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Welcome to our ’Reviews’ collection.

It's time for a brand new yarn review with Knitability's amazing editor, Jenn DiMaria Keeler. This time Jenn has got her hands on some 'Buxom Cat Knits' yarn, a sock set to be exact. What will she think of it? Let's find out.

Join Jenn as she:

  • Takes a close look at Buxom Cat Knits Bunny Fluffins sock set
  • Shows you the Rhinebeck Roomies sock knitted up in the colourway
  • Looks closely at the way the yarn knits up highlighting how even the dye job is and detailing if the yarn might pool
  • Takes a look at the contrast yarn and how it matches with the main colour
  • Lets you know if the colourway has bled at all so far in the knitting process

Patterns mentioned

Watch the rest of the collection :

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Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more!

Jenn, Kay & Dan x


'Buxom Cat Knits' Review Special with Jenn

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Beautiful colours in this yarn! I hope your sock turned out well.

Charlotte Whitaker (PixiePops)

Gorgeous coloured yarn and such a squishy sock pattern! I did not know that some blue hand dyes can transfer colour, the majority of my hand dyed stash is all pink tones but it’s certainly worth remembering, thanks x