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Welcome to the 'Bakery Bears Radio Show' Episode 59

'Bernard and Matilda' return with another Radio Show and this time they're talking about Spring and Summer. Unfortunately these are two seasons they don't enjoy, but instead of looking at the negatives, they try to find the positives that will help them get through Summer with a Spring in their step. 

Join Kay & Dan as they:

  • Introduce themselves with their new names, harking back to the last episode of the Radio Show!
  • Talk a little bit about the change in temperature of a heatwave in the UK
  • Experience the joys of a leaf blower…..
  • Discuss their experiences with Aga’s
  • Talk through Spring and Summer whilst trying to see the positives of the seasons and not the negatives!
  • Discuss the benefits of being able to hang your washing outside!
  • Share the story of Dan creating a clothes prop
  • Talk through the fun of digging out your summer socks
  • Discuss smells and the memories they uncover

We'll be back in two weeks with our next 'Radio Show'!

You can find past episodes of the Radio Show here:

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Mary Moroney

I grew up in California and now live in Wisconsin in the US and until our current house I have always had a clothes line and hung our laundry outdoors. While we have the space in our current yard we just haven't gotten around to putting one up, but we do have a foldable clothes drying rack that we use on our deck outside in nice weather and indoors in the winter. I actually think clothes lines used to be much more common in the US and are still fairly common in rural areas.

Mary Moroney

P.S. Loved this episode but had to google what an Aga (?) was--had never heard of it!! Also, I wonder if modern homes in England are being constructed with windows that can accommodate window screens? I've always heard that older homes in England don't have window screens and I think that makes a huge difference. While we have air conditioning now to survive the hot, humid midwest summers, I spent much of my adulthood just using fans in windows (with screens) to keep the house (somewhat) cool.