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Gaspard had become the Emperor of Orlais. The title was his and his alone. He intended to usher in a new age of glory for the empire. And he had the tools and power to do so much more than that.

Yet he couldn't have done it himself. Without the Inquisitor at his side, either Briala would have reigned from the shadows with him only as a puppet monarch or Celene would have still reigned with total power in his place. The Grand Game had it's rules and in this case they all had to be followed, whatever his opinion of it was. Above all else the emperor, on whom eyes were on at all times, was a thrall to such noble deceit and treachery. But despite his open proclamations of hating the courtly game of prestige and betrayal, he was all too adept a player of it.

Such that he was able to convince the Inquisitor would have throw in with him at all. The Inquisitor herself was a dark skinned elven woman, her curly locks of black hair all the more unusual for one of her kind. Yet she showed favor to a warmonger and racist who as part of his initiation ritual to become a chevalier, had killed elves. There were so many things whispered by her allies and the other nobles of what might have inspired her to make such a decision.

So it was now that the Inquisitor was with Gaspard in what was Celene's bedroom. Within the comfort of the courtly walls and away from the other nobility, he could be himself. No mask to wear at parties, and no need to wear any courtly armor as much a matter of station as much as it was a uniform much as the court ladies wore their dresses. Instead he was only clad in his shimmering bloodred robes, something fine as would be expected from a nobleman yet also a sign of his martial prowess.

He had requested the Inquisitor also come in something not expected from the party. He had picked out a selection of similar robes for her to wear, stark white ones that even the most racist of the Orlesian court would find her beautiful in. She was prepared to do it, she had already swallowed her pride in making someone like this an ally in the name of helping the Inquisition. As much as she knew what sort of person he was, she at least knew what depths this devil was capable of.

On the other hand, Briala and Celene made the court their home and the Inquisitor had learned so many things about them. The depths of their hypocrisy, of their wickedness. And those were only the things she did know about. People like them were good at hiding the daggers in their courtly attire so it only followed they were doubly deadly, the types who would also kill you by a friendly handshake with a glove laced in poison. As strange as it was, out of the three candidates to the throne, she could trust him the most.

Gaspard was ever so grateful too. He had made sure the other members of the Orlesian court recognized his new friend. He had no doubts more than a few of them hated it, he knew their kind could barely tolerate Briala. He chuckled to himself at what a similar situation to Celene that he was now in.

All the more so he had that freedom because he was the emperor in word and deed. As much as the raiment of royalty could be a giant's robe that would weigh down and break those too weak to bear it's responsibilities, even the most ill fitted to wear the imperial crown still sat upon the throne and commanded so much power from the royal sceptre, as if they were the greatest of wizards. Such was his position now as the emperor of Orlais.

In only this bedroom attire, they were both barefoot. The carpet adorning the floor of the bedroom was so comfortable, for the Inquisitor. And the mattress and comforters of the bed felt great on Gaspard's feet too. Even two hardened warriors like them would be hard pressed to ignore such luxuries.

He looked at her and smiled. “I must thank you Mistress Lavellan,” he said. “For choosing the rightful heir to the throne, a man who will see the empire of Orlais to glory.”

“So long as you keep your promise,” the Inquisitor said. “You gave your word that you would help the Inquisition in return for my aid in handing you the throne. If you do not, then I'll make sure you regret it.”

“That's quite a bold thing to say to the new emperor. I thanked you in front of the nobles and made it apparent you played the game well. But they hold no love for you or your kind. I thought you would be smarter than to toss aside the one card you have left. And the emperor is indeed a mighty card to play.”

“They also hold no love for you either. There are many who would like to see you deposed. And like you, they are willing to work with an elf savage to see it done.”

“All this talk of deposing, and so far I have been nothing but amicable to you. Such ferocity and cunning in a woman, you are quite like those other two.”

“Briala and Celene?”

“Who other? Backstabbing and treachery is their forte. But I only thought you had eyes for your mission.”

“And I thought that even someone like you would know there is no choice but to play the Grand Game. If I have to play it to see things done, then so be it.”

He chuckled to himself. “And here when you came to Orlais, I thought you were nothing like the other opportunistic power brokers. But getting this involved in the court has changed you.”

“So I have your word then?”

He humbly bowed as best as someone like him could in the presence of another who saw through him perfectly. “As the Emperor, I vow to help you in all the promises I swore to you.”

“How about I have some assurance?”


She directly walked over to the bed. Even someone like him was surprised by her boldness. Alone in the bedroom with her and unarmed, she possessed the advantage being a wizard against a warrior. She hunched her torso over the edge of the mattress and looked right at him. The look in her eyes would have scared anyone else, but right now even at this disadvantage, he was intrigued by how this meeting would unfold.

And that curiosity was only magnified when she got on the bed with him. She snuck her foot to his crotch. No surprise given the sort of man he was, he had become quite hot and bothered. Whether it was because of his nature as a conqueror, his ascendancy to the throne, or all that back and forth with a beautiful woman he and the people of his court were predisposed to, he was already at peak arousal. Even someone like him didn't know how to respond at such a move. His hard penis was only protected by his robe, and the Dalish woman teased his erect length with an aggressive bit of pressure. She also slid the sole of her foot up and down the penis, trying to goad him into a reaction.

The Inquisitor had proven herself an unlikely ally to his cause. But he already had an idea of what kind of person she was. He had not expected her to make such a move. In spite of her Dalish lineage, he had found her attractive. And her assistance in securing him power had made him somewhat more open minded in his preferences than usual.

“Do you mean to use me? As Briala used Celene?” Gaspard had said that to save face, but with how hard he was, it was obvious to her that he was putting on a front. And besides that, he also knew that it would be difficult to maintain this show of strength. His heart was beating in his chest, he knew that when the sun rose again, he would have tasted the sweet ecstasy of this woman's flesh.

The heat in his loins wasn't just due to her forwardness or his nature as a man either. It was the high of reigning as the emperor which was getting him off right now. Much as he was a product of Orlesian culture as much as any other nobleman of the court and not shy about his prejudices, he regarded the woman coaxing him right now as something beyond that. But he couldn't decide whether he regarded her as a subject he needed to rule over, or a peer he could respect.

“Perhaps,” she said. That was her initial intention, but even more than that, she found she enjoyed the new Emperor's size on the skin of her feet. She had already been playing with the length on her foot, and now she moved the other foot to massage his cock head.

If word got out of him with an elf as his lover, his reputation could be ruined. They wouldn't even need to do anything for word to get out as his announcement no doubt put ideas in many of the heads of the nobles, and gossip was a slimy and deadly weapon. Far from discouraged, Gaspard smiled. He had to do many things to achieve power. If he had to do other things to keep it, then so be it.

He relaxed a bit, spreading himself further across his bed. He smiled and relaxed back on his pillow while pulling open the folds of his robe, baring his dick out in the open. The Inquisitor kept rubbing his erection with her feet. Despite her life as of yet being rough and so unlike a noble's, the soles of her feet were surprisingly soft on his dick.

The Inquisitor wasn't disappointed in his size either. She already knew Gaspard was well hung from feeling him underneath his robe, but seeing his dick in the flesh was a feast for her eyes. She wouldn't admit it openly, not knowing the type of person he is, and participating in this affair first and foremost for political reasons. But just as he felt himself enthused at what would happen tonight, so too was she now possessed of a lewd heat in her body.

She kept on rubbing the shaft in between her feet. Already fully erect, she felt him getting harder as she did so. It wasn't the length of his member so much as it was the thickness. He could now tell she was enjoying this little encounter far more than on a level of some political gamesmanship.

So to even things up and torment him further, she would occasionally slow the speed of her footjob. As expected, she felt his member twitching, needing her to speed it up again. Aroused as he was, her teasing slow touches were not nearly enough to drive him to climax on their own. But he would not say anything to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she was unnerving him.

He kept his composure as the emperor was expected to do. He didn't want to let his proud veneer fade, and instead wanted to see her look like some harlot tempting him as opposed to this encounter actually being some political gamesmanship. All the while she stared at his face.

The Inquisitor wanted to see if he would break up any. Just as he had kept a noble's mask at the court of Orlais, now he wore a mask of resolve to keep her from becoming as proud as she was with him earlier. But his current partner was no amateur either, and he found himself getting lost in those eyes of hers as much as her feet were teasing him.

She sped up the pace again. This time Gaspard did let out a moan of pleasure. Smiling to herself, the Inquisitor resumed her ordinary pace, wanting to tease and please him in equal measure. It would be one thing to be able to lord this encounter over someone like him. But to gossip with the various court ladies on just how servile he was, even the proud emperor of Orlais would not be able to hold in his reaction at them laughing at him so, not when those words spoke true. No matter how well he tried to cover it up, they would know.

He groaned louder than he intended. She knew he was nearing the moment of climax. Though she saw him succeed the throne, she had no love for him. She only trusted Briala and Celene far less than she trusted him. And she figured now was the time to change things up a bit.

All of a sudden, she stopped. He had started moving his hips more than a little slightly within the loving care of her feet. For several seconds he didn't even notice that she had stopped, he was just frantically moving his hips with his red wood sticking right up. His eyes were closed and he was sighing, awaiting the blissful moment of his climax. But as it became obvious to him that nothing was happening and the only thing he was feeling on his cock was the horny flame searing through it as opposed to the soft white soles of her dark feet, he quickly caught himself and stopped.

He looked right at the Inquisitor. She had a knowing smile on her face and crinkled her brows. Gaspard frowned. He was as much a warrior as he was a politician, but this woman was no small adversary herself. His noble upbringing in Orlais had prejudiced him against the Dalish as much as any other blueblood, yet he managed to keep his bigotry in check if only to play the Grand Game. But now all those high minded feelings were surging to the forefront once again at this woman managing to get the better of him.

It also amused him that she was a wizard as opposed to him, a warrior by trade. She already held power over him in these safe confines where right now he was unarmed. He had no choice but to play by her rules. Gaspard was so at her mercy that after her stopping, he felt unmanned too. With his dick still tingling, he needed more.

And this little encounter was also part of the intrigue of politics. Not intending to let her get the better of him, he yanked her by the arm and threw her next to him. Having been so dominant and able to retort against him, she was a little surprised by him abandoning all pretense of sexual restraintt. He wasn't going to let it go slow either, he had just the thing in mind to punish her for bringing him just short to a state of ecstasy.

He grabbed onto her throat as a dominance move to keep her still while he slipped a finger into her robe and down her panties. The woman taking more precautions in her dress hadn't prepared her for his wanton aggression. Nor did he waste any time, he moved it right to her clit. Just as she had teased him earlier, he moved his finger her almost silky nub very slowly. His prejudice against the elves wasn't a secret by any means, and he knew that orgasm denial she just pulled on him was as much a move to prove he would help the Inquisition as much as it was to reduce someone like him to shambles from the touch of someone he was naturally at odds with.

But she was feeling it so much worse. The Inquisitor was already so very sensitive in her clit. Yet Gaspard was touching her there now purely for the sake of being cruel, using his finger at just the right pace to send jolts of electricity through her body while at the same time holding off on doing anything to actually bring her anywhere close to an orgasm.

To top it off, she knew exactly what sort of person he was and why he was doing it. His actions right now weren't rooted in any mere domination, he wanted to own her as a principle. She couldn't help but feel violated even as she was letting out small gasps of pleasure. The whole time she could only hate him for the way she was being touched, defiling and tantalizing her at once. But she hated herself more for not wanting him to stop. As much as the Inquisitor loathed Gaspard, it was having someone like this touch her in such a way that made his finger tickling her most sensitive spot feel that much better.

Unable to take it anymore, she threw her head back and openly cried out. Yet far from being in the mood for punishment, the emperor rewarded her for that surrender and slipped another of his fingers inside of her vagina. But he made sure to use this fihnger just as slow as he was using the other.

The Inquisitor hissed a low sound, not wanting to moan like that again. She had already won in giving Gaspard a foot job and then denying him an orgasm. She didn't have any real stake in Orlais politics beyond getting him to uphold his agreement in fighting alongside the Inquisition. Whatever happened thereafter, she had something she could use on him in the imperial court if he went back on his word. But right now, it was personal for her. She would not let this man who regarded her people with contempt have the upper hand in bringing her to climax.

Even as he felt the wetness from her tight vagina on his fingers. They both knew she was getting off on it, as much as she hated it and would never admit it to him. For him that was the real stake in this game he was playing with her. If she held out, it wouldn't matter that he brought her to this clear state of pleasure, he still couldn't make her cum and therefore he had lost. But if he did to her what she just did to him with her feet, then he would have broken the defenses of an elf savage. As Emperor of Orlais and as a man, that was all he cared about.

He opened up her robe further to get a better look. Looking down, he was pleased at the sight of her fluids soaking her silk panties. With his hand still fondling her cunt, he suddenly ripped down her panties with his other hand so he could get a better look at her pussy.

He smiled and licked his lips. Her pubic bush was dark and curly just like the short hair on top of her head. He could also see her swollen clit was protruding right out from the hood. And his fingers covered in her pussy juice was proof of her surrender and his victory.

But more than anything else, it was the colors. The Inquisitor's pink vagina and clitoris were normally a pale pink like a rose on the darkness of her skin. Yet in her state of arousal and deep desire, the engorged clit and her wet pussy had become a darker shade of rose. To reward her for her deep state of pleasure, he kept on moving his fingers inside of her at a pace that wasn't quick but far from gentle. He felt her tightening and getting wetter on his hands the moment he did that. She still refused to look at him.

The rest of her body was visible to him too. As she wailed in her high pitched shudders of pleasure, Gaspard observed with no small amount of satisfaction the exquisite beauty of her dark skin,

so much of it naked to his eyes. The Inquisitor had taken the time to wear a bra to this meeting, but she still loved the sight of her ample cleavage heaving in and out, faster and faster with each sweet gasp she took. She was as beautiful as she was vicious.

Just as he had yanked down her panties, so too did he now undo her top. She was too busy trying to keep herself under control in this strange contest that she barely noticed him doing it. Her black nipples were pointing out from the areolas with her arousal, and he greedily licked his lips at the sight of them.

Wasting no more time, he took one of her tits into his mouth. This time she did cry out loudly. His mouth easily wrapped around her whole teat, using his lips to suck on the breast and his tongue to hungrily lick at the nipple. As he did so, he kept on fingering her vagina, convulsing around his fingers more than ever.

He kept going at it with her like that for almost a minute. He savored both her submission and the delicious taste of her body. Whenever he felt her insides quivering, he slowed the rate of his fingers, only to resume seconds later. As he did so, her nipple hardened in his mouth, and he used a bit of his teeth to nibble on the sensitive cap. Whatever pretense of dominance she held over him earlier was gone.

Gaspard despised both Briala and Celene for totally different reasons, but now that he had a Dalish woman in his bed, he understood just why they had the relationship they did. If things went well, he might even propose something similar with the Inquisitor. Such an arrangement could end in disaster, as the former empress and her handmaiden had gone at each other's throats in the end. But the promise of more nights like this tantalized him to no end.

He took the tit out of his mouth and snapped his fingers out of her twat. As expected, she opened her eyes to look at him. There was nothing of her earlier pride left on her face.

He held up his hand, glistening with her juices right to her mouth. She could smell the aroma of her cunt on his fingers. She closed her eyes and sucked on his digits one by one, absorbing the hot flavor of her genitals and the taste of his skin on her tongue. He grinned to himself at the sight of it. This once proud Dalish woman could have passed for any harlot he found on the streets. But the knowledge that she was so far from being such a thing and still acting like this pleased him to no end. As she got into it more and more, she started taking more of his fingers into her mouth at once and licked them clean.

While she was lost in her cleanup job, he suddenly took his fingers out of her mouth. She looked up at him again. His stoic face betrayed no emotion in contrast to hers, this elf woman looked so lost. The wedges of submission she was just subjected to and the heat still burning in her body, she needed his touch right now.

“Please...please don't stop...”

A grin curled at the corner of his lips. Gaspard had no intention to, not after they went this far. He had enjoyed that foot job greatly, and the taste of a treat like her body, in his mouth and on his fingers, had tempted him to take her and fully fuck her like he wanted to. He had so many needs he intended to satisfy before the night was concluded.

Cupping her chin with the same hand he used to finger her and the same hand she just cleaned up, he pulled her face to his. His mouth roughly met her full dark lips in a cold kiss. He didn't open his mouth at all, just kept pressing his lips against hers. The Inquisitor moaned sweetly, just desperate to have that contact again.

That was not to say he wasn't enjoying this encounter. Her lips were always large and plump, and feeling them up on his own, they were refreshingly soft too. The Inquisitor's lustful ardor against the appearance of his cold indifference just made it so much sweeter as well. It was an amusing encounter as well as an erotic experience. He was prepared to have this woman begging him for it before the night was done. And he intended to give her what she wanted and deny her in equal measure. Come morning, her companions would not recognize her.

She moved her face against his urther, opening her mouth up. Her eyes were closed while his were open. He kept up his stony facade, eager to see just how far her desperation would go. He was so amused from her coming onto him so hard like this that he paid no greater attention to her. So much that he didn't feel her hands opening up the rest of his robes.

The woman was rubbing her naked body up against his. Her luscious and full breasts rubbed up against his masculine and built chest. The soft texture of her breasts and her hard nipples perky with arousal, he felt something warm in him beyond his penis and his own pride. He even opened up his mouth a bit and let her tongue wrap around his. The Inquisitor moaned at the first instance of this soul kiss. With both of them so exposed before each other, she felt the heat of his dick near her vagina.

By now, his eyes were closed, and he was kissing her just as much as she was kissing him. But the instant her hand clutched onto his hard penis, he almost jumped up in his skin. He was so distracted from his amusement at her desperation that he didn't notice her hand reaching for him at all. Just like the soles of her feet, the palms of her hands were incredibly soft. He was resolute on watching this elf savage submit to him and debase herself in wanton acts of pleasure all to sate her own needs that he didn't count on himself being on the receiving end of it.

She grasped the member with just as much longing as she was kissing him. As she was stroking him, the whole of her hand grabbed and tugged at his penis, feeling him get harder by the second. They had already been plenty into it, but even someone like him was a bit startled and at first he didn't know how to respond. Hardly a stranger to the bedroom, Gaspard was still stunned by this forwardness, far more direct than her teasing his dick with her feet. All the while, she kept kissing him, moaning lustfully as she fondled his manhood.

Though it wasn't just due to any lewd desires that she was murmuring to herself. He heard more than a tinge of amusement in her voice as she cooed to herself, and the way she was beating him off became more aggressive. Even Gaspard found it difficult to last against such an aggressive and powerful woman. Her wanton libido and domineering behavior was pushing open the last of his restraint and he found kissing her back with more force. Anyone ignorant of the political relationship between these two would simply think the Inquisitor was his faithful lover or at least a courtesan determined to please him in any way that he wanted.

He pushed her down on the bed, resolute on becoming part of this as much as she was. He reached his hand down to the soaking wet bush of her pussy. He felt her wetness on the fabric. As they were still kissing, he rubbed himself right back up against her. Eager to feel her heat directly, he made the move to slip his fingers inside her slit again. Her pussy lips were considerably thicker and more aroused now. Feeling that, he was ready to skip all games and started fucking her for real.

Only for her to suddenly push him away. Their lips made a happy smacking sound as they parted, and for an instant there was a small line of spit between their tongues. Not that either of them noticed it. The Inquisitor had a lewd and confident smile on her face while Gaspard was actually flustered, embarrassed at being denied as well as letting himself being taken advantage of by this Dalish woman.

“Your Majesty doesn't disappoint,” said the Inquisitor. She held up the same hand that was just jacking him off, and with her magic, formed a small bit of flame from her fingertips for several seconds before she snapped it away.

“In what ways?” Gaspard said in as composed a voice as he could muster. He was so intent on looking dominant right then that he failed to notice his organ standing up ramrod stiff and peeking out of his robes. The Inquisitor's dark and luscious nipples were also poking out, a beautiful sight as always, but their size and texture were nothing compared to his dick screaming for more.

She only smiled at his remark. All eight inches of him standing out like that, it was a sign just how much he wanted her as well as how weak he would be to open what she intended to do next. But it was more than a dominance move on her part. She was just as horny herself. And no matter what she wanted, the Emperor of Orlais would have to comply.

The Inquisitor pulled open her robe further. Gaspard could already see her breasts hanging out from the robe, but to have her bare herself to him so willingly with that knowing smile on her face surprised even a man like him. He was about to advance on her and take him, but that look on her face said so many things. And the only weapon he was armed with made him so very vulnerable.

The Inquisitor slowly stripped out of her robe and cast it aside. Gaspard watched her with every second, taking the time to absorb her beautiful dark form with his eyes. She looked down away from him with that same smile on her face, as if she was some vixen sharing a joyous occasion with the love of her life. But he knew exactly what that face and pose meant coming from this woman.

Not that it made him any less interested. Even for a man who felt that deep down she was just an elf savage, he recognized that she was as beautiful as any woman could be, and her political saavy right now was interesting him far more than her body was. He saw it right in the way her full lips were shaped in her wicked smile. And he intended to give her far more to smile about before the night was finished.

But that move from her of playing submissive with him had gotten him curious. So he let her take the lead. Yet whatever part of his mind seeing this as another sort of political cunning could not fight his masculine instincts around a beautiful naked woman like the Inquisitor.

She turned her back to him. First, she took the robe off her shoulders. While she did so, it fell behind her back. The way her hair was styled so short, he got a good look at her upper back and shoulders. Gaspard had already seen her bare breasts sneaking out of her robe and knew the exquisite pleasure of her wet vagina on his hands. But he had yet to see her naked back side.

He sat down on the bed and smiled to himself. He already had the pleasure of knowing her touch. So he was patient enough and very happy to watch her undress before him as if she were just another mistress that was sharing his bed. Yet Gaspard had plenty of women in the past and now as emperor would come to have so many more in the future. Right now what intrigued him was the truth about who this woman was and why she was so casually baring her flesh to his eyes. She was no mistress at all, for all intents and purposes she was a political opportunist. But she was no self serving weasel like Briala either. And once this night was over, she would hold the upper hand over him.

For that reason alone, he intended to do everything he wanted to and then some with this woman before he was finished.

The sleeves of the robe peeled off her arms. At this point, he could see her whole back as well as how her shapely hips rounded out down to her lovely derriere, barely protected from his sight by the fabric of the robe. She could feel his eyes on her. So she made sure to tease him, slowly bringing it down now.

He got a good look at her ass crack. Gaspard licked his lips, wanting to do so many things with it. He could see the first hints of her shapely donk peeking out. It was already a luscious sight to behold, and the Inquisitor knew it too. So she took her time, shimmying the robe around her waist, teasing him with it. As she did so, he wondered how much bigger her ass actually was under the fabric. Her dark skin was so that he could see the outlines of her form through the white robes she wore. Just like her hips, her shapely legs were something that any man would crave to touch and worship.

No less so when the robe fell to the floor. This time he did almost jump a bit. She noticed it too. Her naked body was as desirable as he had hoped. For a woman whose body had such an exquisite curvature, her ass was small and tight, yet no less lustable. His mind was already invaded by thoughts of possessing it for himself. Of grabbing it as though it were the most precious of treasures, of biting it as though it were another meal for his banquets.

When she turned around to face him, he got a better look at her breasts. He had gotten a good look at them before, tasted them eagerly, but now he intended to fuck her for real, he had to swallow a lump in his throat. Her dark nipples were fully poking out. Whatever confident act she was putting up, he knew she wanted this as much as he did.

The only thing remaining of her modesty was her underwear. Her bra and panties had been yanked down roughly for Gaspard's pleasure. Yet in what passed for modesty, it only made her look that much more trashy. Seeing him check her out, the Inquisitor smiled sweetly and undid her undergarments so that now she was fully naked before him. He returned that smile, knowing what was to come next. Though he didn't know if it was a genuine desire to feel his heat once more and knew what it would be like to feel penetrated by the Emperor of Orlais, or just her ardor in exchanging words with him. But he realized it didn't matter. Of all the luxuries he enjoyed as a nobleman of Orlais, the body of the Inquisitor would be a first.

“Prove yourself to me,” he said. She slowly advanced towards the bed again. When she got on it again, she was on all fours crawling towards him like she was a predator. And that thought occurred to him too. A woman like this one, he was so happy on what might happen tonight.

But before she would have the pleasure of knowing his penis he intended to gain the upper hand again. He suddenly leaned forward and yanked her beside him again. Before she could react, he grabbed her hips and plunged his face into her crotch. No longer in a mind to tease her, he dug his tongue right into her wet twat.

The Inquisitor could no longer hold in her confident demeanor. Gaspard's tongue hit all the way to the end of her vagina and he thrashed it within her wet insides as much as he could. She was so stunned that at first she couldn't react, all she could do was yelp out loud from the force of his cunnilingus. He was holding onto her with as much strength as he was eating her out, and showed no mercy in response to her helpless wails of pleasure.

But she was already prepared to do far more with him when she had gotten onto his bed this time. Her body and mind were prepared for it. So she made no move to resist him. Yet just like with all other things of the new emperor, she was unprepared for the strength with which he was using his tongue. She couldn't hold on anymore, she had to grip onto the sheets from how badly he was stirring her wet pussy.

She fell onto her back. The Inquisitor was twisting and turning all over the bed as Gaspard stayed in that position still as a statue, resolute on pleasing her. As he kept on eating her, he slurped his tongue up so that it hit her clitoris, erect with arousal and poking right on out of the hood. That made her scream out loud more than ever. Her clit was twitching right on his tongue.

The moment she came, her clit squirted right all over his face. He took the nub right in his mouth and sucked on it exclusively with his lips, eager to feel taste her at that exquisite moment of her pleasure. As he did so, he tasted her clitoral fluids, and swallowed each drop right down his throat.

In a rare moment of mercy, Gaspard took the clit out of his mouth. Yet he only resumed digging his tongue inside the cleft of her vagina. His nose was positioned right above the nub, and he happily inhaled the scent of her wet pussy.

At that point, the Inquisitor grabbed onto one of her tits, greedily pinching her nipple to further stimulate herself. Her clit was just as sensitive too, and she grabbed onto it with her other hand. She was ready for another release at his tongue.

The Inquisitor's vagina clenched and squirmed onto his tongue when he drove her to another climax. Her pussy juice flowed onto his face and down his chin as Gaspard happily lapped it all up with his tongue. She tasted just as good as she looked. And he kept on eating her in her time of ecstasy.

He rose himself up and looked at her. Clearly she was defeated. He had gone down on that pussy far more than he had with her when he fingered her and sucked on her tit, so now he was far harder and ready to give her pussy a taste of something else.

The situation was too perfect. Yet he began to ponder just how much better it could be and the strange twists of fate that life could weave. If the Inquisitor had sided with Celene, he mused to himself that she might well abandon what alliance they had solely in an attempt to possess the Inquisitor for themselves. And if Briala had instead ruled over him as a puppet monarch, then it would be her languishing upon her former lover's bed and taking in the fruits of pleasure of the Inquisitor's body as he could only watch in helpless impotence.

So he had an idea.

“We should spice things up a bit,” he said.

Even in her state of release, the Inquisitor looked up. “Oh...?” She was only faintly aware of what he meant, but he intended to immediately satisfy her curiosity.

“Let's bring in an observer.” That remark honestly did surprise the Inquisitor. She had grown so fond of him directly taking her, that now it was a bit odd for things to go back to teasing and hidden meanings.

“I believe we require a bit of company before things start off proper, yes? I want you as the Inquisitor to prove to me how serious you are.”

She barely understood what she meant, and all she could think of was playing along. Anything to sate him, she earnestly wanted more then. “I...I made you the emperor.”

“And as I said, the card of the emperor is not something small to simply be tossed aside, no? Perhaps I say no, and what then? I wonder if you are you still prepared to play the game.”

Growing a bit flustered and even some of her poise after being brought to satisfaction, she actually said, “I'm here, aren't I? Do you want to see more, or should I assume Your Majesty is not the man I thought he was? Perhaps he is trying to hide how all his valor is just a front for what a weak weapon he actually has.”

Gaspard's brow twitched just a bit. He had heard worse before, and he knew she was bluffing. After the way she touched him there, felt the heat and blood in his veins, he was as much of a man as his martial reputation indicated. Her words went beyond a bit of the courtly sparring he was used to. Now he intended to prove what kind of an emperor he would be.

He got up and moved past her. There was always a sentry posted on guard outside near his palatial quarters. He had requested this one be far away enough so that he would not hear the talk between him and his new ally. But close enough that he could hear him.

“Call in Morrigan,” he said.

The guard couldn't help but notice the emperor naked, his penis standing right up. With Gaspard unmasked, the guard also got a good look at the emperor glaring at him. He hoped that his hesitation and surprise hadn't given his liege the idea that he wanted something of the emperor's weapon himself. After the former empress' relationship with Briala had become public knowledge, he did not want to be in a similar situation and at the mercy to the tastes of someone like Gaspard.

“Yes Your Majesty!” said the guard. Gaspard smiled before turning back in.

The Inquisitor looked at him in surprise. In her state of nudity, she paid no heed of her body being completely exposed before him while he was still covered up. She was more concerned with what he had planned calling Morrigan inside. She stood up and was moving to get to the floor to pick up her robes but Gaspard just put a hand on her shoulder as if she was a child that needed to be admonished. He sat back down on the bed and sat there with a wicked smile on his face.

Not too long after, the door opened and Morrigan came inside. The woman's yellow eyes widened a bit seeing the Inquisitor naked on bed with Gaspard just as nude. The emperor had no clothes indeed. She herself was only clad in her black robes, no longer wearing the dress she had worn at the formal party to celebrate Gaspard's ascension. In the company of another person, a woman at that, the Inquisitor got off the bed and taking her robe, put it back on.

Gaspard didn't mind his Dalish guest disobeying him. She would be getting naked again very soon with what he had planned in store for her. Though even with her so naked, right now he was paying greater attention to Morrigan. She was as much of a sorceress as the Inquisitor was and had a particular interest in elven magic. But right now she never thought she'd be looking at her future comrade naked in the imperial bedroom.

“Do you like what you see?” Gaspard said to neither of them in particular. The two women kept looking at each other. Morrigan herself had served as an advisor to one of the current emperor's political rivals. She already knew what had just gone down, and had an idea why Gaspard wanted her here. But as was usual for her, she was intent on drawing this conversation out as long as possible.

“I would appreciate if Your Majesty would explain why he summoned me here,” Morrigan said. He heard more than a bit of fire in her voice. Already hard up from his current dealings with the Inquisitor and eating her out to an orgasm, this woman's attitude was already making his libido flare up enough to take the Dalish woman and fuck her just as a demonstration of his power.

“You two are to be companions in the future, yes?” Gaspard said.

“You assigned me that role,” she said looking straight at him, a little more curtly now. He knew of her expedition with the Grey Warden and knew someone like this would always have an attitude, had earned it, after surviving such harrowing trials.

“Then I think it is important that you make sure the two of you are friends. And I have heard you have an interest in elves. What better occasion?”

Morrigan looked away from the obnoxious new emperor. She was looking at the Inquisitor. Even though the dark skinned woman had pulled her robes tighter around her form to conceal her body, that just gave Morrigan an eyeful of her hard nipples protruding through the fabric. Even she had to stifle a bit of a blush.

“How about you tell me why you really called me here, Gaspard,” Morrigan said. “In plain words.”

Gaspard bared his teeth in a wicked smile. The two women were so very much alike. He knew the Inquisitor was not someone who was unaffected by such banter. He wondered how much more affected her new companion was.

“Kiss each other. It is the nature of friends to do such a thing, yes?”

Morrigan actually laughed. “That's it, Your Majesty? Fine.” She leaned forward and kissed the Inquisitor on the cheek. Despite it being such an innocent gesture, after everything the Dalish woman had done so far, she felt a familiar jolt of pleasure in her body. Her dark skin made it hard for Morrigan to tell, but the elf was blushing deeply. Though Morrigan didn't need to see any tinge to know just how much she was feeling it.

Yet she ignored it. She looked back at Gaspard. “Is Your Majesty satisfied?”

“You were an adviser to Celene. Tell me, did you know of the relationship between your former empress and her handmaiden?”

“I can only begin to imagine the end goal of Your Majesty's search for truth,” she said, folding her arms.

“Did you watch them?”

“Your Majesty is emperor and you rule unopposed. I don't know what political motive there is in asking this...”

“You know shapeshifting magic. It would have been easy for you to see them go at it without either of them knowing it. What things you must have seen, being a wasp on that bedpost. How about you show your new friend how it's done, eh?”

Morrigan arched an eyebrow. “Or perhaps you are not as much of a man as they say, Gaspard. You are plenty known to war but I fear that it is all a front to hide just how little knowledge you possess about women. And so you need us to teach you. Is that it?”

“There is but one way to find out. So humor me. Teach me about the arts of making a woman happy.” He chortled low under his breath. “Perhaps you two may learn something as well.”

Morrigan had a bit of a flat expression on her face even on at her most jubilant ever since she was summoned here tonight. Yet that last remark did honestly make her snicker a bit. It reminded her of the insolence of a certain other fool she used to know.

The Inquisitor looked at Morrigan longingly. Morrigan could see the desire in her eyes, the pleading and was surprised. Even someone as full of himself as Gaspard could tell the truth from time time.

“Please...” the Inquisitor said. She held Morrigan by the shoulders.

“Just tell me how this all happened to start with,” Morrigan said.

“And then?” Gaspard said.

Morrigan smiled. “You answer my first question Your Majesty, and I will answer your other one.”

“I need to be certain he will help the Inquisition,” said Lavellan

“Certainty. In the court of Orlais, something like that is a rare thing. The only thing that is certain here is just how flimsy certainty can be.”

“She thought to trap me in a way that Briala and Celene's affair ended up outdoing the both of them,” said Gaspard. “I think you already can guess what happened between us, no?”

“Well, if that did become public knowledge it might ruin your throne, Your Majesty,” said Morrigan. “The throne you would hope to sit on would be more like a rocking chair for the elderly, not the imperial seat of Orlais. And now there are two of those who know. If pushed, I don't think Lavellan here is the type to take such a thing to her grave, not willingly anyway, and you know how vicious I can be.”

“But there are other ways to play the Grand Game,” said Gaspard. “If things had gone differently, your empress might still be sitting on the throne. Or as hard as it is to imagine, that wretched Briala would be reigning instead. Even here, an elf can hold power. So I ask, do the two of you think you can play for long? The emperor reduced to sitting on a rocking chair as you say, is still the emperor.”

“To think I would be doing this,” Morrigan said, slapping her forehead before she shook her head. She actually laughed. “Fine.” She looked back at the Inquisitor. She cupped the Dalish woman's face before they she pulled the dark elf close. Their mouths met for their first kiss. But even though she was doing this thing simply to appease her new sovereign, Morrigan was surprised at just good the Inquisitor's lips felt on hers. They were full and soft and felt just right.

Gaspard was watching this scene play out as if he was sitting back for the finest theatre. His coronation was emperor seemed the first act act of a greater play. As the two of them were gentle with each other at first, he watched the Inquisitor become more aggressive first. In her act of need, she slipped her tongue right inside of Morrigan's mouth.

Morrigan had been surprised when that happened too. The Inquisitor was so passionate at first that Morrigan didn't know how to respond. But as the moments passed and the Dalish woman kept scoruing her mouth using that tongue, she felt a strange lightness in her heart. Even with Gaspard watching them. She didn't know if it was because she had gone that long without someone's touch or the elf's natural beauty, but she started to genuinely want to do this.

When Morrigan became just as intimate with the Inquisitor, Gaspard grabbed his penis. He shamelessly stroked it, careful not to bring himself to climax. Though with how badly he was getting turned on, the temptation was all too great.

The Inquisitor reached to open up Morrigan's robe. The witch was so confident she hadn't bothered putting on anything underneath the robe, and so her dark hands immediately caressed the pale woman's bare breasts. Her nipples weren't erect yet, but she worked on playing with the soft flesh, pushing her fingers into the areolas and grazing it with her long nails. Even Morrigan had to break the kiss to moan from that. She looked down at her chest, feeling it plenty in her teats, but was still surprised when the Inquisitor took her fingers out the caps poked right back out as hard as they did.

The Inquisitor got down on her knees and sucked on Morrigan's tits. She held onto the Dalish woman's head. She had no idea what Gaspard had wanted when she was summoned, but things had progressed so fast that she had no time to react mentally. Yet it was nothing compared to the rate her body was becoming aroused. Between the new emperor's domineering nature and how the elf was willing to play along with whatever he had in mind, Morrigan quickly found herself at a loss. While Lavellan went out of her way to please the witch's teats, she felt a hot wetness stirring in her pussy.

“Stop,” Gaspard said. The Inquisitor instantly obeyed and looked back at him. Morrigan did too, now as much a part of this scheme as the dark elf was. “Get down on the floor and eat each other.”

Morrigan's face turned flat. “What?”

“You heard me, yes? You didn't run the instant I asked you to two to have fun. What makes this any different?”

“Gaspard...” Morrigan started.

“Emperor Gaspard.”

“Your Majesty,” Morrigan said, refusing to honor his request. “What else will come after this?” She hoped that her lust didn't accidentally slip through her voice. As demeaning as this whole situation was, she needed a certain something now as bad as the Inquisitor did.

“As an advisor to Celene I know you have no shortage of wits,” said Gaspard. “But if you return to your room right now, I hope you are prepared to play. I will come at you with full force.”

The Inquisitor suddenly turned to Morrigan. “He's nothing,” she whispered so quietly that even with Gaspard leaning forward couldn't hear. “If he wants it so bad, let's mess him up real good when he least expects it.”

Morrigan smiled. She was astonished at what a woman this Lady Lavellan had turned out to be. And despite the obnoxious monarch watching them, she was eager to be satisfied herself.

“Alright,” Morrigan said, cupping the dark elf's face. They shared several wet kisses before breaking free again. She turned around and the Inquisitor followed her cue, taking off the robe as she had stripped down herself. Morrigan turned her face and smiled as demurely as she could.

Gaspard watched with bated breath. It was a wonder to watch the Inquisitor strip for him, but Morrigan was opposite her in so many ways. The legendary Witch of the Wilds wasn't modest at all to start with even at formal gatherings with nobility, but it was still a marvel to watch her get fully naked. And there were so many other things to look forward to.

Gaspard stared closely at Morrigan's naked body. Her nipples were a dark red color on her pale skin. The sight was a feast for the eyes, but right against the Inquisitor, the beauty of these two women could shame the greatest of painters. He thought to say something but he knew they were planning something. He wanted to see how this night would unfold.

Morrigan sat down on the soft carpet. She looked right up at the Inquisitor held up her hand as if they were truly devoted lovers all along. The Inquisitor took her hand and fell to her knees, joining her.

They smiled at each other warmly. Morrigan lay down on her side and spread open her legs, revealing her dark pubic bush. She seductively felt up her legs and spread open the petals of her vagina. The Inquisitor followed suit and lay beside her so that her face was right at Morrigan's crotch in the same way that Morrigan was looking right at the Dalish woman's privates.

The two women began eating each other out. The Inquisitor was already plenty sensitive from getting out by Gaspard, so the moment Morrigan's tongue reached inside her pussy, she jumped up. The witch had answered the summons purely on a professional level, and when Gaspard revealed his true intentions, she actually considered quitting her position in the imperial court right then and there. But the warm and wet taste of this woman coupled with how her body was twitching from that alone had gotten her interested in a level beyond simply fulfilling her duties.

Wanting to tease her more, Morrigan closed her eyes and grabbed the Inquisitor's shapely ass, resuming her cunnilingus. The Inquisitor moaned deeply again, she wasn't paying any attention to the vagina right in front of her face. Her soft helpless wails were music to the ears of both Morrigan and Gaspard. The emperor loved it just because of what a show was going down while she liked it because she knew that this elf woman was under her control. But more than any need of domination on her part, she loved her taste and her luscious thighs quivering each time she licked inside that juicy twat.

Eating out that pussy was getting Morrigan off solely from the thrill of knowing how badly she was pleasuring her. As she did so, she moved her naked beautiful body around, now possessed of the same lustful dominance which held their mutual observer. Though even in such a tender moment, she still retained her usual calculating personality and began to crave just as much stimulation as she was giving to the pussy right on top of her face. And she had just the idea to get exactly what she wanted.

So Morrigan slowed down the rate of her cunnilingus. Her tongue still inside the Inquisitor's twat, she gave strong and slow licks within the tight vaginal folds. She already tasted the Dalish woman's pussy juice, felt her body twitching every time she slurped on that pussy, and heard her moaning sweetly. But the moment she changed the way she was working her, she heard a far more helpless moan from her elvish lover.

Amused, Morrigan moved a finger to the Inquisitor's clitoris. The nub was swollen from everything she had done, but the instant she felt it, the nub twitched wildly. She didn't hasten the way she used her finger, instead she only kept on brushing it. Her Dalish lover squirmed even more from this slow and subtle technique.

Wanting more, the Inquisitor knew she would have to placate Morrigan to feel the consistency of her sweet touch. Still struggling with the tongue and finger sending pleasure that was almost like electricity throughout her whole body, she leaned forward and gave a clumsy yet forceful lick right through the cleft of Morrigan's wet vagina. It was the first time she had licked another woman in such a way, yet she was surprised just how good the witch tasted.

Morrigan couldn't do anything but sigh happily when she first felt the Inquisitor's tongue inside of her. Though she had been so dominant earlier, she had to take the time to take in the feeling of that sweet ecstasy. As she was doing so, she felt another strong lick right inside of her pussy lips. The dark elf of Clan Lavellan wasn't particularly eloquent in her cunnilingus, but Morrigan had gotten rather turned on just from teasing her partner. More than that, even as her pussy was finally getting some attention back, she could still tell from the way that the elf was using her tongue that the Inquisitor was quite flustered and excited. Morrigan smiled, proud of her handiwork.

Morrigan felt another forceful slurp of her wet pussy. Now pleased that the Inquisitor was finally giving it back, the witch grabbed her partner's hips and ate her out again. The elf's whole body was wracked with a strong shudder the instant Morrigan resumed her cunnilingus, but she did not pause. Though the pale woman's technique remained strong throughout even as her twat was being munched on. That didn't mean she felt it any else. Her nipples were getting harder as the Dalish woman kept licking inside of her, and her body was filled with a heated euphoria with every second.

Gaspard just smiled, watching the two of them go at it. The two of them were both naked and laying on their sides, holding onto each other's hips and asses, with their faces fully in each other's cunts. The only sounds in the room were their pleased moans and their wet vaginas flowing juices out onto each other's tongues. Their lovely legs were squirming, in this act of mutual clamdiving, the Inquisitor's more than Morrigan's. Yet the witch's body was shuddering more than her lover's, and he wondered how close she was to an orgasm.

Not too much longer. The Inquisitor felt Morrigan's pussy lips swelling up on her tongue and the aroma of her fluids, leaking out onto her face, was strong in her nose. Morrigan hadn't stopped going down on her partner and she wasn't any slower either, but her technique was starting to falter. Lavellan sensed that and wanting to get her back now, starting eating her out faster. The wet folds of that pussy welcomed her tongue, and she closed her eyes, ready to drive her to climax.

When Morrigan did come, she stopped eating out the Inquisitor's twat to let out a loud pleasure filled moan. There was nothing subtle about it, and even Gaspard sitting on his bed heard it as well as the Inquisitor did. At that moment of climax, the Inquisitor felt Morrigan's inner vaginal folds spasm and convulse on her tongue and the hot juices spill out onto her tongue. Yet the dark skinned elf didn't stop and remembering how the witch had tormented her earlier, was ready to make it so much worse for her.

The Inquisitor prodded her lover's clit with one of her fingers. Morrigan was already feeling it deeply, but getting poked in her sweet spot actually did make her throw her head back, and she hit her head hard on the thankfully soft carpet from how bad she was getting it. Grinning to herself, the Inquisitor wrapped her full lips around the clit.

This time Morrigan let out a high pitched yelp of pleasure. Her clitoris was already sensitive enough on it's own, and in the midst of her climax, even more. But the Inquisitor's naturally full and soft lips sucked on the sensitive nub with just the right amount of suction and pressure. Just as Morrigan had dominated the Dalish woman, so now did the elf have full control of her body. Yet the Inquisitor felt no need to tease her at all, she kept on consistently sucking on the love button, feeling it squirm and get wetter and juicer in her mouth with every second.

When the Inquisitor stopped and licked her lips, she was doing it just to take a brief respite. But that break gave Morrigan all the time she needed to repay her lover. She grabbed onto the dark woman's hips and plunged her face into her twat. It was partly from a need to give it to her right back in full and it was partly of a need to dominate her again. But there was no real thought to it. Her mind was blank, and all she could think about was eating the elven woman's delicious pussy.

The Inquisitor's whole body twitched and she snapped her head back. Her lips and the area around her mouth were still shining with Morrigan's pussy juice, and she was loudly moaning in ecstasy. She had gone down on Morrigan purely to placate her and they were united in their pleasure, giving it to each other at an even pace. But now the witch was gobbling down on the elven twat with no hesitation, hungrily wanting to give it right back to her.

Gaspard was stroking himself. The Inquisitor was digging her nails deep into Morrigan's skin as she held onto the witch. And when her voice cracked in her throat, leaving her only able to emit a pathetic squeak, he knew she just came.

Morrigan took her face out of the Inquisitor's crotch. The Dalish woman was soaking wet, and her aroused pussy lips were twitching and spasming from the force of that climax. For several minutes she cleaned up the mess of fluids around that elven pussy and on the luscious inner thighs, licking up every delicious drop of it. As she did so, she made sure to lick her own lips too, the Inquisitor had really made a mess.

“Rise,” Gaspard said. Both women suddenly tensed up and looked at him. After all that clamdiving and mutual attention to each other, both of them had forgotten about the emperor of Orlais watching them. When they didn't immediately respond to his command, he said, “Come now, I have so many things I want to do with you.”

That got them interested. They pulled themselves away from each and awkwardly stood up. The two women didn't meet his gaze. Even Morrigan who was so proud earlier looked a little bashful now. For Gaspard, this scene was more beautiful than any of the crown jewels of the empire. He couldn't tell whether they were more embarrassed from both being naked in front of him or being made stand to attention after eating each other out raw. But he wasn't looking at their sheepish faces so much as their bodies. Their nipples were both standing erect and there was a small sheen of sweat and cunt juices on their legs. And on Morrigan in particular, there were red splotches on her pale body from her sheer arousal.

“You Inquisitor,” he said. “Come and service me.” So lost in that horny daze, she obeyed, walking right up to him. She got down on her knees and looked at the hot red phallus in front of her. Just as she was about to wrap her lips on his dick he said, “Stop.” She looked up at him, confused. “Use your breasts to make me feel good at the same time.”

For several moments, she stared at the member. Then she closed her eyes. Gaspard's penis at full arousal was red and stiff, enough to make any woman fantasize about having it inside of her. Even one such as her, despite her knowing full well what kind of person he was.

He grinned when she obeyed him to the letter. Taking her large breasts, she wrapped them around Gaspard's shaft and went down on him. He jerked up a little more than he expected when he first felt her mouth on his dick. The feeling of her wet and full lips on his penis was exquisite. He didn't know if it was because he was so hot and bothered from everything that happened so far or she was that good, but he suddenly felt himself totally at her mercy, no longer in charge. Nor did he mind the feeling of her full hooters wrapped around his shaft.

Gaspard looked down at the Inquisitor. There was no hint or hesitation in her blowjob and she moaned deeply with every loving suckle she gave to his dick. In his enhanced state of arousal after watching her and Morrigan go at it, his imperial dick was hotter and thicker in her mouth than ever before. But she didn't stop the rate of her fellatio, she just kept on servicing him. Her body was so hot with desire that she could only think about sex, and the heat of his penis being sucked by her lips and on her tongue was filling her heat with a feverish passion.

Gaspard's eyes were closed and he quietly sighed in sheer happiness. He felt like a little boy with his first time. He didn't know how much longer he would last, but he didn't care. He was longing for the opportunity to jizz down this woman's throat. He started moving his hips in tandem with her sucking him off. It felt great to actively fuck both her mouth and her tits.

As he taking it in, he looked back at Morrigan. She hadn't moved one bit, but she was watching the scene play out. Yet she wasn't passive in the slightest. She was fondling one of her tits and had darted the other hand to her pussy. He was fascinated by this sex crazy display. Even with Lavellan working him so good, he couldn't look away from Morrigan fucking herself.

His distraction proved to be his undoing. Taking the time to admire her, the two of them locked eyes. Even in their states of deep pleasure, they couldn't look away from each other. That made him so much more susceptible to when he suddenly felt the Inquisitor's lips rub just right on the crown of his cock head. He lost himself in the sudden sweetness of her mouth and moved himself inside her faster than ever before he broke loose, nutting deep inside of her.

Gaspard's semen was piping hot and his spurting dick was quaking in her mouth. Yet she didn't even think once to take the jizzing phallus out as she simply let him cum deep inside of her. His cum was far thicker and hotter than Morrigan's, yet the Inquisitor didn't complain one bit, she just kept on swallowing every drop she could. When he was finished cumming from that orgasm, he lifted her head up from his phallus in a rare moment of mercy. There was a long strand of jizz between her mouth and the opening on his dick. She wiped it up with her finger and sucked it clean. As she did so, a good deal of it dripped right back down onto her titties.

He pushed her away. But far from exhausted after such a strong nut, he was ready for more. Looking up at Morrigan again, she was licking her own wet fingers too and her eyes were closed as she softly murmured to herself. He knew she enjoyed that as much as he did.

“Come here,” he said to her. Morrigan did as she was told. “Your friend made quite a mess here. Clean each other up.”

The Inquisitor looked back at the witch approaching her. She bashfully looked away from her again and tried hiding her naked chest, there was so much cum still on her tits. But Morrigan paid no attention and didn't say anything. Instead, she got down on her knees with her and pulled the dark skinned elf so that she could see her bare breasts.

“The emperor really does have quite a weakness doesn't he,” Morrigan said, licking her lips. She grabbed onto her full breasts for the first time. She was amazed at just how soft and bouncy they were on her hands and for several moments simply fondled them lovingly. Some of Gaspard's cum got dripped on down to her hands but there was still so much on the Inquisitor's massive rack that it couldn't all possibly droop down. As Morrigan simply let the large and ample titties flow through her fingers, she reached her fingertips own to her nipples.

They were stiff with arousal and completely vulnerable to her hands. Yet she didn't twist or tweak them at all. Instead just like when she was playing with her clitoris, she made soft and tender movements with her fingertips, and gently scratched the tips with her nails.

The Inquisitor finally looked back at Morrigan. Even with her skin being so dark, Morrigan could tell that she was blushing deeply. She was biting into her soft lower lip. The witch smiled and got herself even lower so that her face was right before the elven woman's full bosom.

She fully took one of the breasts into her mouth. The Inquisitor felt it as deeply as she had with anything into this encounter. But she didn't squeal out loud or anything. Instead she softly sighed, melting into it. Morrigan wasn't being subtle with the way she was devouring the tit, fully sucking and biting onto the skin, teasing the nipple with her tongue, and moaning deeply from the pliant texture and the mix of tastes of skin and cum in her mouth. Yet the elf woman could only think it was so gentle compared to the heat and force of Gaspard's penis which had just rocked her chest moments earlier.

Morrigan took the tit out of her mouth with such force that there was a popping sound and the breast jiggled. Still swishing Gaspard's cum in her mouth, she latched her mouth onto the other boob. She sucked this one with more passion, using more force with her lips and tongue and biting much deeper into it, closing her eyes and moaning. She already knew the Inquisitor was plenty hot and bothered already, and so it didn't surprise her one bit when she felt the nipple and the delicious soft flesh quivering.

The Inquisitor reached down to Morrigan's head. As her chest was being eaten, she grabbed tighter and twisted her fingers into the dark raven locks, it was all so good. Morrigan made no response and instead kept on gobbling down on the breast, enjoying just how much power she still held over the Inquisitor. Just as she had gotten aroused simply from eating out Lavellan's pussy while her own twat had yet to be eaten when the two were rolling on the floor, so too now did she feel another perverted longing in her body from holding this over her. Her pussy was getting moist and hot all over again.

When she was finished, she took the tit out of her mouth and looked back up at the Inquisitor again. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. There was more than a little bit of cum on it, and the Inquisitor could see there was more jizz deeper inside.

Without saying anything, the Inquisitor opened up her mouth too. The lovely ladies gave each other a cummy kiss, pressing their bodies right up against each other. The Inquisitor's full breasts squished right onto Morrigan's considerably flatter bust.

Though Morrigan's bosom was nowhere near as developed as Lavellan's, that didn't mean she felt the pleasure any less. Her nipples were just as hard, and as they made out, hers rubbed right back up against the Inquisitor's caps. After having done so much with each other, they held each other close, not wanting the other one to get away. Despite how clearly passionate the two of them were for each other, they were at peace, melting into the erotic and peaceful presence of each other's embrace. Both of their naked bodies together, the two of them kissing each other like they loved each other, their sensitive chests rubbing up, it was all so good.

They were both getting wet again too. The two had already eaten each other out, but even in that moment of sensual bliss they still longed for each other's touch. Morrigan made the first move, reaching down to her lover's clit. The Inquisitor only moaned happily from such affections, welcoming whatever would happen next. As the pair of fingers spread open her pussy lips and slid inside her vagina with the thumb probing the nub tingling with excitement, the elf responded in kind, reaching down to the witch's twat.

She wasn't nearly as slow as Morrigan was being. The witch felt those dark fingers slid right inside of her pussy, and stir deep within her wet insides. She had to break the kiss to moan from such wanton affections. These two were hardly shy with each other at that point, yet she still felt herself surprised by how aggressive by the Dalish woman's speed and ferocity. As she threw her head back and cried out, she thought to herself that maybe it was payback for her snacking so heartily upon that big rack of hers. But despite being caught off guard from getting her own pussy fingered so bad, she still didn't stop teasing her partner's vagina, still fingering inside and flicking at the clitoris.

Gaspard had lay down and watched the scene before him. That strong orgasm from getting tit fucked and sucked off by the Inquisitor had taken it out of even someone like him. Yet he was hardly down for the count and had so many other things he wanted to do with the two beautiful women in front of him. His own libido and the sight of their gorgeous naked bodies was getting him randy and hard up already, but seeing them snog and fingering each other was something else entirely. Part of him wanted to embrace them and take them both, but that horny impulse was kept in check by his noble side. Even someone like him appreciated the fine things in life and he wanted to see these two go at it until they were finished.

By now, Morrigan and the Inquisitor were grinding up against each other, their chests, their asses, everything. They were sucking face hard, and their fingers were deep inside each other's twats. Their vaginas were leaking out onto each other's hands and down their thighs. The two of them had forgotten about Gaspard being present and were totally devoted to each other. They were whimpering loudly and helplessly, sounding nothing like the seasoned travelers and explorers they were but instead two horny sex kittens needing to cum.

The Inquisitor broke the kiss to sigh, she was feeling herself on the cusp to an orgasm. Seeing her like that, Morrigan was feeling a little more dominant again and moved her head to one of the elven woman's trademark pointy ears. The different shape wasn't just for show, they were far more sensitive in general too. Morrigan with all her study on elves knew this, but she never thought that she would be doing this herself. As she kept working her vagina, she gave the long outer rim a very slow lick.

At that point, Lavellan was already weak, on the pangs to an orgasm. But that simple lick broke the last of her restraint. The elf held Morrigan close, wanting her, needing her. Spurred on by this wanton display of lust, the witch licked all over the long inner rim of the ear while nibbling on the outer edge with her teeth, still carefully pleasuring her future companion. All the while, she felt the Inquisitor's pussy getting wetter and tighter with each second, the big titties virtually smashing up on her flatter chest all the while. Morrigan smiled and whispered, “Cum for me little elf,” before biting deep into the skin.

Unable to hold back anymore, the Inquisitor squealed, cumming all over Morrigan's fingers. She lay her head on her lover's shoulder, as Celene's former aide kept on fingering the elven pussy in it's state of climax slowly this time to massage her and make her feel loved in such a tender moment. While she did so, she planted small kisses on the dark elf's cheeks. When she took her fingers out of her lover's vagina, they were slick and wet with juices. She held them up to the Inquisitor's lips and she took them into her mouth and cleaned them off without any hesitation.

When Morrigan took her fingers out of her lover's mouth, the Inquisitor looked up at her longingly. Morrigan didn't say anything and instead she lay down on the floor, spreading open her legs and opening up her twat with her fingers. She seductively bit her lip and beckoned Lavellan with one of her fingers.

The Inquisitor lowered herself and serviced her new mistress without question. At that point she was no stranger to eating pussy and certainly not this one. Her mind was still in a hazy state of longing and happy lust, and she lapped up at Morrigan's wet folds fast. The witch lay back and grabbed hard onto the carpet underneath her.

Morrigan was loud and needy from the beginning. She moaned deeply, relishing in her domination over the Inquisitor and her own sexual pleasure. As the Dalish woman ate her out, she wasn't displeased to feel a finger probe around her anus even without her having commanded it. Yet she didn't mind that all, she was more open minded and ready to let her submissive partner do whatever she wanted. She even started laughing wildly as she absorbed the sheer sexual pleasure of this union.

Morrigan grabbed onto the back of the Inquisitor's head. Her fingers gently sank into the dark woman's tufts of short curly hair before she pushed her face right further onto her twat. Lavellan had already been eating out her lover plenty, but feeling her push her head farther in, she hastened the speed of her cunnilingus. The pale woman's juices flowed freely down her face and in her mouth, and she only hastened the use of her tongue in response. She felt the vaginal folds tightening again, she knew that Morrigan was on the cusp to another orgasm and even started actively fingering her anus.

Morrigan suddenly bellowed when she came. Her vagina was already spasming wildly even before her climax but to top it off, her clit squirted right onto the Inquisitor's face this time. It wasn't just once either, and the Dalish woman's dark frizzy hair was soon stained and dripping with clitoral fluids.

When Lavellan and Morrigan lay down on the floor, it got Gaspard excited. So he had gotten on all fours like a happy little boy and racing to the foot of the bed, watched the Inquisitor eat out that pussy. They were so preoccupied with each other and devoted to each other's bodies that they had completely forgotten him or why they were doing this sort of thing with each other at all. The only thing they could feel was each other's pleasure and the warmth in their hearts.

Not that such a thing was to last for long. He had called Morrigan in here as the emperor of Orlais and bid them to engage in this act solely for his carnal pleasure. He was not satisfied merely to watch them make love to each other. And in his court, his wants were of paramount concern.

“Excellent,” he said, licking his lips. They both heard him, but neither of them paid him any heed. Though Morrigan had just climaxed, Lavellan didn't stop eating her out, now sucking on her labial lips using her own lips with just the right amount of pressure. The pale woman was also pinching and tweaking one of her nipples as the elf still gave that pussy the attention it needed. As much as he was enjoying the show, he needed some personal attention right now. “Ladies!” he said, this time loud enough for both of them to hear.

His voice shook them out of their reverie for each other. Even in that state of pleasure, Morrigan looked up at him, and the Inquisitor also moved her head up from her lover's twat to gaze up at him. He didn't know which one he liked more, that Morrigan was still playing with her tits, or that the elf was nonchalantly licking her lips of pussy juice right in front of him. Beautiful women always outshone all of the treasures at hand in the bedroom of the sovereign of Orlais, yet the mouthwatering sight before him was so rare and extraordinary it was like he had captured a shooting star within his demesne.

“I have one final request to make of you,” he said. “After that, you may do as you will.” He looked at Lavellan. “Including being able to rest assured that the Inquisition will have the support of Orlais.”

“I think I want more than support,” the Inquisitor said standing, regaining a bit of her usual fire. “I want a guarantee.”

“She's right you know,” Morrigan said, joining her. “We're going to be traveling together and I'm not particularly in the mood for any courtly backstabbing while you twiddle your thumbs from the throne.”

“And I have the perfect idea to ensure that we all benefit,” Gaspard said. “Mutual satisfaction,” he said, grabbing his dick and pointing it at the dark elf. “It's not proper only I had some fun. Surely you must be craving something else, eh?”

“Big talk,” said the Inquisitor.

“Yes, Your Majesty reminds me of someone else I used to know,” Morrigan said, thinking of Alistair. “You're pretty different from him but you do both have one thing in common.”

“And that is?” Gaspard said, anticipating the answer.

“You can make any woman want to swear men off forever.”

“I'll give you some incentive. You two can spend as much time together as you want while with me. A sound proposition, no?”

“Don't talk. You're ruining a perfectly good thing.”

“What about you?” he said, looking at the Inquisitor. “Do you intend to play games forever?”

“I will do what I must,” said Lavellan. “I only hope that I will manage to enjoy it.”

“You may find me charming yet,” he said, lying down. The Inquisitor got up on the bed, standing up on her knees. He stared at her naked beauty for several moments and smiled with anticipation before he looked past her at Morrigan. “What about you? Will you stay and watch?”

“I will try and bear it,” Morrigan said. “Though I can't promise I won't vomit. Your Majesty's bile staining this beautiful woman here with me could never be enough to defile her and as far as I'm concerned, it's just aftertaste. But it's another thing to see her with you.”

“When you first arrived here, you knew we had already done some things.”

“And you must have enjoyed seeing a woman of this caliber,” she said, running her hands on the Inquisitor's backside and getting some of the elf woman's sweat on her palms, “truly learn what pleasure is, as opposed to suffering someone like you.” She shamelessly licked the Dalish sweat off her hands and closed her eyes, moaning and savoring the taste. Lavellan looked back at Morrigan and blushed, touched by both that compliment as well as remembering everything they did so far.

“Ah, but there are so many things in this world besides pleasure,” Gaspard said. “And so many ways to find joy in things you may despise.” Still getting an eyeful of the dark elf's front, he put one of his fingers in her vagina. It was perfectly tight and wet on his finger, and despite looking longingly at Morrigan, the Inquisitor still let out a squeak of pleasure before facing the new emperor again. As he did so, he stroked his penis again, pointing it at her. “You want something bigger than that, don't you?”

Lavellan remembered sucking it, it's thickness and it's heat in between her tits and in her mouth. His big finger was still inside of her, and he slid it back and forth in her wet embrace as slowly as possible, driving her crazy. She suddenly fantasized about what it would be like to have this much bigger thing inside of her.

Then in one quick motion, he withdrew his digit. The Inquisitor moaned louder than ever, pleased and denied in equal measure. With everything she did so far tonight, she craved more touches from someone, anyone. And more than anything, she needed to know how his cock would feel inside of her.

“Yes...please, use me!” the Inquisitor said.

Gaspard grinned, licking his lips. He grabbed the beautiful woman's shapely waist and held her hips over his erect penis, before he viciously slammed her pussy down onto his cock. The Inquisitor threw her head back and whined sweetly in the joining of human and elf flesh. His dick was firmly pressing inside her tight vagina, it was big enough to reach the end and wide enough to press against her walls for any woman's pleasure.

At first, the Inquisitor was so stunned that she couldn't respond at all. Yet her pussy was still wet enough to accommodate the fat prick inside of it, as Gaspard wasted no time in pumping inside of her. The emperor was still holding her hips, keeping her steady to make it easier for the both of them. All she could do was hold her hand to her lips and bite down onto it to keep her shameful wails from escaping.

But he wanted more. With his hands on her waist, he slowly moved her up and down on his penis. She complied with it, moving exactly as he wanted to, as her mind had gone blank at that point, only focusing on the exquisite heights of pleasure he was driving her to. As he continued fucking her, eventually he loosened his grip on her, content with how she was moving herself on top of his dick. She didn't disappoint either, riding him slowly but enough to match his pleasure, the two of them rocking back and forth with each other.

Her pace was slowly increasing. Emboldened by both his unspoken request and her own need for release, she moved her hips up and down on top of his dick, wanting it, needing it. He fucked her hard, but she wasn't put off by it at all. Her humps were slow and deliberate but the force of his penis ramming her needy hole and the wetness of her twat made it so easy for her to accumulate speed as it felt better and better with every second. Before long, she was fucking him at full speed, moaning like a dirty little slut who needed it.

Gaspard loved how she was going at it on top of him. Her pussy was so tight and wet on his dick, and after getting hard up from watching her and Morrigan go at it, she felt just as great as he imagined she would. Still holding onto her hips, he made sure to fuck all the way to the end of her twat with every thrust.

But the sight of her fucking him was a feast for the eyes too. With every thrust from him and movement from her, her full breasts jiggled up and down. As much as Morrigan hated seeing Gaspard getting off on this encounter, she couldn't help but be distracted by the sight of the Inquisitor's full ass bouncing on top of his dick. She began to get a touch hot and bothered all over again.

Gaspard was chuckling to himself as Lavellan cried out, craving it. He was enjoying it as much as she was, yet he kept his cool, only chuckling at how easy it was to dominate this woman. What a reversal it was from when she first came onto him and teased him.

Morrigan knew that Gaspard was lording this over the dark elf too. The kind of person he was, she figured he enjoyed this both on the physical level as well as savoring the thrill of doing something like this to an exquisite Dalish woman and her being unable to resist him. And the witch wasn't about to let him get off that easy.

While Gaspard was still plowing the Inquisitor, Morrigan went around to the side of the bed and got on the mattress. The emperor was too busy watching Lavellan's tits bouncing around and feeling her tight pussy to care. Her cunt was warm and good too, and with his penis feeling every nook and cranny of her clinging to his meat, he couldn't be sure which one of them would cum first. He looked forward to finding out.

But he was completely taken off guard by Morrigan's wet pussy slamming right down onto his face. He was staring so closely at the Inquisitor's breasts jiggling as he just rammed her again when his vision suddenly went dark with the witch's crotch dwarfing his face. For several moments he couldn't respond at all, all he could do was still pump into the Inquisitor by virtue of him already being so into it and she feeling so good, while he was stunned by the hot and wet snatch resting on his lips. And even when he did figure out what had happened, he was still a bit shocked.

Lavellan was surprised too. Even as she was throwing her head back in the throes of pleasure, she didn't know how to parse the situation at first either. She was startled, wondering exactly what Morrigan was doing here. But when the pale woman smiled at her, she suddenly remembered everything they did together earlier on top of the firm pounding she was receiving from Gaspard, and that suddenly pushed her to an impromptu orgasm.

The Inquisitor reeled a bit from how unexpected and fast that climax was. She had stopped moving her hips and she had to lean forward and hold onto the mattress, her voice whining both from the ecstasy of that orgasm and Gaspard's penis still pumping inside of her. Morrigan looked at her so rapt in pleasure and massaged her arms and shoulders. The dark elf looked up at her from those tender affections, marveling at her sheer beauty and staring into her golden eyes.

Morrigan was a bit flattered to have the Inquisitor looking at her like that too. It warmed something in her mind and body, sending lustful shivers up her spine and making her heart blossom with happiness. She looked down at Gaspard's head, he still wasn't doing anything with her. Wanting some stimulation herself, she jerked her snatch right on top of him.

Her lubricated pussy lips thumped right on his jaw. That snapped him right out of his idleness, and he suddenly became acutely aware of her sweet aroma and her juicy snatch sitting right on top of his face. He didn't waste another second, he lapped his tongue right up into her vaginal folds.

Morrigan smiled at Gaspard's compliance. She couldn't see his face what with it being flattened by her ass right on top of it, but she was still looking down in his direction and licked her lips at how enthusiastic his cunnilingus was becoming. The emperor's tongue was deep inside of her pussy, thrashing this way and that within her tightness.

The Inquisitor's pussy in the midst of that climax felt great on his dick. He loved the feel of her vagina convulsing and tightening on his phallus, yet his stamina remained strong. But when Morrigan hopped onto his face, as soon as he had adjusted to the change in the situation, his whole heart and penis were flowing with a masculine pride and passion he hadn't felt in quite some time, not even when his coronation was complete. Her hot juices flowed down his chin and that only spurred on his sexual hunger.

Lavellan was still riding him. Morrigan also had lost her measured composure and was lost in the throes of her own lust. The two of them looked at each other and held onto each other, hungrily making out again. Their breasts pressed up hard against each other, their puckered nipples raw and mashing up against each other. All they could think about was their blissful presence, forgetting all about the man under them, working their privates with deep passion. Yet they didn't feel it any less, their minds were numbed over as they melted into each other's tongues and skin.

The two women's mouths separated as they gazed longingly into each other's eyes. There was a thin trail of spit between their tongues, and they were lost in each other's eyes. This time Lavellan knelt down and kicked and sucked all over Morrigan's flat chest. Even someone as hardened as this Witch of the Wilds was at a loss, and moaned softly. She held onto the elf's shoulders, holding her for support as Gaspard continued munching down on her pussy from below. The Inquisitor's full lips and soft tongue felt great on her small breasts and erect nipples. Coupled with her pussy still being eaten out, she was driven to a sudden orgasm.

Gaspard smiled, feeling Morrigan's orgasm on his face and tongue. He already had the satisfaction of making the Inquisitor cum like this before, but it was still a pleasure to drive this woman to such heights too. As he licked his lips and savored the taste of her juices, the exquisite sweetness of the Inquisitor's pussy still clenching down on his dick in her ecstasy suddenly felt that much better. The extraordinary feeling of her orgasm also sparked in his mind too. He couldn't take it anymore.

His grip upon the Inquisitor's hips tightened again. She was thrown off by his dick plowing inside of her with such ferocity, even rougher than before, so much that as she was sucking one of Morrigan's tits, that the pleasure and force of his lovemaking drove her to inadvertently bite down on the nipple. Morrigan yelped out loud from that too, and Gaspard heard it too, feeling the twat on his face spasm. Grinning to himself, he unleashed all his power, eating her out and fucking the Inquisitor at full speed.

“Don't!” said Lavellan, feeling his cock tensing up inside of her. “I might get pregnant!”

Nobody paid her any heed. Morrigan was too lost in her pleasure to concentrate, Gaspard was still eating her out in the midst of an orgasm, and whatever little political concern that might come of such an act was eclipsed by his raging libido. The Dalish woman wanted to say something again too, but the force of the dick fucking her left only a long series of high-pitched wails loose from her lips. She threw her head back, squinting her eyes helplessly as she approached another state of deep pleasure.

Gaspard pulled her down onto his penis hard when he came, spurting several waves of his thick goo deep inside her elven twat. Already whining and lost to her needs, his hard prick pumping inside of her and the rapid flow of his thick goo spurting inside her pushed the Inquisitor screamed loudly, enough that several other members of the imperial court and other nobles heard it right through the walls. Her Dalish pussy released her girl cum all over Gaspard's penis, mixing in with his human cum. There was so much of it that it was overflowing out of her vagina already and down onto the shaft still lodged inside of her.

That scream hurt Morrigan's ears being so close to her partner. But at the same time, the uninhibited sexual release and Gaspard's tongue sent a perverse thrill inside of her that she didn't know she had. The emperor was still eating her out coupled with the sight of the Inquisitor so lost reflected took away all of her restraint too. She suddenly rode his face roughly, unable to contain herself anymore.

The Inquisitor weakly regained her posture. She held onto Morrigan's shoulders as hard as she could to keep her steady. The witch was touched by this concern and they suddenly embraced each other again, wailing and holding their bodies together in a helpless euphoria and temporary love born of sexual happiness.

When Gaspard made Morrigan cum again, she bit her lip and let out a low sigh of release. She lay her head on Lavellan's shoulder and the two simply melted into the primal ecstasy of it all. Gaspard also kept on eating Morrigan's twat simply to ease her out of that orgasm and his dick was still hard inside of the Dalish woman.

Eventually the Inquisitor lifted herself off his dick. His cum was still oozing out of her pussy, and his cock was smeared with the mix of their love juices. Morrigan also took the opportunity to move off of Gaspard's face.

“Clean me off,” Gaspard suddenly said. Neither of them knew which one he was speaking to, but at that point neither was in a mind to resist. They both knelt down on the mattress and licked and sucked all over his dick. Their minds were clouded over in their wanton need, absorbing the lewd taste of the mix of love juices and the hot skin of his penis. All they could do was get into it, and when they both saw that there was still some excess cum leaking out of the opening on his cock, they both licked at it, eating it right up and tonguing out with each other again in the process.

When they were finished, Gaspard smiled. He didn't know what would happen to him in the next few days. But if his reign as emperor was going to be like this, he would have so much to look forward to. He didn't care how he had to play the Grand Game, as long as the rest of his nights were like this one.


The next morning, Morrigan departed as another member of the Inquisition. She and the Inquisitor vowed to keep what they did with Gaspard secret, both to avoid the shame and humiliation as well as to use it on him if he ever reneged on any of his promises. So they had both gotten what they wanted.

Yet with the imperial expedition accompanying them, they had to go the extra effort to keep another thing secret. That being the new relationship they had with each other. It was more than a bit difficult, sneaking around and the threat of danger making it more of a challenge to keep things under wraps. But as new companions, they did everything in their power to find the time and opportunity to make sweet love to each other as much as possible.


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