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It was another lonely night for Makoto. The young girl just a few years short of proper adulthood had grown used to being alone. But she had never gotten comfortable with it. Above all else, she could never stop wanting someone to share her bed with. As the skies turned dark, all she wanted was someone to fall asleep under the sheets with after having a long string of unashamed and crazy shower sex with.

It was like that right now. The only sound she could hear was the water in the bathroom raining on the floor. It was warm on her naked skin and washing her hair with shampoo, free and loose right now as opposed to the style of ponytail she usually wore in public. She moaned, getting wet at the thought of those same fingers being the hands of a man instead, lathering her scalp and massaging her head and appreciating every long lock of her hair. She knew that wasn't the case right now. But her thoughts desperately wished for it to be real.

Makoto allowed herself to imagine about what this person would be like. She immediately thought of someone taller than her, muscular all over, an older man who could take care of her. Dark hair and a smoothly trimmed beard. Closing her eyes, she let herself slip into the fantasy just a little more. Still running her soapy fingers through her hair, she grabbed onto one of her large breasts. Always so sensitive there, she found her nipples hardening from her deep longing for a partner right now. She softly murmured as she prodded and played with one of her nipples, teasing it with her nails and fingers until it was at full arousal. At the same time, she rubbed her forearm against the other breast, teasing her other nipple all the while.

Now fully fantasizing about someone touching her like this, her thoughts of comfort turned darker. Makoto brought the hand in her hair down to her crotch and dipped a finger inside of her pussy. Still untouched by any man, she fantasized deeply about all of that changing. Her fingers found her clitoris, already swollen and peeking out of the hood.

Makoto was tall and muscular all over, but that didn't impact her feminine beauty one bit. Yet as her breasts were pleasantly developed to being not just large for someone who practiced martial arts as much as she did but big enough even to make professional models jealous, on the other hand it was no surprise that given her height, her clitoris was as big as it was. Her dark pubic bush was not enough to obscure the hood, and when she brought out the nub, it was large enough to be seen clearly, almost resembling the head of a penis.

Pinching the clitoral nub with just the right amount of pressure, she closed her eyes and devoted herself to her gratification. It was not an uncommon experience for her to touch herself in her sexual reverie, longing for what she didn't have. But right now she craved another's presence, and it was easy for her to pretend her big hands, still soft and dainty as any other girl's her age, were in truth a phantom lover's, the hands of a man who wanted her and appreciated her. She closed her eyes and sighed longingly.

The sound of the shower water still echoed in her ears and it was just as warm as ever on her naked flesh. But she didn't feel any of it. The only thing she heard were her own moans of pleasure and all she was attuned to was the blissful heat spreading through her body.

By now, her body was well on the verge to a climax. Both of her nipples were fully erect, Makoto was poking the nipple she had probed with her fingers deep into the areola, only for it to poke right back out tingling with stimulation, while she aggressively rubbed her forearm on the other nipple, stiff and needy. Though it was nothing compared to her clitoris, now fully swollen on her fingers as she pinched and pulled at it while darting another finger inside of her tight vagina, aroused and dripping wet. The ever present shower water washed all her vaginal fluids flowing on her leg down into the drain below.

“Yes...” she moaned to herself. “Yes!” Though she was touching herself, mentally she had fully immersed herself into her fantasy. Makoto's pussy was tightening on her fingers and she was jerking her hips uncontrollably, she believed she was completely at the mercy of a man who was fondling her tits and probing deep into her wet pussy with his big hands.

She poked her finger just a little deeper into her twat. That finished her off. She suddenly lurched forward, her pussy contracting onto her finger while her nipples swelled up on her arm and hand. She murmured to herself and dipped another finger into her pussy while she was cumming, wanting to feel as good as possible. As she did so, she loosened up the pressure on her tits, softly massaging her nipples as she melted into her ecstasy.

Yet as she good as it felt, she opened her eyes and looked around. It wasn't real. It was just another session of herself. She felt the weight of her wet hair on her shoulders, just as untouched as the rest of her. Reality gave way to disappointment. The effects of her fresh orgasm wore off and she realized that it would be just another night with her by herself.

After washing herself off, she stepped out of the shower. But on the floor, she saw a pair of what looked like footprints on the rug. That alone snapped Makoto out of her usual train of thought, and for several moments she just stared at the impression, wondering if it could be a coincidence. The groove stood out even more because the rest of the frizzy mat still looked undisturbed by comparison. But what stood out even more was just how big the the pattern was, looking even bigger than her own feet.

“Hello?” she called out. Her voice echoed and there was no response. She quickly dried herself off and put on a bathrobe. It wasn't much, but right now she needed any attempt at modesty. She went out to the rest of her apartment and looked around, looking around in every nook and cranny. But she didn't find anything. And she didn't hear any commotion to indicate that an intruder was moving around.

The next morning, she looked around again. Still nothing. Feeling a little relieved, she put on her uniform and went to school.

The next night, Makoto was hit by another pang of searing lust. Just having finished washing herself in the shower, she fantasized about being in here with a man again. She leisurely relaxed herself against the wall behind her and touched herself once more. This time she was far more lewd with herself, blatantly pinching and tweaking one of her nipples while she took one of her breasts into her mouth and sucked on the other nipple. She needed to cum.

Biting down on the nipple, Makoto let go of that breast and fingered herself. She held the tit up with her arm while poking in and out of her vagina. She was still playing with her other tit too. She closed her eyes and let herself dream about a man taking her, just like last night. This time she let herself imagine that her beloved was on the other side of the glass window, and she wanted him to take the bait. In that position, she looked nothing like a vicious martial artist or Sailor Jupiter. Instead she looked like a horny little slut trying to coax her fantasy lover on the other side of the glass to fuck her right then and there.

In her mind, he came into the shower with her before he shut the glass door behind her. His dreamy smile made her heart flutter and he stood over her. The raining water on his muscular body and in his hair, it was all so good. She was so distracted from his gorgeous beauty that he took her by surprise when he suddenly rammed his cock right inside of her.

She nervously bit into her nipple when she came that instant. She let go of the breast and sighed pleasantly, melting into the orgasm. She took her fingers out of her twat and looked at how shiny it was with her juices before the shower water washed it right off. That had easily been one of the strongest orgasms in recent memory.

Happy from her release, Makoto suddenly looked up to the glass door and opened her eyes. She could swear she saw a humanoid shape on the other end. This time she did take action, immediately opening the glass door to see who was on the other end. It looked like this person was leaning forward against the door with both hands. She hurriedly opened the door, ready to see if this person was there. But as soon as it was open, there was nobody there.

She looked down at the rug. There was no question this time, there was a set of footprints. Deeper than last night too. She looked all over her apartment again and called for this person. Nothing.

The next night, when she went to wash up, she was more on guard. She took her time undressing. She unbuttoned her skirt, revealing her long naked legs, and her pronounced rear, protected only by a pair of white panties with some of her cheeks sticking out. Taking off her shirt, she let herself breathe, and her finely crafted back muscles contracted out as she did so. Virtually naked, she looked back into the darkness of the hallway she came from, feeling a presence behind her. But when she did so, there was nothing.

She took off her bra, and her fine bosom slid out. Then she slid off her panties, revealing her magnificent derriere and naked vagina in all their glory. Now that she was fully naked, she closed her eyes and took in a sigh of relief.

Makoto suddenly felt that same telltale desire she was hit with the past few nights. Her pussy was moistening and she felt a raging fire in her chest, before her nipples puckered up, swelling out of her areolas. She didn't wait to fire up the shower this time, she wanted to fuck herself right now.

She bit her lip and murmured sweetly the instant she touched her clitoral hood. The girl was in such a state of lust that she barely needed to spend any time in getting the nub out of the hood, she felt it peeking out. She pulled apart the hood and beheld the glans, wet and enlarged with desire. Makoto was hardly unused to touching herself, and sometimes she was so horny that she couldn't tell whether she was more sensitive in her nipples or her clitoris. But as she prodded the tender piece of pink flesh, she was still surprised by just how hot and needy her whole body felt just from grazing it with her fingertips.

Not that she was complaining. She needed to be satisfied, and knew this orgasm would be a good one. She quickly sped up the rate of her masturbation and darted a finger inside of her tight vaginal folds. And when she mercilessly pinched one of her nipples, the little bit of pain was nothing compared to the storm of ecstasy that raged in her chest.

As she touched herself, her mind was awash with fantasies of the same naked man. Not that she minded one bit. With her fingers still working her twat, she thought of his penis stuffing her needy hole from behind her as he caressed her ponytail and kissed all over her neck, exactly like she wanted.

She was already jerking her hips in no time at all. Makoto's body was searing with a libidinous heat, but she was still surprised at just how fast she was approaching her climax. All of a sudden she was helplessly moaning, she just couldn't hold in her cries from how good it felt. Her voice was hoarse and she touched herself harder than ever, melting into the thought of him cumming inside her, feeling it as though he were actually there.

She let out an undignified grunt when she climaxed. The orgasm was so strong that she stumbled a bit, almost tripping on her feet. Makoto's torso was leaning forward with her ass sticking right up in the air at the moment of her peak, and she giggled in delirious glee as her juices leaked down her inner thighs. She closed her eyes and in her state of mindless horniness and sheer gratification, brought her wet fingers to her lips and licked them clean, moaning and savoring the taste of her juices.

She thought she felt something in her hair, tugging at her ponytail and running through it. But at that time, she paid it no mind. She stood up and sighed happily to herself. The heat of lust that scourged her body had cooled down from that orgasm and now there was only a light giddiness. As she let herself simply feel it, her skin pricked up with small tingly sensations as if the window was open. And it felt as if there were small feathers brushing up her back and all over her ass. She held her arms around herself and felt up her breasts and body, savoring the warmth of that moment.

And she was looking forward to making it better with a shower. She reached up to her head to undo her ponytail. But she was surprised when she felt her head and realized her hair was already undone. She thought she was imagining things but then she looked in the mirror and saw her hair was indeed hanging loose down her shoulders. The hot haze faded from her body.

She put on a pair of robes and looked all through her apartment. Again, nothing. She didn't hear anything either. She must have done it multiple times, again and again, searching every nook and cranny. Nothing was misplaced and nothing was changed.

She went back to the bathroom. She reluctantly took off her robes and fired up the shower. When she got inside, she kept her eyes on the glass door, expecting to see someone, but there wasn't.

She chalked all of it up to her imagination. The strange footprints of the past few nights were a trick of the eye, and her hair suddenly falling loose was just her being forgetful. As the hot water ran over her body, she closed her eyes and washed herself, immersing herself in that happy cleansing. While doing so, she thought of that fantasy man again, the dark hair and perfect beard, his muscular physique of him touching her and holding her just as she always wanted to be loved.

Despite just cumming earlier, she was getting horny at the thought of him taking her. She welcomed that, his awesome presence and sheer beauty were enough to make her forget about the strange events of these past few nights. A stray thought made her wonder if he was the cause of all these strange incidents, but her need to be satisfied pushed it right out of her head. She licked a finger and brought it to her pussy.

This time, he was down on his knees. His gentle mouth planting loving kisses all over her gorgeous legs and she turned around to give him an eyeful of her firm and lovely ass. In her mind's eye, he grinned at the sight of it. His large hands spooned and felt all over the soft skin and hard muscle underneath. Even though Makoto was an amazon of a woman, her rump was desirable and shapely as any man could want, and he happily slurped and bit all over her perfect donk.

Still eating her bum, he spread the cheeks apart and licked her anus. She moaned softly at such lewd and shameless affections, and he didn't stop one bit. As he kept on rimming her, he felt up her legs, her hips, then slipped a finger inside of her vaginal lips.

The instant his finger touched her clitoral hood, she couldn't hold in her yelp of delight. His digit was so large that he could squelch in between her cleft while probing her sweet spot at the same time. Makoto ran her hands all over her face and through her hair, relishing in having her body worshipped like he was doing it to her.

Then he stopped eating her ass. Moving himself up front, still on his knees, he ate out her pussy. Her happy expressions of love and lust slowly devolved as she moaned deeply, completely at his power. He made sure to use his tongue eat her out and flick at the hood with every slurp. As he did so, he spooned her ass, now probing her rosebud with his fingers.

She suddenly opened her eyes when she came. The climax was so sudden and her vision of him appreciating her was so strong that reality appeared so strange to her. Yet the sweet feeling of her release was nothing foreign and she smiled to herself at the release.

She looked behind her. This time she jumped, almost tripping on her feet. The same impression humanoid shape was there, but now it looked like his hands were right on the glass door. She stood there motionless, not knowing what to do.

Then the impression of his hands was gone, leaving only his shape. And before long, that vanished too. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she shut off the shower and opened up the glass door. Nothing, save the footprints on the rug.

Makoto didn't even bother to search her apartment. She didn't know what she was dealing with. And she figured if she played dumb and played the perfect bait in her bed, maybe things would change tonight.

She slept soundly. But things would change. She was almost disappointed from how nothing happened last night. She only half-heartedly searched her apartment this time, not thinking anything would come of it. She sighed, and the day went on as usual.

This night, she had Ami spend the night with her. A friend could tell her if anything was amiss. And someone as smart as her would always be on her toes.

In her bathroom, Makoto took off all her clothes and closed her eyes. She waited for that heat to come over her again, the thoughts of the same man. But they did not. She was almost irritated, thinking whatever this presence could be was fooling with her.

She stepped into the shower. No paralyzing sense of lust and want this time around. She went to her usual business, washing herself off. As she did so, she did distinctly feel a presence, like something moving behind her, or someone staring right at her. She ignored it.

But when she turned around, she saw him in the shower with her. He was looking right at her with that same affectionate smile. She felt no alarm, only gazed up at him in awe. She was too surprised to think of anything and could only stare right back into his eyes.

“I have long watched you,” he said. He stood over her, holding an arm over her and touched her wet hair without needing her clear permission. “I have craved your presence under the stars. My thoughts of your beauty were not enough to keep me from having your flesh for real.”

Those words and his sudden presence, she knew she should have been alarmed. But his words were so calming and soothing, and he was so handsome that all her thoughts of resistance seemed foolish. Even in her own mind, she was powerless. And she felt that same physical longing scorching her body once more.

But as she looked at his eyes, she felt no compulsion to act on her own. Indeed at that moment all of her muscles had relaxed considerably and along with the sheer lust she felt for him, there was also a tender longing in her heart, wanting to serve him and do exactly as he wanted. Coupled with her need to feel him inside of her, she was ready to take this encounter as slow as possible and enjoy every second of it.

He took the bottle of shampoo and poured a dab of it on his hand before he lathered it up in his palms. He stared deeply into her eyes and his magnetic beauty and overwhelming presence compelled her to turn around so her head was present for him. Pleased with her obedience, he ran his soapy hands through her long hair, on her scalp, and all over her head.

His hands were big enough that they could hold her whole head entire. But she didn't feel alarmed or in danger at all. Instead, she simply surrendered to his gentle touches as he washed her head and appreciated her hair just right. She closed her eyes, sighing blissfully to herself from his careful attention. Makoto couldn't believe it was real, and her vision even became hazy from the happiness bubbling through her. She had to fight off the giggle threatening to burst through her lips.

As he washed her scalp, he moved his hands to her neck and shoulders. Makoto wasn't looking at him, but she still turned her head to the side just from how bashful she was feeling. That gesture was intended to hide herself from him like anyone would feel when they're embarrassed, yet ironically enough it exposed her face to him. With her face blushing and just enough of her beauty hidden by her long tufts of hair, she looked like a lost maiden in want.

Yet he remain focused on his task. Getting another dab of bodywash, he moved his hands down to her back and her hips, pushing her hair out of the way to the front so he could get a better eye on what he was doing. She hoped that he would take her breasts but he did not, instead massaging her back with just the right amount of pressure.

Makoto still melted from the experience. She always craved such touches from a man, and now it was no fantasy, it was real. Despite her sheer beauty, she was all too used to rough and tumble treatment, but his caresses were so good. As her heart had been beating wildly in her chest since he appeared, so too had she been getting wet between her legs. It was only propriety and whatever force he had which kept her from touching herself as she had the previous nights before.

He snaked his hands from her back to the front of her chest. Smiling, Makoto reached her arms behind her and wrapped them around his neck and head, and lay her head against his chest. She enjoyed this closeness with him, his honest intimacy with her and their closeness, and the feeling of his firm build on her soft back. Nor did she mind his erection laying right up against her ass.

Just as his large hands had cradled her head earlier, so now did they envelope and massage her tits. The volume of her breasts was impressive, but his hands were able to caress every inch of them, kneading them with a solid pressure that wasn't gentle but far from uncomfortable either. He would occasionally take her nipples in between his fingers and fondle them with varying amounts of strength before stopping to wash the rest of her tits.

He had taken no small amount of time in caring for her chest. Yet it was over far too soon for her. She thought to say something, to beg for his affections there, but something in the back of her head prevented her from opposing him. He moved his hands up from her tits to her collarbone and shoulders, briefly massaging them, before he ran his soapy hands down her sides and to her waist. Her initial disappointment at him leaving her breasts faded just as fast when his palms found her delicious rear end, this time gripping onto her butt with as much force as she wanted. She openly moaned now as he wantonly fondled her buttocks, feeling up the pliant texture of her cheeks and moving them apart to wash in between them and even poked at her anus a little bit.

The force of his affections filled her body up with a happy giddiness and stoked the fire in her body. She had to let go of his head from all the exuberance welling up inside her. Makoto had been lying against him but his ravenous caresses on her bare behind broke her careful composure and she leaned forward and moved her feet all over the place a bit from her delight. She turned her head around and looked back at him clearly now, but he was simply looking down at her derriere.

She turned her whole body around completely and stared at him with her arms down, her whole body exposed before him. It wasn't the first time he had seen her like this, but having felt him touch her so intimately all over, she suddenly felt vulnerable to his mercies. His eyes were looking right at her chest.

Freshening his hands up again with soap, he knelt down. He washed all over her stomach before he leaned forward and planted several soft and gentle kisses on her skin. She bit her lip and purred from such loving adoration, all the while his hands moved to her legs and felt all over them, so muscular and sexy and appreciating every inch of her skin. Still planting soft kisses on her stomach, he moved his mouth lower so that it was only several inches away from her wet pussy.

Makoto wanted him to drop the facade of gentleness like he had when washing her ass, and eat out her pussy like he owned it. But instead he kept on being slow and careful. That just made the ache in her twat so much worse, almost as if he was deliberately teasing her.

She about about to say something when one of his large digits poked within her cleft. Makoto's voice broke out in an unashamed moan of pleasure. He was being tender with her vagina yet she was so horny and his finger was so big that she wanted nothing else right then.

Then he slid it out of her, just as she on the verge to that exciting prelude to an orgasm. She looked down at him and he looked right back up at her. There was no feminine grace on her expression and there was no illusion of him being a gentleman anymore as he bared his teeth at her in a vicious grin.

Standing up again, he handed her the bottle of bodywash. She quickly poured out a dollop of it, knowing exactly what he wanted. The tingling at being denied in her pussy was forgotten as she quickly moved her soapy hands all over his masculine physique. His built pecs and his bulging triceps, his chiseled abs, she loved feeling up every inch of him. There was no elegance or restraint to the way she was touching all over him. She even moved behind him and scrubbed his backside.

When she stood in front of him again, she looked him right in the eyes. His dick was the only bit she had yet to wash let alone touch, but she didn't want to wash it, she wanted him to use it on her. Gazing right back down at her, he sensed the desire in her stare. He poured another drop of soap on his palms and held her hands. She returned the grasp, not averting her gaze, lost in his eyes.

Then she was suddenly aware of something big and hard on the palm of her hand. She looked down and saw he had moved her hand so that she was holding his hot penis. She already knew he was well-endowed but it was nothing compared to holding his erect cock for real.

Makoto was simply awestruck by the grandeur of his cock in the palm of her hands. It's heat and size left her speechless. She could only stare it, her eyes spellbound by the sight of it and her skin tingled with nervous excitement from holding it.

The strangeness of this situation struck her mind again. She remembered her friend Ami, what would she think if she saw this scene playing out? But then she felt ashamed for even asking her to stay tonight. The idea of being in danger seemed absurd, she couldn't recall a time she felt so safe. She looked up at his face again, and even those submissive thoughts evaporated, leaving her only with burning desire and heartfelt longing.

He leaned his face forward to hers and she closed her eyes. The instant their lips met, she opened her mouth to allow his tongue inside of her mouth. She moaned deeply at finally knowing his kiss and his touches for real. As she did so, she also stroked his phallus, feeling it's length and thickness in her hands.

With her beating him off on her own, he let go of her wrist. His great hands moved to her breasts, caressing their great volume and massaging her nipples with far more vigor and passion. Makoto moaned sweetly, she had craved his palms on her tits again but to have him touching her teats with so much force, it was better than she expected, and her nipples already pointing up on end were tingling from how he was groping her. As he fondled her ample bosom, she moved her other hand down to her pussy and fingered herself.

He broke the kiss and looked deeply into her vulnerable eyes. A strand of her loose and wet hair had gotten into her mouth as they were sucking face, and he carefully moved it aside, cupping her face. She was so lost in his masculine beauty and staring right back into his eyes that she couldn't smile or say anything. Makoto could only marvel at the sight of him and relish the sweet aftertaste of his tongue fresh in her mouth. She what she wanted and was ready for him to take her.

He took the hand that was touching her pussy and licked and sucked each of her wet fingers of her pussy juice before he kissed all over them. Then he grabbed her hips, easily picking her up and holding under ass. She grabbed onto his shoulders, lost in the beauty of his eyes and being so close with him, but then he suddenly rammed his cock right inside of her twat.

Makoto cried out from the force of their joining. She had wanted it all along, but him actually fucking her for real was something else, and just as he had taken her breath away the moment she laid eyes on him, so too was she unprepared for the force of him actually fucking her. He felt so good pounding inside her twat that at first she could only sit there and take it.

Not that she was content to remain inactive for long. As soon as Makoto got used to it, she fucked him hard and fast, hitting her hips right up against his. There was nothing elegant and focused about the way she was humping him but he made no objections, still pumping his massive cock all the way inside of her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, both to be closer to him as well as to keep herself steady from the power of his fucks.

He hungrily sucked her tits. Her breasts had been sensitive after all the ways he caressed them, but the motions from his hands were nothing compared to his wet and hungry mouth sucking and kissing all over them. Makoto couldn't decide which she liked more, his tongue licking all over the ample mounds or the suction effect of his lips practically inhaling them. He also made good use of his teeth, nibbling on the soft skin.

Eventually he focused his attention solely on her nipples. Whether it was his tongue, lips or teeth, every action from his mouth drove her teats insane. The girl held onto him even harder, moaning deeper than ever as he continued pummeling her horny cunt.

She came in the midst of all this fucking. Makoto threw her head back, the wet mass of her long damp hair sticking to her back as she moaned loudly like a whore. Not that he showed any reaction. Instead he simply enjoyed the feeling of her vagina milking and sucking at his dick.

He looked up at her again. Her beautiful face moaning so helplessly and her pussy clenching down on his penis, it was as good for him as it was for her. He shoved his tongue right inside of her mouth as he was wailing and she so lost in her euphoric sensations kissed him right back. They pressed their tongues up against each other, sloppily licking each other like two horny dogs.

His cock was pounding inside of her harder than ever. Makoto only loved it with what a big cock he had and how wet her pussy was, needing more after that climax. Wanting him fully, she clung to him, fully wrapping her legs around his back and locking her chest with his. And the sensation of her feminine and full breasts rubbing up harshly against his masculine pecs coupled with how hard they were fucking each other felt great for the both of them.

Though she was plenty tall and had more muscle than the average girl, she was still nowhere near as built as he was, and holding onto him, she only looked like a small child. It was a testament to both his impressive frame as well as her libido just how tightly she held onto him. Unable to take it anymore, Makoto rested her head on one of his massive shoulders, her mouth only able to elicit small murmurs from the sheer power of his penis slamming into her cunt and their hot and wet bodies naked together.

Suddenly he came, blasting all of his goo inside of her. The velocity of the cock stuffing her hot pusy was already amazing, but when his semen flooded her in that state of euphoria, she lost control of her body, tearing her apart as she was sent to a helpless state of climax beyond any of her control. Her voice escaped her mouth, screaming at the top of her lungs. Even in that state of release and mind-numbing jubilation, she was worried that Ami might hear her voice wailing so loudly. But she was so helpless to that orgasm that she couldn't hold it in. As she hollered so shamelessly, he still pounded her. She was nothing but his plaything.

Finally, spent himself, he lifted her off him. Still in the midst of an orgasm, her legs were wobbly and she crumbled to her knees on the floor under her. She lowered her head and closed her eyes, reeling from that orgasm. But her head was still level with his penis. Even with the shower water raining on the prick, their mutual love juices were still so thick on the member that it wasn't washing away at all.

He cupped her face and stroked her chin. Even with her mind blazed over by  She got the hint fast and lowered herself to her knees, taking his cock in her mouth. She closed her eyes, feeling the underside of his shaft and the thickness of his member on her tongue and in her inner cheeks. She let herself savor the novel lewd taste of his skin and the mix of their love juices. She shamelessly jammed her fingers into her cum soaked hole, given over to nothing but her raunchy needs.

As she fingered herself more, so did she get more into her blowjob. Her mind was starting to catch up a bit after being so out of that orgasm, she was unused to this sort of thing but she moved her head back and forth to get a feel for it. All she could think of was how hot and big he was, the taste of his penis, the bawdy position she was in, and her naughty fingers penetrating her pussy. She thought to take the phallus out of her mouth to make it easier, but after all that sex, she was simply too horny not to.

She looked up at him tenderly with his cock still in her mouth, hoping he would give her a command or say something to indicate she could take a breather. He only bared his teeth at her in that same smile of his, and the fairness of his appearance and his calming demeanor only made the grin look that much more vicious. She worked to find a pace to her fellatio.

Finding herself a steady rate to sucking him off, she closed her eyes comfortable with how she was working him. She also touched herself more too, the only thing she could think of was sex. No stranger to having fingered herself before these past nights, she loved debasing herself like she was his whore. Makoto moaned with his dick still inside her mouth as her whole body was lit up with happiness.

While she worked him, he made sure to run his fingers through her hair. He wasn't holding tight onto her head to keep himself steady from how she was blowing him, instead he calmly moved her locks this way and that. Makoto was already devoted to him plenty, but these sweet affections only made her want to serve him more, and she increased the speed of her head bobbing back and forth.

Even someone like him couldn't hold in his voice. His tone was still just as silky and erotic as the rest of him, despite such his lewd and obscene moans. Not that she minded, she just kept sucking him off without complaint.

His cock suddenly erupted again, blowing his load in her mouth. She had to take his dick out of her mouth from just how much cum spurted onto her tongue and down her throat, she couldn't swallow it all with such a big thing inside of her. As she worked to swallow every bit of his second helping of jizz, he was still cumming, and shot another load all over her face. Yet she simply closed her eyes and sighed, wanting to feel it all and taste it all.

He took the member out of her mouth just as she was getting comfortable blowing him. She opened her eyes and looked at it like a little girl who had her candy taken away. He liked that weak expression.

Before she could say anything, he reached under her chin and made a motion for her to rise. It was hard at first, and even after she managed to stand, she was still a little shaky. Fortunately, he held her hand, keeping her stable.

She looked up at him longingly. He picked her up by her hips and positioned her body so that her back was facing him. His erect cock lay on her back. Makoto already knew what was going to happen, and she looked back at him as if pleading with him to be gentle. Her body was shaking with ecstasy and she didn't know if she could take anymore.

She was about to find out. He stuffed her cum filled hole again in one sudden motion. Makoto moaned from it, nothing like all the helpless wails she had done before, but that was only due to how worn out her voice was. Inside, her body was on fire, welcoming the fat prick inside of it.

She gripped hard on the glass door in front of her. As she did so, he pumped inside her fast, it seemed like his stamina was endless. Unlike her, there was no weakness in his movements, he was still as strong and stable as he was before. All she could do was feebly hold onto the glass door as her limp body took it.

He pushed her body right up against the glass door as he kept roughly fucking her. Leaning forward, he kissed all over her shoulders before moving his lips to her neck, sucking it deeply. He adjusted his grip so that he was holding her under her stomach while his other hand moved to the fully aroused nub of her clit, sticking out from the hood. She couldn't hold in her moans anymore, and even as it hurt her throat for her to do so, she wailed fully from the sheer power of this encounter. If Ami were to step inside right now, she would see Makoto's breasts squished right up against the foggy glass while he pounded inside her needy cunt.

He bit into her neck. His teeth broke the skin and coupled with his cock pounding her and her sensitive breasts pushing against the glass, Makoto came again. Her climax was so strong that this time it pushed him to a nut, jizzing inside of her again.

He let her down again. She didn't sink to her knees like last time, instead she simply leaned forward on the glass door. Her body was numb with excitement and happiness, she couldn't feel anything but the thrill of ecstasy thundering in her body, and was only faintly aware of how jittery her whole body was. She couldn't even feel the glass door on her hands or the floor under her feet.

He looked down at her. There was a red mark on her neck where he bit her. Smiling, he licked his lips, savoring the iron taste of her blood in his mouth. There was so much more to be done with this one tonight.


The next morning, Makoto woke up. She looked around her, she was in her bedroom, sleeping in the same bed as Ami, wearing her pajamas. She was confused. The last thing she remembered was fucking that man, and then she was simply here. She couldn't possibly account for the gap in her memories.

She looked at Ami. Her friend was still sleeping soundly and already in her Sailor Mercury getup. She didn't understand why she didn't come for her in the bathroom when she was getting railed so hard.

Ami stirred and woke not too long after. “Good morning Makoto...” she said wearily before yawning.

“Good morning...” Makoto said listlessly, still at a loss on how to process everything.

“I'm glad nothing happened last night. But if you're still worried, I can stay here for another couple of nights.”


“What happened to your neck?” Makoto suddenly felt her neck where the man bit her and winced with pain. She needed to see this for herself. She rushed back in the bathroom and looked at herself. There was a definite red bite mark on the skin. As her mind was flooded with every acute detail of fucking that man, she undid the front of her pajamas to look at her breasts. It wasn't as pronounced as her neck, but they were swollen with small little bite marks, and her nipples were swollen too. But there were no footprints on the rug and no residual handprints on the glass.

Makoto couldn't understand. She went back to Ami. “What happened last night?”

Ami looked at her quizzically. “What do you mean? You showered for a few minutes, put on your pajamas, and you went to bed. I was up for a little longer, waiting for any intruders, but then I got really tired and figured we were safe.” She smiled. “I even turned into Sailor Mercury, figuring that if there was some creep, I'd be able to scare him off! But there was nothing.”


“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I'm okay. I don't think I'll need you to stay anymore nights.”

Ami smiled. “Alright. Call me if something else happens.”

Makoto put on her school uniform. Wanting to keep anyone from thinking anything untoward about her, she put on a green ribbon around her neck to hide the bite mark. And she was thankful for her choker being a part of her Sailor Jupiter outfit.

Things remained peaceful for the next few nights. Everything that happened so strange that she didn't think of that man at all. No more sudden pangs of lust either or things that looked out of place.

In the school library she did some research. When she found the subject of sleep paralysis she glossed over it, thinking nothing of it. Then she found that some people's experiences were so intense that strange marks would be left on their skin, a side effect of the body tricking itself. That didn't mean she didn't often fantasize about that dream she had when she went to bed, ruthlessly touching herself untl she could be at peace. She wished it wasn't a dream.

A month later, she was getting naked for another shower. She fired up the water and was ready to wash up. Then without thinking about anything even remotely perverted, she felt an all too familiar heat in her body. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, as she hoped to see him when she turned around.


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