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Welcome to our ’Reviews’ collection.

Kay loves 'Chiagoo' circular knitting needles! Over the years she has knitted hundreds of projects with the 'Red Lace' and in more recent years the 'Mini Twists'. Both are beautifully constructed needles that work wonderfully well, but they have subtle differences that have quite a dramatic impact on your work. So the question is, which is better.

So join Kay as she:

  • Follows up her previous Chiagoo review’s which you can find in the listing below with a comparison between her two favourite circular needles
  • Takes a look at the differences between the Red Lace and the Mini Twist needles
  • Looks at how each needle is constructed and talks you through what she likes and what she doesn’t
  • Analyses the quality of the knitting produced by each needles and lets you know her findings

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Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more!

Dan & Kay


'Chiagoo Circular Needle Comparison' Bakery Bear Review

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Eva Wade

I know many people really like the mini twist cable. There is an adapter so you can use the mini cable with the bigger interchangeable needles.

Marian Nozinski

Great little video. What length cable do you use with the mini twists when knitting magic loop socks?