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Tier reward for Jason

Yvette is a maid whose mistress is being a brat, she is also in need of a new uniform. With a bit of magic she makes both problems disappear.


“Look at zis place, it is a mess!” Yvette cried, “I swear you American women are far messier than anybody I had to look after back home in France!”

The maid stood with her hands in his hips, duster awkwardly clenched in one hand as she pouted. Kylie giggled, lounging back on her couch with a smile as she watched her maid work.

“You can’t blame me for dust!” Kylie argued, “Dust just happens, if it's building up that’s on you.”

‘Ack! And so rude.” Yvette chided with a smile that showed Kylie she wasn't actually angry.

The maid leaned over and gingerly lifted a pair of panties off the lampshade and sighed in disapproval.

“How did zis even end up here?”

“Jack and I got a little frisky the other night.” Kylie giggled, “It was the heat of the moment, you can’t blame me.”

“I can and I vill.” Yvette replied curly, throwing the panties into a basket. “Just because you ‘ave me to help clean up after you doesn’t mean you can stop putting everything away entirely.”

“Don’t see why not.”

Yvette’s eyes narrowed.

“You are taunting me, miss.”

“Maaaaaaybe.” Kylie grinned, eyes daring.

“You know what happens when you act like a little brat.” Yvette added coldly as she slowly stalked across the room, long legs on full display.

Oh yes, Kylie knew all too well. Yvette had been punishing her for months now in an effort to teach her some manners. It never stuck of course, not that either of them cared. The punishments were simply too much fun to stop any time soon.

Yvette stopped right in front of Kylie, towering over her on the couch with a thoughtful look. Despite her best efforts Kylie shivered in anticipation. Even without the threat of magical punishment her maid was alluring. With white blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and perfect pale skin only broken up by her bright red lips. The epitome of French beauty. Why Yvette had become a live-in maid over a model or movie star Kylie could never understand. Her best guess was that the woman got off teaching her “boss” a lesson.

“You know, I think it is time I got a new uniform.” Yvette purred, running a single sharp, manicured nail under Kylie’s chin and forcing her head up to meet her gaze. “This one is so…boring.”

She indicated to the basic dress and apron.

“I am a French made, I should be in something more…traditional.” She added, “Something sexy. A girl deserves to look and feel her best at work, don’t you think?”

“Oh yes.” Kylie nodded, feeling the sharp point of Yvette’s nail dig into her chin slightly.

After a moment of silence Kylie swallowed.

“You’d have to take the old one off first though.” Kylie whispered, eyes dipping down to Yvette’s prominent chest. She knew from personal experience just how lovely those tits were, suddenly the fact that they were hidden away behind an apron seemed criminal.

“Ah, you are so right, just sit back, no moving okay Cherie?”

Oh, Kylie loved that nickname. She sat up on the couch with her hands on her knees obediently and watched as Yvette took a few steps backwards and began to undress. The clothing pooled on the floor, instantly forgotten as Kylie looked hungrily to the revealed body.

Yvette had a beautiful hourglass figure, with wide hips and full curves in all the right places. Her skin was so smooth it looked almost airbrushed and even her pussy was pretty; pink and moist with neatly trimmed hair that was as dark and curly; the opposite of the head.

Soon she was totally naked, just holding that feather duster with a wicked, flirtatious smile.

“Now them, miss. Vere is my new uniform?” She asked, eyes sparkling playfully, Kylier knew what her line in this play was.

“I don’t have one. Sorry, Yvette.”

“Vat?” She gasped in mock surprise, “After all you put me through striping like that? Oh vell, I guess you vill have to be my new uniform.”

Without further hesitation Yvette raised the feather duster like a wand and brushed it over Kylie's face. The feathers tickled her nose as she felt a wave of magic flow over, then into her body.

Her nose tingled and she sneezed; it was no ordinary sneeze though it was a full body sneeze and in that instant her whole body changed. Her skin turned to fabric, her shape changing, her body replaced by several pieces of clothing that fluttered through the air and landed on the couch, ready for Yvette to put on.

Kylie would have squealed with excitement if she could and she quickly tried to take stock of what she had become. She could still feel her full body but it was split up among several different pieces; she could feel lace and silk, a few bits of cotton as well.

Yvette had turned her into clothes a handful of times but usually it was just one or two pieces, such as a bra or panties but this was her first time being a full outfit. The maid smiled and hummed a happy little tune as she picked up what felt like Kylie’s face in her hands.

What had once been mouth and cheeks was now a pair of white, frilly panties. Kylie thrummed with excitement as she was lowered toward the floor and Yvette stepped into her, her frilly edges catching on the maid’s soft skin as she rose up her legs. Yvette had such good legs, it was one of Kylie’s favourite things about her. They were so long and model-like, without a single cut or blemish. The only thing softer was the pussy she was slowly ascending towards.

The maid snapped the elastic around her hips and in an instant Kylie was snuggly in place against her pussy. The taste of Yvette’s juices as well as their heady smell quickly overwhelmed her senses. It was as if her tongue had become the inner lining of the panties; she couldn’t help but feast on the woman’s moisture.

It was sweet, delicious and permeated every fibre of her being, literally, as it soaked into the light fabric. Kylie was so busy tasting she didn’t even realise her dress form was being picked up until she felt herself being filled with Yvette’s body. Her breasts hugged the cups of the dress so tightly it felt like being penetrated. Except it wasn't just her pussy being filled but her entire being.

Yvette laced up the dress before pulling on a pair of long, knee length socks, sparkling back shoes and a frilly headpiece to match. Kylie couldn’t believe it, she had been turned into the quintessential, sexy maid outfit!

And she loved it.

Being turned into helpless clothing, totally at the whim of Yvette was sexy enough but being turned into a sex outfit? That was a whole other level of hot.

“There, don’t we look lovely?” Yvette smiled, “Now, I’d better get back to vork.”

The maid began to hum to herself, picking up her duster and practically skipping around the room to clean. Kylie could feel the vibration of Yvette’s humming in her chest. The movements were subtle but feeling those huge tits vibrating inside her was something else. It was like the teasing touch of a finger inside her passage; it was a good thing she wasn't able to make a sound or she would be a mewling mess right now.

“Are ve having fun?” Yvette taunted bending over so that the panties stretched over her shapely butt and rode up slightly, pushing Kylie further into her pussy.

Of course, she couldn’t reply.

“Oh silly me.” Yvette giggled, “You can’t talk! That’s okay though, I have a way to chat.”

She twisted her body slightly, pulling out the tag at the back of the panties.

“Go on, tell me vat is on your mind.” Yvette grinned, “It’ll appear here.”

Kylie didn't have much logical thought left; her thoughts were a mess already and so all she could think to make appear on the tag was;

‘This is so hot.’

Yvette giggled. Tucking the tag back in and shaking her head. The movement made Kylie a little dizzy; part of her was still in the headband perched in Yvette’s perfect hair.

“So transparent.” Yvette sighed, “This is supposed to be a punishment.”

‘I love your punishments.’

Of course Yvette had no idea Kylie was thinking that now that she couldn’t see the tag but the woman thought it anyway.

“Such a little brat. Maybe if I show you how much work I put into cleaning zis place you will be kinder to me in the future.” Yvette mused.

She began to move around the house, bending over to polish tables while crushing her breasts against the surfaces. Leaning against counters while she polished glasses so that her crotch was pressed as hard as it could against Kylie’s pantie form. Even stretching to dust things on high shelves so that Kylie could feel the full weight of those tits bearing down on the cups of her dress. Yvette knew exactly what she was doing and it was all one giant tease.

“I do ‘ope this isn't too much for you.” She smirked. “I just ‘ave no way of knowing…”

She did, she could check the tag at any point but she didn’t. Instead leaving Kylie to wallow in her own arousal, slowly getting more and more desperate. Clothing could no cum, no matter how much it was stroked and teased. Kylie constantly sent her thoughts into the tag in the hopes that Yvette would turn and read them again but she never did.

‘Fuck do that again it felt so nice.’

“Gods, I can't take much more.’

‘This feels so incredible.’

‘More! More mmmm…’

After a certain amount of time she was sure the tag would just be gibberish or moaning. The hours passed achingly slow. Kylie’s whole form was on high alert from overstimulation. Every brush of Yvette’s thighs as she walked in those high socks felt like a touch to her back. Every little skip that made her breasts bounce felt like somebody pressing against her G-spot. It was torture; the most delicious kind of torture Kylie had ever experienced.

By the time Yvette was done with all the cleaning several hours had passed and Kylie was beginning to feel her skin turn hot and moist. The sweat soaked into her fabric and the flavour and smell of Yvette was starting to permeate her. Now it was more than just her pussy juices, it was everywhere. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't get away from the scent that was so uniquely Yvette’s.

It was addictive, she wanted more. In fact, she never wanted to be human again. She would happily stay Yvette’s clothes if it meant getting to drink in her musk every day. It made her feel owned which only heightened her arousal.

“Only one last thing to go…” Yvette sighed, as she tucked in the bed sheets around Kylie’s bed.

Kylie watched with a mixture of horror and excitement as Yvette’s fingers slipped under the mattress, tucking in the sheets every inch or so. Slowly creeping closer to Kylie's secret hiding place.

“Vat is this?” Yvette said as her fingers brushed something beneath the mattress.

If Kylie still had a heart it would be beating a million times a minute. Shame and embarrassment flooded her as the maid fished out her hidden treasure; a lesbian pornography magazine she’d swiped with a five finger discount years ago.

It had been her bisexual awakening and oddly enough, it was almost sentimental to her for that alone. She could never bring herself to throw it out, hell, once in a blue moon she would fish it out and masturbate while looking at the pictures.

“Vat a naughty thing to own!” Yvette cried, holding up the magazine and turning her body so she could pull out the tag once more. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

‘...It’s private.’

“Not anymore it isn’t.” Yvette chuckled, snapping the tag back inside and jumping onto the bed with a giggle.

She laid down on her back, opening the magazine to a random page that showed two women scissoring. Yvette cooed, turning the page and slowly looking at every image the magazine had to offer. Kylie could feel the woman becoming more aroused with every second. Her skin turned hot, her pussy began to leak as she got even more wet and her toes twitched inside those pretty socks. Kylie was crushed into the mattress by her ass as it wiggled in excitement.

The trickle of juices soon became a flood as Yvette continued to pursue, soon Kylie’s lining was totally soaked and the moisture began to seep through to her petticoat and skirt.

“Rubbing one out on my mistress’ bed…to her very own porn magazine. How naughty I am.” Yvette giggled as her hands slowly stroked down the length of her body.

Her fingertips and sharp nails scraped along the front of the low cut maid’s dress. Yvette shivered and the vibrations moved through Kylie making her wish she could writhe just to reduce some of the sexual tension that had built up inside her.

How somebody who worked and cleaned with their hands for a living could have such soft fingertips Kylie could never guess. Those fingers moved along her poofy skirt, then beneath it; under the petticoat to rub against the lacy white panties that were Kylie’s face.

She could feel herself being pushed into those velvet folds, slowly stroked back and forth along them and coaxing more wetness from Yvette’s hole. The maid moaned, swirling Kylie against her clit. The tiny bundle of nerves was a pinprick of hardness in the sea of softness. It felt wonderful and judging by the sounds escaping Yvette’s mouth, the feeling was mutual.

They had never done anything like this before; normally Yvette would turn her back into a human and then coax six or seven orgasms out of her with ease after hours of teasing. This time gratification seemed hopelessly out of reach. Kylie had never felt so helpless in all her life, or so horny.

She could feel Yvette getting closer as her strokes became fast and harsh. Her finger pressed Kylie into her hole, even inside her temporarily so that a tin patch of her fabric was squeezed tight by Yvette’s passage. If she could have, Kylie would have cum right then and there.

“Oh…oh yes. Yes…having you pleasure me like this is so much better than those clumsy American hands…” Yvette taunted, “You make much better clothes than you do a mistress. I bet you are loving this too. Ahh…ahhhh…”

She was. Yvette’s voice was so sexy, thick with that French accent that made Kylie go wild. It only got thicker as she got closer too. Even her moans sounded exotic. Kylie could feel Yvette begin to tremble, her skin turning pink as a blush spread over her entire body as she could close.

Her legs began to squeeze tight around her hand as she thrust a finger, and Kylie in and out of her waiting hole. Each time the passage got tighter and the pleasure grew. Kylie wasn't sure how much she could take; everywhere was Yvette; her touch, her scent, her taste.

“Yes! Ohhh…ooooohhh…Ahhhh!”

The maid came and Kylie was soaked as a gush of pussy juice flowed from her hole. She squirted hard and Kylie was filled to the brim with jealousy; she had never squirted before; though if she was turned back into a human right now she might just cum on command she was so hot.

Yvette’s whole body stayed tense for a few seconds before melting back into the bed with a satisfied sigh. For a moment they simply laid there together before the maid finally forced herself to sit up and clicked her tongue in disapproval.

“Now look vat you made me do, Cherie.” She sighed, “I’ve stained the sheets and Lord knows you von’t clean them. I suppose I’d better do it, and clean you vile I am at it. I stink!”

‘You smell beautiful.’

Yvette climbed out of bed, taking a moment to stretch herself a bit, further teasing Kylie before she stripped the bed. She carried the bundle of sheets to the laundry room and loaded them up before pausing and starting to strip off herself.

First off came the frilly headpiece, then the stress dropped into a crumpled heap toward the floor. She slowly peeled off the tight socks until finally, all that was left were the panties. Kylie was so soaked she could hear the moist sound as Yvette peeled her away from her skin. The hair clung to her and Kylie wished the maid could hear her begging to stop. She wanted to stay, safe and warm, nestled against her maid’s pussy.

Of course she ignored her, only giving the tag a cursory glance before chucking Kylie to the floor like a discarded rag. She wasn’t even speaking aloud anymore, just going about her business as if it were totally normal to do laundry naked in her mistress’ house. Kylie felt her lust grow; she never knew being treated like an object could be so hot. She was actually getting off on being ignored, being treated like trash.

Yvette stood over her with an almost malicious grin before picking up the dress and giving it a quick sniff.

“Ewww, you stink of sex. I cannot work in such conditions. Better through you in with the sheets.”

Without another word Kylie felt herself being balled up in a wet ball. The pussy juices that had soaked through much of her were starting to dry, turning her cold and crusty. How she missed the warmth of Yvette’s body inside her already.

For a moment, Yvette smiled down at her and the next the world turned into a spinning kaleidoscope of colours as she was tossed into the washing machine. Kylie felt a small spike of fear as water and rumbling began to surround her; surely she couldn't drown in this form? She didn't need to breathe after all. As the water and soap began to fill the drum she was relieved to find her life wasn’t at risk. Her petticoat and skirt sunk beneath the hot soapy water while her panties floated atop them.

Just as quickly as her fear of drowning had left though it was replaced with another horrifying realisation. The smell of Yvette, the one she had been clinging to all day, was starting to wash away; replaced with the scent of artificial flowers and soap. She tried to cling to the taste, memorise it as it was slowly washed away by the churning water but eventually there was nothing left.

After what felt like an age the machine finally stopped and a soft, familiar hand reached inside and drew her out. Kylie filled the tag with words of thanks, begging Yvette to put her on right away but the maid ignored her, tossing her unceremoniously into the dryer as if she’d forgotten Kylie was there at all.

Of course, Yvette couldn’t wear her wet, as soon as she was dry Kylie was sure she’d be put back on. Or turned back and touched, either was fine so long as Yvette was near. She was desperate for more of her touch, her scent…her taste. When she was finally dry and still warm from the machine Yvette returned once more, taking Kylie almost lovingly in her arms and carrying her various pieces back to the bedroom.

This was it! Kylie was sure the maid would change her back and ravish her now but instead she carefully folded the socks and panties before hanging the dress up on a wire hanger and hooking it on the door.

“Can't ‘ave you getting dirty before my shift tomorrow, can I?” Yvette teased. “See you tomorrow mistress.”


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