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"This is your plan?"

Cinder frowned, sensing something laden in those words as she glared in suspicion at the doll. For one of Salem's pet beasts, it was far wordier than expected and she ignored the use of its name as she spoke. "Of course. Her majesty demands the removal of Beacon and so, Beacon shall fall. Between the Grimm, the White Fang and our hidden trump in the form of the dragon, it should be enough to deal with mere students. Atlas shall have its hands full with the virus, and with the power I obtain, I shall slaughter all in my way."

"It is a good plan, dread one." The Grimm said humbly as it bowed its head beneath the hood and spoke. "The usage of your tool to infiltrate the battleship, the Grimm on the arena-why, it is nothing short of genius!" Cinder preened at that and utterly missed the faint flicker of light, that very much could had been an eye roll as the Grimm continued.

"However... There are some things, I must humbly point out in order to fulfill the role as advisor and aide to my fullest." Cinder sniffed, arms crossed as the door opened and Emerald slid in with a tray, offering her a drink.

She gave none to the Grimm-who would do something like that? And as she enjoyed her tea, she waved a hand.


"Dread mistress of Fall, with the heavy concentration of civilians and hunters and huntresses, why do you not simply kill them?"
Cinder blinked. The Grimm continued, both of them ignoring Emerald who stood at the side, tray held close to her as the Grimm spoke.

"If it is fear you wish to incite, then the destruction of Amity Arena would suffice. You could even hand over the credit to the White Fang, to truly mix it up while remaining anonymous. Have your patsy in place of yourself to denounce them and as he does, you will already be going for your prize. If the arena blows up and crashes, then you will have wiped out many of your future enemies in a single swoop. And if it does not, your foes will be forced to invest resources into rescue, leaving you free to accomplish your goals further."

This... Was not a bad idea, and Cinder nodded once before she spoke curiously.

"How else would you change the plan?"

"Me? Oh no dread one, I am only ever a humble advisor." Proclaimed the Grimm before adding. "But if you wish for my little insights, you need only demand and I shall obey. So, my question is thus-what resources do we have and what are we facing?"


Elminster strode through the woods of Patch, in the secure knowledge that there was nothing more dangerous than himself, here and now-save for the master of the island. From the underbrush, beasts and goblins watched his passing in silence, elementals seemed to move around the edges. The other wizard was on the move as he paused and then called out.

"I know you're here. Show yourself, if you please."

At first there was nothing. And then from a shadow, padded out one of the largest panthers that Elminster had seen, and a familiar one at that. Without qualms, it moved over to the wizard and began to purr as it leaned its head into his scratches as a sigh emerged from the side.

"Guenhwyvar, you traitor."

The panther, devouring the snack that Elminster had palmed discreetly didn't listen as the wizard turned to the following figure that had just melted out into view.

"I thought so... Or hoped rather. That if there was anyone they'd send, it'd be you."

Before him, the visage of a drow male in a hood and cloak of dark green stood, his expression grim as the carved emblem of a unicorn acted as a brooch. On his waist, two scimitars laid for easy drawing and when he stepped, there was only silence.

Drizzt Do'Urden after a few seconds of scrutiny, spoke. "I was requested. By her majesty, who claimed some strange information. Before I could do anything, I wanted to see for myself." Elminster nodded sagely, expecting no less as he leaned on his staff.

"What conclusions have you come to, hero?"

"That I have not learned nearly enough." He replied before continuing. "This place is not what I expected, especially from the accounts given. To say nothing of the organizations transplanted from our plane. I was expecting more war preparations and invasions, instead I see all of this. Also... He is here."

"He still believes you dead from what I understand." Elminster said somberly and Drizzt nodded. "I am in no hurry to correct this. More importantly, I don't know what to do. My mission was to act as a vanguard, for a number of other agents. The factions back home seek answers... And some seek retribution. Reperations made for the deaths of their own."

"But....?" Elminster said, one eyebrow raised and the drow began to pace, frowning even deeper in thought as he finally spoke. "Last night, I watched as these factions fled the island to assist for no other reason, than that they could. I saw for the first time, what they could accomplish given half the chance. They are all of them monstrous, with sins that would drown a nation. But...." He glanced at his hand, making a fist as he finally spoke.

"It would be the height of hypocrisy to condemn them for this, considering what I am."

"There is something here. Something new." Elminster confided as he began to walk and talk, the ranger following by his side as the panther vanished into shadows.

"As of right now, it is in its nascent stage. Still weak and mere embers, to the flame it could be in future. And my presence is required elsewhere. But listen well ranger." He turned to face him, his expression stern now as he spoke.

"Naburus has his eyes fixed on this plane. He has not forgotten his gems in the form of the Ninth Knot and while he has one of them in his grasp, he will not rest till the others fall into place."

"Only one?" Drizzt seemed puzzled and Elminster nodded. "Jorgen Hellbreaker had always been one of Hell's own. Fang was taken by the Mother of Dragons, Saint Jeanne has redeemed herself beyond his reach, Sharina lies within the pits of Lolth and the last I am currently searching for, among many, many other tasks I have appointed to myself. But he covets the one who wore his mark, the greatest of the Nine."

"That more than anything puzzles me." Drizzt remarked grimly, his mind casting back to those days. He had been in Icewind Dale at the time, but even he had heard of Taringarde and the party that had conquered it. Rumors had ran like deer from wolves, all of them with a particular twisted bent of the Dark Lords of that land, some confused through the normal grapevine and others from refugees that had fled those lands.

The C'gorath of that time and the one he saw here, was as different as night and day and held his hand back from what he'd normally do.

"Is there any chance this is merely a different Illithid, stealing the name?"

Elminster shook his head. "I can confirm personally that it-she, is not. Beyond that, look to her allies and tell me any of them would bow their heads, to a mere pretender."

"So how is it that Naburus does not have his due? As I understand, C'gorath was as much of a bearer of the contract as the others. More so, with the use of the Hadean Signet." Elminster with a twinkle in his eye merely smiled.

"He would had... If it were the same C'gorath that treated with him and bore his ring." At the brief confusion on Drizzt's face, Elminster only laughed quietly. "You will see soon enough. So, by your actions will your party members be able to join you?"

Drizzt nodded, slowly. "I was given a scroll of plane shift to assist there. As soon as I give the word, they'll join me."

"Then perhaps I might rely on you to assist me with something first?" Drizzt was silent, waiting for Elminster to speak and the wizard began to open a portal, reality tearing open as a gorgeous, bright array of colors was seen as well as a vast forest as Elminster spoke.

"I have a sudden pressing need, to examine the Feywild of this plane." And with that remark, he stepped through and was gone.

Drizzt hesitated for only a second, before following after.

And the portal closed in a snap.


"Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."


The Illithid turned idly in place, the blackened ring that had once been on the finger of Thorn suddenly shifted, turning gold as runes of a burning red gleamed in eerie, beautiful script.

The troll growled, clad in blackened armor built for his four-armed mass as he spoke.

"You ripped that off of Tolkien! Again!"

I blinked.

I was at a table. I was human suddenly, seeing my friends as a few snickered and m͙̭͕̮̀̒̚̚͜͝ẏ͍̪̫̿̓̾͢ ̡̲͓̹̿̆͗̔f̢̭̱̉̃̑r̹͖̮͌̄͠i̢̦̇́e̼̯̲̿̂͑̑ͅn̳̦̩̂̋̓͒͢d̛̲͙̣͊͑̾͢ laughed as he grinned. "You do know there are other fantasy worlds to crib off of, right?"

"Lies and slander." The words come from my mouth easily enough, the banter returning as I add. "Besides, its a cool ring. Why wouldn't I want it for the meme?"

"We're supposed to share loot, you ass!" I turn, seeing Fang's player with a growl akin to a dragon himself as I snort.

"And where were you going to wear the ring? Your dick? Oh yes, I'm sure that'll strike fear in our enemies." Everyone chuckled, including Fang's player as F͙͘a̧͚̺͖͋͛́͞n̲̬̎̊͘ͅg̳̱͒̇ ȑ̹̺̣̌͑ö̧̤̯̈́͡ả̗͕̥͔͊͒͞ṟ͇͋̿͜͡ḙ̺̐͠d̡̖̐̋ ̡̙̪̋͂̍͘͜͡ͅî̮̻̜̯̎̉̈n̠̭̻͂̊͐ m͍͝ỵ̦́͟͡͡ ̰͎͊̚f͇͉͔̆̀̐à̠̹̤͒̇͗͢c̹͚̎̆̍́͜ͅȅ͟.

Our GM cleared his throat and we all turned to look as he began to read off the information.

"This heavy signet ring of black iron seems at first like it may not be particularly valuable. Lacking a jewel, any obviously valuable metal or even a device, it seems almost like a commoner's ring. However, closer examination reveals this as a magical artifact of fantastic evil and power. To activate it the wielder must offer the ring some of their blood (which the ring seems to drink)."

He paused, taking a sip of his drink as from the kitchen yelled the paladin. "Does anyone else want a soda while I'm up?"

As a chorus of cries answered, the GM continued.

"From that point forward the Hadean Signet counts as part of them for the purpose of scrying and spells. Also the wielder immediately understands all the properties and powers of the Signet. Once bound, the Hadean Signet combines a +5 ring of protection, a ring of regeneration and an arcane signet ring. Further, every time the wielder slays a good-aligned spellcaster of at least 10th level and bathes the Hadean Signet in their blood the ring gains one charge. These charges can be spent as a reaction and cast maddening darkness, using the spell DC of the bearer or DC 18, whichever is higher. While the darkness is in effect, the wielder gains darkvision 120 ft. that functions even in the supernatural darkness granted by the signet."

"Holy shit." Our Bard blinked and then suddenly turned to me as he spoke. "I will trade you all my share for that ring."

"And if not, we can always just fight him for it." Jorgen's player said casually as the Paladin cried out.

"Wait, we're fighting each other now-?! Son of a bitch, I was gone for five minutes!" I laughed. I loved these moments, I loved the edge, the moment when everything seemed to click as I spoke.

"But you're not. Because one-as a wizard, I'm the most well suited to this item. Second, nothing has changed in terms of power. You're still Hell's mouthpiece, I'm just the curator. I'm the most effective here and finally..." I grinned and added. "I'm pretty sure that even if you team up, I'll be able to take two of you with me. Leaving one to rule."

Our paladin sat down then, staring before she added. "I side with C'gorath."

Our fighter made a face. That changed things a bit more. Fang's player was a mini-maxer, opting for brute force over brains. He balanced it out by playing Fang as a hilarious thug and was a hoot most of the time, but we normally got around it by using our paladins aura.

Without it, suddenly my psionic abilities were far more dangerous and he finally nodded, grudgingly. "Alright then. Now what?"

"Now?" I smiled, sent a grateful nod to the paladin and tapped the table.

"Our 'master' is dead. His works are ours, his plan we've supplanted and we've an entire kingdom to play with now. We've won... Lets go out and enjoy our Mordor. Any questions?"

"Does anyone want canadian bacon on their pizza?" Fang's player asked, already opening up the app.

We froze. And from a party of villains, we devolved into a circle of friends, laughing off the roleplay as we looked forward to the food.

"Esme?" I froze, looking at the paladin player. She flickered between two faces, melding from an aristocratic looking knight to a cautious looking college aged student.


My head hurt.


There was a roar of hatred, a burst of flame and then pain.


I woke up, gasping as Taiyang grabbed me. "You looked like you were in pain." He stared, worried as I blinked. I was sweating despite the coolness of the room. My vision was blurred, my hands were shaking and there was a sharp pain on my ring finger as I breathed out. What was I dreaming about?

Try as I might, I couldn't remember and finally in response to Taiyang's worry I kissed his cheek.

"I'm fine, I promise. I need to get up now anyway." I staggered slightly and he helped me up, letting me lean on him as he asked. "Why, what's going on?"

"A report I got three days ago gave me the last known sighting of Amity Arena en route to Vale. And if my calculations are correct? Its here."

I had no more time left.

It was time to see if my efforts were not in vain.


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