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Welcome to the 'Bakery Bears Radio Show' Episode 77

We are delighted to return with our latest episode of the Radio Show. Thanks to some dreadful weather we had to postpone last weeks scheduled episode to today. Join us on our first walk of 2023 in the snow!! 

Join Kay & Dan as they:

We'll see you on the 26th of January with the next episode of the show. 

You can find past episodes of the Radio Show here:

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Jennifer McHenry

Great conversation. I really enjoy January. After November and December of socializing and events and being in the thick of things, January is a welcome month of solitude, re-establishing routines, and rest. I don't like the cold, but I'm an indoors person anyway, and I can put up with it. I do not do resolutions anymore, but my trips to the gym aren't interrupted by appointments and activities as in the months previous, so it's sort of like starting over in a way. I love using my planner too, but I use an undated one and start my year in October. My birthday is in late September, so for me, October is MY new year. I find it hard to set up my new year in my new planner in the month of December. I'm just too busy, so I like the freedom of starting my new planner when I decide. I fell into the sticker trap years ago and bought gobs of them, but I don't like the clutter on my pages, but I paid for them, so by golly, I'm going to use them all up! But I look forward to when they're all used up and I can have clean, orderly planner pages once again! I look forward to future walks! Keep warm!

Lisa K

I tend to listen to these while I'm working and I frequently get caught up in your conversations and the walk itself. I really like the sounds and descriptions of what you're seeing. As for topics, there are so many to cover but I think it would be fun to hear you both discuss what would happen if everyone turned off social media for 2 weeks. Thank you for taking us along with you.