself. Sam had initially tormented those tits to show irritated she was for not having her tits played with as much. But now she didn't care about that anymore. Now it was the thrill of sadism that was getting her off.

She was so into it in fact that she suddenly came on top of the man's face. Her twat released a flood of juices all over his face and he hungrily licked them up. She rode his face harder than ever. Nobody here could have imagined that someone like Sam could be so sadistic when she wanted to be. She looked down on him under her and grinned wickedly as she melted into the orgasm.

While she was climaxing, Kim had started riding him faster than ever. Looking at the other girl who was still following orders and playing with herself, she was more than ready to make her cum too. Sucking one of her fingers, she moved it down to Kim's wet cum filled pussy and put it inside of her. As expected, she was tight on her fingers.

“Let's make you cum through both of those holes,” Sam said. At that point Kim was so horny that she just said, “Yes! Yes!” in response. Humping a dick and Sam's naughty fingers inside her twat, she was feeling it more than ever. The man had much of the same time and reaching for her hips, pumped himself inside of her ass all the way, shooting another load of cum inside this hole too.

That broke her. Unable to take the intensity of being penetrated in both orifices, she hollered shrilly in an unashamed orgasm as she came from having so many sensitive areas penetrated at once. It rocked her so hard that she barely caught herself on her hands.

Sam helped raise her up. “Aww, are you gonna be okay? Do you need a hug?” Kim was so weak she could barely respond as she panted, she was shaking all over. Sam just moved herself off the man's face and grabbed Kim's hips, also moving her up off his penis. There was so much cum leaking out of her butt. She could only looked up into Sam's eyes, and then the other girl pulled her into a tight embrace.

“Well isn't this the sweetest thing,” said the man. Sam's tushy in his face was always appreciated, but he appreciated these heartfelt displays too. Especially since he knew that he drove them to such a state of happy love and lust.

“Wish I could be part of it,” said the driver.

Then Kim started groaning again. There was a tingling sensation in her crotch, it felt like something was vibrating in her vagina and after having just came, she felt like she was going to explode in her pussy. It wasn't something pleasant like an orgasm but it wasn't painful either. It was tingly all over and she felt something growing in there. “I feel...weird. Something's happening to me!”

“Time for the real show to begin!” said the man.

“What...what did you do to me?”

“Oh while I was eating out your pussy, I put a cock seed inside of it.”

A what seed?”Kim and Sam said at once, not believing what he just said.

“I said a cock seed!”

He looked down at Kim's vagina. It was quivering, and then suddenly a fully erect penis sprang out from her crotch. There was even a ball sack too and any sign of Kim having a snatch were gone, no vaginal lips and no clitoris, it was like she had always been that way. Sam gasped at the sight of it, it was almost ten inches long, and the nuts were so swollen that like they were one single nut.

After getting their ride outfitted in the future, the two guys looked for all kinds of cool alien drugs that were around. While doing so, they didn't expect to actually find a seed that fed off of cum to make girls grow dicks. He didn't know if it worked as advertised and was looking for a girl to test it on. When he came back to Beverly Hills, he was looking to maybe use it on some bitchy pregnant housewife. That would be one hell of a show. He never thought that he'd have the honor of using it on jailbait he had the privilege of deflowering.

He went right up to Kim. “Damn, it's fucking huge!” He grabbed hold of it and started jacking her off. Even after being wracked by so many orgasms, Kim was still unused to having a penis and started moaning hysterically, already feeling like she was going to burst even though he was only beating her off for a few seconds. He pointed the phallus right at Sam's face. Sam herself was so surprised she couldn't respond, and then Kim suddenly shot several strong jets of cum right on Sam's face.

Sam simply blinked from that rain of cum showering on her beautiful face. She couldn't find the words. Kim's dick still kept shooting on her face, and a good deal of it got on her breasts too. She couldn't fight the new sensations that were raging in her new genitalia. Sam awkwardly wiped her face clean as it dripped down all over her.

“What the hell?” Kim and Sam said, both of them looking at him.

“Relax,” he said. “It's temporary. The seed I put inside of your pussy while I was eating you out fed off all our love juices mixing together to make a perfectly functional dick and balls. Don't worry. The more you cum with it, the closer it'll get to going away.”

“But...is this what all guys feel?” Kim said. She looked down at her new appendage, amazed not only by it's size but also just the sensations running through it. That was easily one of the strongest orgasms she had and the new penis was still hard.

“Oh yes we do. My friend up front is probably feeling just like you right now watching all of this having gone down. Look how hard you are! Did you like it that much? Or,” he said and he looked at Sam, “do you want to use it on her?”


“How about you?” he said, looking at Sam. “Do you want her to use this on you?”


“This is so sweet. You know,” he said, still holding Kim's dick, “I can feel you getting harder in my hands. Don't you want to get revenge on her for calling you a depraved slut?”

“That's right,” Kim said, eyeing her.

“And you,” he said turning to Sam again, “I know you've been wanting to get fucked for real.”

“Well maybe,” Sam said, still distracted from all the hot cum dripping down her face and Kim's dick.

“How about the two of you really work it out?” Then he grabbed the back of their heads and pushed their faces together. Both girls were no longer shocked after everything they already did, and their closed their eyes, opening their mouths to let each other's tongues in once more. Sam reached down and held Kim's penis too, stroking it, feeling just how thick it was on her palm.

The man grabbed Sam's shoulders and slowly pushed her down on the car seat. As he did so, Kim didn't break the kiss one bit, getting right on top of her. Her penis slowly went inside of Sam for the first time.

Kim couldn't believe how good pussy felt, no wonder guys thought about sex all the time. Sam gasped too as the big dick went inside of her. She had been getting hot and horny the whole time watching everything, and now she was finally getting fucked, just like she wanted. The man was not going to be left out of this one either and grabbing Kim's hips, spread her anus with his fingers, still dripping with his cum, and fit his cock inside of her again. Her butthole was still just as tight on him as before. But to make it easier for her, he slowed down the intensity of his dick this time, going slow enough for his pleasure and quick enough to stimulate her anus. All that jizz on his pecker from fucking these girls over and over again made an excellent lubricant for his member.

Kim was feeling it the worst of all. She was still sensitive in her butt being pounded again and Sam's wet cunt felt so right on her new virgin dick. Both girls were rocking hard with each other, totally lost to this storm of ecstasy. It was a miracle that she was lasting as long as she was.

But Sam wasn't too stable either. She was moving her hips right back up on Kim as her cunt was rocked hard everytime Kim pushed forward. She couldn't do much beyond that either as her whole body was racked with ecstasy as she lay back and took it. After awhile her jerking her hips wasn't so much for her pleasure as it was for her comfort, as her butt was getting uncomfortable from feeling the shock of the impact with every thrust in her cunt. Her legs were spread out and around Kim's hips, totally at her mercy.

A low sigh escaped the bottom of her throat when she first came on Kim's penis. She cried out uncontrollably out from how overwhelming this experience was. She wasn't as innocent as Alex and she wasn't as much of a floozy as Clover was, but the penis fucking her now was still one of a kind.

Kim herself bit her lip when she felt Sam's vagina squeezing her prick. The only thing keeping her from cumming sooner was just how much she was enjoying being rammed in her butt and fucking a pussy on her dick. Behind her, the man grabbed her tits and hungrily slurped all over her neck like a predator. She couldn't hold it in much longer.

“I...I'm going to...” Kim was barely able to get out.

“Yes, please!” Sam said. “Please cum inside of me!”

“But...I really shouldn't...”

“I can't hold back anymore!” said the man. He increased his tempo and then suddenly his cock blasted another creamy load inside Kim's butt. Already ready to cum, the feeling of another load of semen inside her butt broke her staying power and pushed her to her own orgasm. She wailed as her own dick erupted inside of Sam's tight pussy. And Sam had already just climaxed on that dick but she was so horny that she climaxed again, her pussy taking in every drop of Kim's slime.

The man pulled out, looking at Kim's butt twitching. He felt her anus tighten on his penis when he came inside of her ass again, and after all this orgasmic chaos, it was easily one of the best fucks he had in a very long time. Life was so good.

The two girls were still moaning and shuddering as they held each other. Sam had wrapped her legs around Kim's back at that point as they melted into each other's bodies. Then they looked at each other and shared a long delicate kiss.

The driver looked into the rear view mirror and all around him. It just occurred to him they were no longer being chased. He got a closer look and saw the coast was clear on all ends. He was finally eager to get some action. Turning around he said, “So ladies, my friend over there looks all tuckered out. How about I join in?”

The two girls looked up. That idea appealed to both of them. But then they suddenly realized the vehicle had stopped moving.

“Why did we stop?” Sam said.

“Oh I lost them. So now we can have some fun for ourselves.”

“Really?” Kim said. She picked herself up. “In that case, we should seize this opportunity. I have to stop Dr. Drakken!”

“That's right,” Sam said, getting up. “And I have to rescue my friends!”

The driver's jaw almost dropped. The man himself just grinned at this turn of events. The two girls helped each other get the excess cum out of their orifices then they got dressed. Sam went to get her green catsuit back on, and Kim quickly changed into her standard mission uniform. Once both girls were fully dressed, they both got out as quickly as they could.

“Not even a goodbye this time,” the driver said, sighing to himself.

“But hey, Kim left her clothes this time,” said the man. “I know you beat it while wearing her panties. Now you can wear these little dinky shorts of hers. Show the world that junk in your trunk.”

“I should be angry, but shit. I might end up doing that.”


Outside, Kim and Sam were sneaking around the blocks of Beverly Hills. The exterminators were still walking around the city and they made sure to avoid each one of them, hiding in the shadows and getting out as soon as their backs were turned. It wasn't everyday they were so helpless that they couldn't properly fight.

But that wasn't the most awkward thing. The worst of it was that Kim was still pitching a tent. Her dick was still tingling with excitement and Sam's skintight uniform outlined every curve perfectly. That ass of hers was bouncing with every step she took.

“Um...” Kim started.

“What's up?” Sam said, looking back at her.

“Well it's just...I'm still...kinda hard...”

“What? Really?” She put her hands on her hips. “You don't really wanna do this again? We might lose our chance!”

“No, I mean...do you mind if I just unzip my fly? It'll make me more comfortable.”

“Alright, sure, why not. But uh...” She giggled. “People might give you looks!”

“Yeah, I know,” Kim said sighing. She'd just have to kick Shego's face in before that happened. She unzipped the fly and the penis sprang right out, standing up at full attention. Sam smiled at the sight of it.

“If anyone asks, just say you're wearing a strap on.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. From what I hear, Cali is that kind of place.”

As soon as they were ready to move, they were spotted by the exterminators.

“Halt. You are...”

“Yeah?” Kim said, worried.

“We are glad you captured the WOOHP spy Sam Simpson. Well done.”

“Um, what?” Sam said.

“Though we admire your disguise of using Kim Possible, we must assure you that she does not have a penis.”

“They think I'm one of them,” Kim whispered to Sam. She looked down at her pecker. “Looks like this thing really is handy for more than a few things.” Then she straightened herself out. “Yes,” she said in a deliberately flat and robotic tone. “We do not know where the real Kim Possible is. But it is an excellent disguise even with this malfunction in my core design,” she said, grabbing her penis a little bit.

“Good work comrade. Take her to Dr. Drakken!”

The other exterminators grabbed Sam's wrists. She bristled a bit. But then Kim winked at her.

Sam had already caught on. “You sure this is a good idea?” she whispered.

“We have no other choice,” Kim whispered back. “Once we get to Dr. Drakken, I'll take him out and put an end to this whole thing.”

“I hope so...” Sam said.

It wasn't long before they were right at Drakken and Shego. But the two of them weren't paying attention to them at all. They were just arguing with each other.

“I'm telling we shouldn't be using an aquatic mainframe system to maintain these ordinarily invincible liquid metal soldiers,” she said. “In case you couldn't notice, this thing is very vulnerable. You take it out and our exterminators are down for the count.”

“But I have to rule Beverly Hills as King Drakken!” said Dr. Drakken. “And my kraken is my throne! It must be more than just a mere ceremonial sceptre. It is a fully seaborne base, far better than any undersea fortress. And from here I will operate my control network Seaweb and maintain every single one of my exterminators!”

Shego just rolled her eyes. “I'm starting to think you're compensating for something.”

“She's not the only one!” Sam said. The two of them looked at her.

Shego blinked hard. She was struggling to find a quip. They had already captured two of the WOOHP spies, now they had a third one. But it was Kim that caught her attention now. “Hey Possible, nice cock!”

After fucking Sam and now equipped with her new appendage, that taunt got Kim a little harder than she expected and the penis sprang right up to attention. Even more than when she actually looked at her rival, fine and only wearing that tight little catsuit. “Thank you Shego,” she said, imitating a robot again. “Do you like it that much?” Even Sam bust out laughing.

Realizing what she just said, Shego turned away and blushed. “No!” she said, eager to save face.

“Good,” Sam said. “Now how about you release my friends and there won't be any problems.”

“What is going on here?” Drakken said, holding his head in frustration. “Why the hell are you idiots not restraining Kim!”

“That is a disguise it used to capture Kim Possible,” said one of the exterminators. “Isn't that right, comrade?”

“Yes,” Kim said again in that flat robotic tone. “Let us present the captive Sam Simpson to our great master Dr. Drakken.”

“That's right!” Drakken said, putting his hands on his hips and laughing. “Though I must commend you on using the disguise of Kim Possible to get rid of that last WOOHP girl. Perhaps I will make an entire army of aquatic Kim robots! I will call this model the Kim-1000! Just with less penis in future builds. I'm starting to get jealous looking at it, it's bigger than mine!”

“No wait,” Shego said. “I'm going to get to the bottom of this,” Shego said, jumping right off the kraken and going straight to Kim. She grabbed the other girl's new appendage and Kim just sighed pleasantly. Shego quickly backed up, feeling it twitch in her hands. “Okay, Kim? I don't know what the hell you're into these days, but that's not an exterminator you idiots! That's her!”

“It sure is!” Kim said.

“Seize her!” said Drakken.

“Oh no,” Shego said. “I'm going to do it. I've been meaning to kick your ass for a long time. And now your weak spot is hanging right out!”

“Catch me if you can!” Kim said. Shego meant to kick her right where it hurt but Kim backflipped past her nemesis so that she was right on the coastline, and then made a strong leap so she was right on top of the kraken. She was standing face to face with Drakken.

“Kim...I love the new look!” he said nervously.

“So this thing here is what's powering those exterminators of yours? Well then, how about I do this!” she said, and slammed her foot right into the aquatic creature's skin. That stomp slammed right through it's skull, and then she felt it shudder considerably underneath her. All of the exterminators started to suddenly convulse and flip out in all sorts of strange mannerisms before they finally broke down.

“No!” Drakken said, falling to his knees in failure. “My perfect invincible new army!” Then he looked down at the creature. “And my precious little kraken. So much for my dreams of Seaweb. But on the bright side, at least it won't become a rogue AI that becomes sentient and overtakes humanity in an evil future scenario. Ah the trials and tribulations of being an evil genius.”

By now, Sam was free of the exterminators holding her. Shego looked about the scene in dismay. Kim just looked at her confidently with her hands on her hips.

“Are you actually telling me we lost because of a fucking dick?” Shego shrieked in rage. Her voice was cracking in her throat when she said the last two words.

“I think so,” Sam said. She put up her dukes and was ready to square off with the villainess. “Looks like you've got nowhere to run.”

“Dammit!” As the exterminators were all falling apart, they heard police sirens in the distance. “Rrrr! Fine. Go Kim Possible, savior of the world. But next time we meet, I'll know exactly where to hit you!” She quickly ran away.

“I hate to leave my little baby,” Dr. Drakken said, looking at the creature withering under his feet. “But a true king never falls!” Then he tore off his coat, revealing a high-powered diving suit. Jumping into the water, he activated a button and he was speeding away from the propellers on the back of his costume.

“That's so like them,” Kim said.

Then they heard two voices in the distance. “Sam!”

The ginger girl brightened up. She knew those voices. “Alex! Clover!”

The other two girls quickly arrived on the scene. They were running right at Sam. They all had a big group hug, laughing and smiling with each other.

“Thanks for saving us!” Clover said.

“Yeah, how did you do it?” Alex said.

“Well, it wouldn't have been possible without some help,” Sam said, looking back at Kim. The other two girls looked right at her too. Not just because she saved them but also because of a certain something else too. A blush formed even on Alex's dark cheeks while Clover just got a big grin on her face. “I believe you both know about Kim Possible?”

“Oh yes I do!” Clover said, walking towards her. “But I never thought you would be so uh...what's the term, well-endowed?” Clearly she wasn't referring to her chest, all three of these girls had bigger tits than she did. She was talking about a certain penile enhancement.

“Yeah it's...something alright,” Alex said, still looking at it nervously.

Kim realized just how naked she was and how the other girls were looking at it. “Oh it...it was nothing.”

Sam looked behind her. “You know those cops are coming back soon, and if they see you with that, they might start to get ideas.”

“Oh. Right!” She quickly made to put it back inside her pants and cover herself up.

“Don't be so hasty Sam,” Alex said, licking her lips. “I kind of liked the size of it. How about after we give a statement to the cops, we can thank our hero?”

Sam grinned. “Yeah I think I like that idea a lot. I've already been meaning to feel it again.”

“You felt that thing inside you?” Clover said. “Totally jelly right now.”

“Oh wow...” Kim said, giggling to herself at the prospect.


After giving their statement to the cops, the spies took Kim back to their WOOHP base and back to their dorms. As soon as they were inside, Sam went behind her and tied a blindfold around her eyes. And then she felt their hands all over her. She was quickly undressed, her pants pulled down and her shirt taken off.

The three spies were giggling. They were all naked, having stripped out of their catsuits. Kim didn't know much about what was going on. All she knew was that she was being led somewhere, kissed all over her face and body and felt those soft girly hands touching all over her penis. Then she felt someone move her arms up and tie her wrists up. Still standing, she was totally at their mercy.

Then she felt their mouths all over her. Two mouths were on her genitals, one sucking her nuts while another was slowly sucking her dick. And another mouth went right on hers, shoving that tongue in her mouth. She didn't know who was doing what, but she didn't care. All she knew was that she was feeling really good.

Sam was standing up while Alex and Clover were down on their knees. The ginger girl slipped her tongue inside of Kim's mouth, while Clover was practically snorting her balls, sucking them and swishing them around in her mouth. Alex still being a virgin, was only awkwardly sucking the dick, slowly using her lips and tongue, hoping that she was doing it right. But at that point Kim was so horny that it felt better than a direct blowjob would have felt.

“This must feel real good,” Sam seductively whispered into her ear. Her voice was so hushed that Kim didn't even know it was her despite spending the whole day just having an orgy with her. But even then, it sent a thrill up her spine.

“Y-yeah...” Kim said. Her voice was shaking. Her dick was twitching too, and between that sexy whisper and the treatment she was getting downstairs, she was very close to an orgasm. But when Sam bit into her earlobe, she couldn't take it anymore. The phallus tensed up just as Alex was licking the head, then it blasted a thick jet of cum all over her face.

The dark skinned girl didn't know how to properly react at first. It was her first attempt at fellatio and she didn't expect a dick to cum so hard. She knew what would happen. But she was still a bit shocked.

Clover looked up at her and laughed. “Wow, she really made a mess all over you, huh?”

“Uh, yeah...” Alex said, still just taking it in.

“Give me some of that!” She took Alex's face in her hands and licked all over it, eating as much cum as she could.

Sam watched them. With Kim's penis currently unattended to, she took the dick in her hands and beat her off, wanting to get her hard and horny again. Kim could only whimper helplessly.

Once Clover was done eating all that cum that got on Alex's face, she got up and looked at Kim. “You know, I think I want to take this one for a test drive!” Kim couldn't tell who it was, having just met Alex and Clover, but she knew exactly what that meant. Then she whimpered when she felt Clover's pussy slide right onto her cock.

Clover wailed out loud like a whore. She had moved herself on Kim from behind. She had a big smile on her face, she loved dick, and Kim's new penis was huge. Even though it just came, it wasn't flaccid anytime soon, and the tight wetness of her twat was getting her hard again in seconds.

Kim couldn't hold it in. She was wildly jerking her hips forward, unable to contain herself. She didn't know what pussy was fucking her and she didn't care. After fucking Sam's pussy, she had been aching for more, and now she was getting exactly what she wanted.

Clover was insatiable too. She was moving her bubble butt right up on Kim's hips so hard that it hurt the new futa just a little bit. But Kim was so horny that she just didn't care. “This is incredible!” Clover said. “This has to be one of the biggest dicks of all time!”

“Too bad it'll probably only be around for tonight,” Sam said.

“Really? Then I have to fuck it up real good.” She increased the tempo of her fucks, slamming her ass harder against Kim's hips. As she did so, she raised her torso up and reached onto Kim from behind, cupping her face, and lewdly stuck her tongue inside her mouth. Kim just hungrily returned the kiss, there was no technique to it, her mind had gone blank and all she could focus on was the pussy still fucking her penis.

But Clover was nearing her breaking point. She snapped her face away from Kim's and shrieked from sexual bliss. That didn't keep her from moving back on Kim and she picked up the pace, ready for her own orgasm.

“You like this?” Sam said to her louder now, so Kim could tell it was her.

“Oh fuck yes...” Kim said.

Kim couldn't take it anymore. Still bound up, she moved her hips harder and faster then ever, the pressure was building up inside her dick. Then before she realized it, she came right inside of Clover. The blonde girl screamed at the top of her lungs when she came from all that girl jizz flooding her pussy. She would have collapsed if Alex hadn't been there to catch her.

Clover was sitting wearily on her knees, still a bit addled from all that sex. The cum was oozing out of her pussy. Despite that fresh orgasm, Kim's appendage was drooping a bit. So Alex leaned forward and took the penis in her mouth again, bobbing her head back and forth faster this time. She wanted to clean that dick off and get it hard again in her mouth. As she did so, she played with herself, fondling her tits and pussy.

But she surprised everyone there when she wrapped her breasts around Kim's cock. Still going down on that dick, she moved her torso back and forth as she went down more and more on the dick with every gulp while holding her boobs around the shaft. Before she knew it, Kim was already at full arousal.

She took the dick out of her mouth to admire it. It was so big and after feeling it in her mouth, she was curious how good it might feel somewhere else. But Sam saw the way she was looking at it and gently moved her aside. She was standing right in front of Kim now.

“You know,” Sam said, taking off the blindfold so she could look her right in the eye. “It's not very nice to make a mess over all my friends.”

“Oh um...sorry...” Kim said.

“It's fine. You did save us. And you know what they say right?” She gave Kim a slow and wet kiss, before she positioned herself right on the penis. “You never forget your first.”


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