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Welcome to a brand new 'Bakery Bear Tutorial'!

As the New Year gets underway, we thought it was the perfect time to take a look at the beautiful suspended bind off. It's perfect for so many things, but it's our favourite for the edges of lovely shawls or squishy blankets. 

Join Kay as she:

  • Talks you through when you might use the bind off
  • Shows you how to knit the 'Suspended Bind Off'
  • Shows you what the bind off looks like after you have finished it 

You can see a blanket finished with the 'Suspended Bind Off' here: https://bakerybears.com/bits-bobs/ 

Return to the main tutorial menu here : https://www.bakerybears.com/tutorials/

Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more!

Dan & Kay


'Suspended Bind Off' Tutorial Special

00:00 Introduction 00:28 Knitting the Bind Off 01:41 What it Looks Like Follow the presenters on Ravelry - ObiwanKnitter & Bryonybear Follow the Bakery Bears on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bakerybears/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/bakerybears


Diana Lovatt

Wow! Thank you Kay. I have to test this one next time.


How funny that both you and Roxanne Richardson posted about this bind off so close to one another—I hadn’t heard of this bind off a few weeks ago, and now I feel like it’s everywhere! 😂 Love the clarity and brevity. ❤️