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The sound of violence was almost primal in its intensity.

In the box with the other VIP's, I watched on intently at the opening matches below, but my mind was on anything but. Instead, I was thinking on two things, and everything was a distant fourth or fifth in my mind. Namely, where was Cinder and the White Fang?

Scrying had shown me only a blankness, the absence of information alarming me in regard to Cinder. Someone powerful was hiding her and I had no idea if it was Salem herself (perhaps as measures against Ozpin) or some new factor brought over by my actions here. This meant doing it the slow way and I had set out Clan Blackstone out to deal with the investigation, the undead hunters incredibly patient and methodical though Vale was large enough that it'd take a while.

In preparation for the attack on Beacon, I informed my War Council to prepare themselves and had the spelljammers on standby in orbit. At a word, they would be ready to reinforce and deal with the Atlas contingent of corrupted robots, as well as the Grimm let loose. My fingers tapped quietly against the seat arm rest, my brow furrowed as I hummed in thought and considered other factors that could thwart me.

Elminster had vanished, to where I didn't know. The Emerald Forest was currently hosting Mim and her circle, as well as shinobi from the White Pheonix and if the White Fang used it as their staging ground, they'd know and do what they did best.

There was the virus in question... Which was beyond me, and I doubted I had anyone in terms of that field to match the prowess of... Whatever his name was. There was now only one obstacle I had to contemplate and consider, namely the Fall Maiden currently locked away in an old man's basement.

.... That sounded wrong in context, and I sighed out.

"Bored, headmistress?" I glanced over at Ozpin, who was smiling knowingly as he added. "They're all of them still children. In a few years, I look forward to seeing what exactly they put before us, but for now they're simply rough around the edges."

"I suppose so." I remark, taking the excuse for what it was as I thought about his defenses in the school. A single elevator, no guard, no traps or fallbacks. Just a single machine, ripe for the taking.

Stupid in every way at least where sense was involved. But under the current circumstances, I had a lot more insight where the old man was concerned.

Ozpin had agents, not equals. People he could rely on, but nobody to get the whole picture. Guards could be potentially bribed, robots could be converted, traps... Would have to be incredibly deadly to hold back aura-infused enemies and the waves of Grimm who would not care and the construction itself would merely cause more questions. Bereft of magic and its possibilities, Ozpin was forced to rely on secrecy and deception to obscure his problems.

It didn't make it any better, but it was a better explanation than yelling at a screen for the 'flaws' of those we watched. Feeling I should say something, I put on a touch of Vetinari as I raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"Do you have any favorites, headmaster?" He chuckled and added with a smile honed through practice. "What kind of teacher would I be, if I allowed myself to have favorites?"

Liar. My smile was fixed, as I thought about his school and what Ruby dealt with. His little recruiting ground was dependent on those he could forge connections with, and with the main cast getting access to magic and other things, they were basically the future as far as he was concerned.

As far as I was concerned however, that day would never come. Ruby, I had faith would overcome, Irregardless and with a proper support structure, I was all but prepared for the cold war to turn hot. Around at that point, my time piece began to shudder and I smiled. "One moment, I need to make a call."

As I got up quietly, I headed for a private alcove, did a quick psionic scan for anybody who came close and was hiding and then finally flipped it open.

A second later, the visage of Roman Torchwick appeared as he grinned. "Heya boss."

"Roman." I said politely as I added. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Roman smiled broadly as he spoke. "Just wanted you to know two things. One, the guild you sent me to reopen contacts have been VERY forthcoming and eager to deal. However, contingent on that is that the big guy wants to establish a branch out in Quadling City."

"He may do so, under my umbrella. And yours." He perked up at that, interested as I thought grimly. If we're to have crime, it may as well be registered. And if I had control, then it meant anyone seeking to strike that venue would be playing into my hands.

"And the materials?"

"Working overtime on that, but..." He winced and I frowned. "What is it?"

Roman seemed incredibly reluctant before he spoke. "There's movement here. War materials, food, recruitment. It's on the down low and the official story is that there's a cult appearing and the Lords Alliance calls upon its allies to stop it."

"And where are they meant to be heading?"

"Talingarde. I don't know the place, but apparently they think they have a stake in it."

My blood ran cold.

The high elves. With Elminster's edict and warning in their path, the bastards went sideways. In my mind, gears turned and ran rapidly as I began to think of what they could had done. The Lords Alliance, I could see them easily influencing-even bereft of the High Elves as they are, their collective power and influence went far.

And considering who I was, there really was only one ally they could use against me. Someone with a very, hefty grudge as I tapped my foot and finally spoke. "Seal the deal then return. I'll have need of you and Neo soon enough. You'll also get a triple bonus package for this."

"Oooh, a few more and I'll be able to get that free sandwich." I snorted.

"Be careful. Our enemies are sore losers." Roman laughed at that and winked.

"That's what I'm hoping for."

And he vanished. I closed the clock, pondered and then suddenly glanced both ways before vanishing.

Things were in motion and I needed to act, now more than ever. Transporting myself to the Fall Maidens tomb was easy enough at least. I could see it in my mind, envision it as I appeared and strode over to the place in question.

As I approached though, I was struck by an odd sense... Something absent that should had been there, before I realized. The Fall Maiden had no pisonic presence.

She may as well had been a log and feeling a deep foreboding, I began to cast detect magic. Not a spark, not a single flicker of life.

The Fall Maiden was dead, and her power had been passed on. Instead of doing it later, Ozpin had chosen someone and did it the moment his students-my kids, returned to his school. An ominous butterfly, flapping its wings as my blood ran cold. Of course, he would-he had his pick now, didn't he?

After they had been trained, after I had showed off my resources and demonstrated a closeness to them. Who better to be the Fall Maiden, than one with a ready-made protector?

The chamber began to creak, my eyes glowed violet as I floated in the air, emotions running high.

The machine creaked alarmingly.

I screamed, and the chamber shattered around me.


"Hey sis?"

Ruby paused, turning to look at her sister. Yang had been acting oddly, ever since they had all come back to Beacon. Her smiles had been more melancholy, her expressions thoughtful. Even Jaune had noticed, and Ruby had thought it was strange but trusted her sister to come to her when she was ready.

"Yeah, Yang?"

Yang paused, opened her mouth and suddenly moved into hug her. Ruby blinked. Was her sister.... Trembling?


Letting go, Yang grinned impishly and immediately began ruffling Ruby's hair, to her angry squawk.

"Give em hell sis."

Ruby snorted. "Please." As her team came to join her at the entrance, she beamed as the gates opened.

"They're not gonna know what hit em."


And as the cheering cascaded and grew, Ruby missed the faint flicker of fire in the corner of her sisters eye. Everyone did.

Everyone, save the raven watching from a lamp post as she cried out in fury and took off.


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