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Welcome to our ’Extended Reviews’ collection.

Folks, prepare yourselves. After five years in training, Dan is about to share with you his first ever review. With his camera woman Kay in tow join him as he takes you on a deep dive into the fascinating Lettlopi yarn.

In todays instalment join him as he:

  • Shares with you his thoughts on Lettlopi yarn off the shelf
  • Talks through some of the positives and negatives that immediately stand out before you even cast on
  • Discuss a little of why some people immediately discard it as an option
  • Discuss his excitement at the yarns similarities to handspun

Watch the rest of the parts in this series:

1. Off the Shelf https://www.patreon.com/posts/42557235

2. In Progress https://www.patreon.com/posts/bakery-bear-on-42559334

3. Finished Object https://www.patreon.com/posts/lettlopi-yarn-56109362

Access other review series in the collection :

Return to the main reviews menu here : https://bakerybears.com/reviews/

Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more!

Dan & Kay


Knit Along with Kay 'Review' Lettlopi 'Off the Shelf'

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Joanna Martin

Great first review, Dan. Sometimes the way patterns and yarns do (or don't) go together makes me feel like I'm in a battle so no wonder you thought they were crossed swords! Great camerawoman!

Rosa Thorleifs

Black softens when washed, there is a different texture to black because of the way it is colored.This is the right yarn for outdoor clothing for hiking, Keeps warm and repels water, which is why it is the most used outdoor fabric in Iceland.